Classic Game, highly Addictive, and easy Achievements you can count me in!

User Rating: 8 | Galaga X360
Wow what a good time i had the game Galaga for the XBLA, i waited up til 3 am for that game and i thought it was worth it because i love galaga and i'm not even old enough to know what it was like back in the 80's and somehow i love this game. This game has it's classic graphics which are fine with me because you can't add no 3-D graphics to a game like this, i mean i see people all the time cry about some of the graphics for the XBLA games because the graphics aren't good enough but that's how these games were intended to come out and people should deal with it. The gameplay is very simple, you get a spaceship, you shoot aliens, easy enough. One thing i really did wanna see was co-op online or offline doesn't matter to me i just really would've loved to see co-op put in the game somewhere along the line. The achievements are very, very easy just make sure you know what your doing in the game or you won't know how to get a dual fighter which then would lead to a perfect challenge stage which would take you to level 10, 20, 30 and soo on. The price is great five bucks and you play til you quit or in my case get all the achievements(it's just how i am). So if you love classic games that are affordable and easy to beat i'd totally suggest Galaga for the XBLA to you.