An aging but fun game.
While fun and addictive several repetitive issues start to crop up to as you play. For example while on a large galaxy the computer controlled AI might surrender to you or someone else when it could have gone on for a while longer, COMPLETELY unbalancing the game to the point of no point in continuing to play.
Aside from that issue and a few others the AI is impeccable, the fact that the game lacks a campaign or multiplayer is completely offset by this.
Graphics: 6/10
You can see whats going on and thats about as much as the graphics do.
Sound: 4/10
Sound? YUK. Were it not for the musical score the sound would be terrible.
Value: 5/10
It's aging and it has a sequel thats recent and a ten fold improvement on the game. In short, in this day and age there is little reason to get it.
Tilt: 8/10
This is a great game that other companies should be aware of, It scope and implementation and AI and ease of use are all thing that make this game a classic.