Galaga reigns supreme upon sequels. not just that, it was and still is the greatest shooter gaming has to offer.

User Rating: 9.2 | Galaga ARC
When you think of games, you probably wouldn't immmediately think of arcade games like these games. But under the seemingly obsolete controls and graphics, you have one of the greatest games ever made. Galaga is a fenominal arcade shooter with incredibly good controls, decent graphics, cool sound, and its very addictive. This makes a combonation that few games afterwards have managed to capture in it sense probably asteroids. The games controls are now not limited to moving lef and right, no, you have 360 degree controls. You can move up down left right diagnoal or any way you can possibly move, making it a huge improvement upon galaxians formula, and making it even more innovative and impressive. You still shoot down ships and such like in Galaxian, but you now have better controls and you can fire faster and there are more ships to kill. they have better AI as well. But eather way, galaga is one of the most revolutionary sequels to ever be released. And you should definitely stick a fewbucks in it when you see one.