Buyers Beware, if your like me or like anyone who needs even a bit of action you will not like this game. No Action here

User Rating: 6 | Galactic Civilizations II: Dread Lords PC

The Story
So, you decided to go to GameSpot and find a good game for your self to buy. You see Galactic Civ you go to the store and buy it, Once you reach your house you pop it in, install it and begin to play. You skip the tutorial and get quite confused.. You go back spend atleast 10 minutes reading a tutorial and start a game. You choose the Campaign and begin, "Hey this is boring!!!" After playing through one mission you realize their is no fun in the game and you watch everything... Hey good Idea's but where is the action?

This is game is horrible.. Not to mention over rated and Hyped, The game is everlasting hell at first you start with nothing. Let me tell you about what you do in the game.

The game is set on turns, every turn your ship can move two or maybe 3 spaces. A space is very tiny and to reach one end from the other will probally take 30 turns on a small map. On the biggest map I wouldnt be suprised at 200-400 turns to do the same thing. At first you try to colonize worlds, then building things on those worlds. Building somthing usually takes 20 turns and thats one thing at a time, The game is very slow with the whole turns process. An Over Hyped feature would be the Tech Tree. To even master on segment of a tree (literally only one thing like lasers when theirs missles and bullets) One cool thing is custom making a ship but that gets tireing after a while so its pretty much useless. Did I metion you must either buy your ships or wait somtimes 82 turns for your ship to be made?

Space battles and Ground Battles are the worst part. For space battles you watch one laser beam or missle go and strike the enemy, it either blows them or it doesnt blow them up. Ground battles are a mixture of horrible graphics and crazy lasers. Yes the cool "shoot down meteors" or choose how your going to attack them is a great idea but when you shoot them with Meteors or somthing you dont see them being shot by it. All you do watch is a couple of horrible looking lasers go and shoot at the enemy.

Overall this game is horrible, the makes had execellent Idea's but they lacked alot of things and the whole turn based Idea was really horrible. This game is a waste of time and doesnt deserve GameSpots 9.0

If you like horrible wastes of time and watching crazy laser shoot at units then buy this, if your looking for somthing really good buy Empire at War... Empire at war curb stomps this game.