Even by 1995 standard this pinball game was not a stand out.

User Rating: 7 | Galactic Pinball VBOY
Even by 1995 standard this pinball game was not a stand out.

The graphics are average, the sounds and music acceptable, the physics pretty weak, but it is the only pinball simulation available for the Virtual Boy. That alone makes it special and endearing. I remember being exited with everything Virtual Boy back in 1995. It’s around the time Nintendo was releasing their strongest SNES titles like Donkey Kong Country, Killer Instinct and Mario World 2, games that pushed the capability of the 2D 16 bits system to its limit. While some small team were asked to create red and black tech demo for a new not so portable system. Galactic Pinball is fun, but lacks the replay value of most first party Nintendo games. I have sweet memories of ordering the game and getting it directly from Nintendo of America. The system was already dead when I received the package in the mail, and I had low expectations. So I was pleased by the red 3D. The Virtual Boy has less games than the ill fated 32X, so you have to cherish each one of them for what they are.