Its been too long since a good tbs game came out. This fills a void and does justice to the genre.

User Rating: 7.5 | Galactic Assault: Prisoner of Power PC
A good game. Not brilliant, but virtually bug free and worth playing. For one thing the setting makes this game unique or virtually so. I believe there are a few games that are similiar or are based on the same setting but I havent played those.

The game is functionally designed. The campaign is a bit of disappointment, at least at the beginnng. Later on though the big units make it worthwhile. Limititations during the campaign though make some of the missions a chore, though some are challenging because of the limitations. I.e. unit limits exist to keep specific scenarions balanced. This makes the AI very good because the number of factors that must be coded for reduced. In some ways this is good, but it means that the game leave a feeling that something is missing.

Moving on the various environments, day and night cycle does add a great element of strategising on top of the FoW. I just wish there had been a rudimentary supply model added. Yet the number of units in the game provide numerous permutations to what tactics you wish to employ. Love the aircopters that airdrop infantry units! That one unit makes the game worth getting imo. I was a little disappointed in the other air units, but not by much. Futhermore, bases and tech is somewhat limited. Maybe they planned to bring out an exp. pack. More likely, they reduced both to balance the game. In this respect I dont think they could have gotten a better balanced game.

The game is a good addition to any collection. The number of scenarios, the campaign, the sandbox mode make it worth it. Also playing on different difficulty settings prolongs the game as you will need to amend your strategy in order to succeed w/ gameplay elements affected with each level.

A very solid game, well constructed but lacking in a few area.

Worth playing and definitely worth getting if you are a TBS junkie like me.