Apex Legends Myths Busted: Testing Every Idea We Can In Respawn's Shooter
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Apex Legends adds a lot of changes to the battle royale formula most games like it utilize. The way those various elements work together is what makes Apex Legends so interesting--and what has drawn 50 million players to try it. Apex is pretty good about explaining its systems, but there's much the game doesn't tell you in its tutorial. The combination of character abilities and weapons raise questions and lead to speculation about what you can and can't in the heat of battle.
As we continue to dig into Apex Legends, we've been testing some of these questions of logic at the ends of what's possible in the game. Wondering just how much you can send through a Wraith portal? We know the answer. Can't seem to tell if your grenades are damaging your teammates in the heat of battle? We tested it. Unsure if you should drop those Caustic gas traps for fear of killing your squad? We found out exactly how dangerous that can be.
Here are all the questions we've managed to test in Apex Legends so far, along with their answers--which should help you make better tactical decisions and become a better player. Feel free to drop your own pressing Apex Legends questions in the comments, and we'll do our best to answer them.
If you're curious about the game's more lesser-known mechanics and strategies, then be sure to watch our video at the bottom of the page detailing things the game doesn't tell you. Otherwise, keep scrolling down for all our myth-busting observations.
Is There Friendly Fire?
In a squad-based game, things can get frantic, and you'll often be trying to help out a teammate as they're engaging in a pitched, close-range battle with an enemy. This can result in you spraying ammo all over the place, sometimes hitting the opponent, sometimes hitting your pal. So should you worry about where you put your shots? Does Apex Legends include friendly fire?
The answer is: no. There's no friendly fire in Apex Legends--you can't accidentally kill your teammates while trying to save them. However, teammates do block your shots if you fire at them, so while you don't have to be worried you could kill your friends, you absolutely do want to think about your positioning and be careful about when and where you fire your gun. Dumping ammo into a friendly is like shooting at a wall, wasting both time and ammo when you can afford to spare neither.
Do Your Grenades Damage Teammates?
Chucking a bunch of grenades into a battle scenario seems like a good idea at the time, until you start to consider that you might be catching teammates as collateral damage. After all, grenades can have intended and unintended side effects--like blowing doors open and stunning the people on the other side. So do you need to worry about grenades doing friendly fire damage or affecting teammates?
The answer is: no. Grenades don't damage teammates. You can whip frags, arc stars, and incendiary grenades to your heart's content without worrying about accidentally downing your teammates. Blowing yourself up, though? That's another story. Grenades you throw will damage you if you're too close to the blast radius, so you'll still want to be careful where you put them.
Can Falling Hurt You?
Apex Legends is a pretty vertical game, encouraging players to climb up buildings, use ziplines to reach high places, and drop onto flying supply ships. But sometimes getting up high makes getting back down a little scary. So can taking a fall damage you in Apex Legends?
The answer is: nope. There's no fall damage, which means you can leap off tall structures as much as you want in Apex Legends with no worries. You will be slightly stunned from a long fall, which means you'll be vulnerable for a moment before you can move or fire your weapons, but that's the worst of it.
It's worth noting that falling can kill you if you step off the edge of the map in certain places. Regions like Swamp and Airbase have gaps and long falls that will send you out of the play area, which is an instant death. The good news is your stuff will be located back up in the playable area, so your teammates can reach it and retrieve your banner--and usually you can get back and reclaim your own stuff. Take it easy on edges and bridges in those areas, though, or you risk knocking yourself right out of a match.
Can Supply Drops Hurt You?
Playing as Lifeline gets you lots of opportunities to use her ultimate ability, which calls down an orbital supply drop with some handy items like health packs, shields, and scopes. When you call a supply drop, however, you have to designate its landing spot, which marks that location for you and your teammates. But stand in the marked location before the drop lands, and you'll see a big red exclamation point on your screen, suggesting that you should vacate that spot before the drop arrives. So can a supply drop actually do you harm?
The answer is: no--at least, not your own supply drops. If you or a teammate calls in a drop and you stand in its landing position, you'll eventually just get gently pushed out of that location when the drop arrives with no harm done.
However, supply drops can be deadly to other teams, as demonstrated by this video from Redditor barmaLe0. It shows an opponent getting killed by a Lifeline drop in the middle of a fight. So enemy supply drops can hurt you--and that leads us to believe that random supply drops occurring in the world can probably hurt you, too. But we've yet to test that theory.
Do Energy Weapons Suffer From Bullet Drop?
Over long distances, bullets are affected by gravity. That's true in Apex Legends, too, and is especially important to note when using a sniper rifle. Fire a Longbow DRM at a long distance and you'll even see the arc as the tracer round starts to fall. Sniper scopes include rangefinders and reticles to help you deal with bullet drop--we detailed how all that works in our list of things Apex Legends doesn't tell you. So we know bullets are affected by physics, but what about Apex Legends' energy weapons?
The answer is: nope, no bullet drop for guns that shoot energy. That's sort of obvious-sounding, but we checked it anyway. While guns that shoot physical rounds, like the Kraber and the Longbow, will see bullets drop and therefore travel on a curved trajectory over distances of more than about 150 meters, energy travels in a straight line with no regard to physics. It means your Triple Take is likely to be more accurate than your Longbow at extreme distances, although the trade-off is in damage dealt and the Triple Take's three-shot spread, which grows wider the further it travels. Either way, you don't have to raise your aim with energy guns to make those headshots, so keep that in mind when lining up long-distance kills.
Do Different Melee Attacks Do Different Amounts of Damage?
Anybody who's pulled an early hot drop in Apex Legends has gotten familiar with the melee button, as many early fights turn into frantic slap-fests while everyone panics in an attempt to find an actual gun. You may also have noticed in your flailing that there are three different melee attacks you can do. If you're standing on the ground, you'll throw a punch; jump into the air and you'll do a flying kick; and run and slide, and you'll pull a Ryu-style dragon punch. So are any of these attacks better than the others and more likely to take down opponents?
The answer is: no. All the melee attacks in Apex Legends are equal to one another, dealing 30 damage per strike. That's pretty high--almost as much as a Longbow headshot--but obviously very hard to land since you need to be at arm's length to an opponent. Jumping and sliding to do different moves can be great for keeping you from getting killed in an emergency, but you don't want to do only one kind of attack for more damage. All melees hurt the same amount, so mix up your attacks and your tactics and maybe you'll survive your slapfight.
Can You Shoot Through Lifeline's Revive Shield?
One of the handiest things about having Lifeline as a medic is that she gets her own cover when she needs to revive someone. Start a revive as Lifeline and you'll activate a shield in front of you that covers about a quarter of the 360-degree space around you. That's enough to help you get someone off the ground and back into the fight, hopefully. The question is, how does that shield work--more specifically, can a teammate standing behind Lifeline's shield shoot through it to hit enemies, while avoiding incoming damage?
The answer is: no. Lifeline's shield blocks fire in both directions, which includes friendly fire, so you can't use her reviving a teammate as cover to get some shots off while invulnerable.
Can Caustic's Gas Damage Teammates?
Caustic's toxic gas can change the entire dynamic of a fight. Dropping gas traps or throwing gas grenades with his ultimate creates deadly clouds that choke and blind enemies, while also slowing them down. Caustic is unaffected by his own gas, but is the same true for his teammates?
The answer is: kind of. Caustic's gas will kill enemies but not teammates--that's the good news. The bad news is that the gas can still greatly obscure teammates' vision, making it tough to fight through it. Obviously the effect is much worse for enemies, but for teammates Caustic's gas is a lot like Bangalore's smoke grenades, creating a thick haze that can hide enemies or make it tough to navigate. On the plus side, enemies afflicted by the gas get highlighted in green for both Caustic and his allies. That only goes for gas dropped by your team's Caustic, but it can still help when identifying opponents' locations.
Can You Crawl Through Wraith's Portals?
Wraith's ultimate of dropping portals can be extremely useful if used correctly. You can drop portals to help you get around enemies or to escape bad situations, or even to trick enemies into coming at you one at a time through your own spectral conduit. But just what are the limits of Wraith's spooky passageways? If you're downed on the battlefield, can you still use a portal?
The answer is: yes. In fact, this is one of the best utilities of a Wraith portal--using them to get out of trouble. If you're downed in a fight, you can crawl through a portal to escape the battle and get out of danger, at least temporarily, and that can be handy in getting you into a position where a teammate can resurrect you. Just note that enemies can also use your portals, so just because you escaped through one doesn't mean you can't be tracked.
Can You Shoot Into One Portal And Out The Other?
So what exactly are the limitations of the portals? Can they transport objects, like grenades or bullets? Can you use them to get fire on an enemy you otherwise couldn't it?
The answer is: nope. Portals will take humans only. Shooting at a portal will not send the bullets out the second portal--those bullets will just continue forward as if there was no portal there at all. The same is true of grenades: Throwing a grenade at a portal will just find it exploding on the ground beside it. Portals are not solid, so they don't block objects passing through them, but they also don't transport them from one portal to the other.
Can You Send Mirage's Decoys Through Portals?
Using character abilities in tandem is with your squadmates is what makes Apex Legends' approach to battle royale refreshing in the first place. Since you can send people through Wraith's portals, the inevitable next question after bullets and grenades is whether Mirage's holographic decoys will travel through.
The answer is: no, unfortunately. Though they look like people, decoys act just like bullets and grenades in this respect, moving straight through the portal as if it wasn't there and continuing on in a straight line. No sending fake people through portals to cause disarray and panic among your enemies.
Can You Damage Teammates With Airstrikes?
Two of the most offensively useful ultimate abilities in the game are Bangalore's artillery strike and Gibraltar's mortar strike. Both can do serious damage to enemies and sometimes turn the tide of a battle by providing covering fire when you're in the thick of things. At the same time, there's always the concern about catching teammates in the crossfire. So do you need to worry about killing your teammates with airstrikes?
The answer is: no, although that's not the whole story. When it comes to Gibraltar, you can airstrike while friendlies are fighting with no worries--like grenades, the strikes won't hurt your squad but they will hurt you, so be sure to stay out of the area that's being bombarded or use Gibraltar's shield for cover. As for Bangalore, her artillery strike is less about damage and more about stunning enemies for easy cleanup. The stuns can affect teammates the same way Caustic's gas or Bangalore's smoke grenades can, even if the ultimate won't actually damage your squad (and of course, your own airstrikes can hurt you). So Bangalore's ultimate is best used on an enemy position when you're attacking, rather than in the middle of a fight you're already waging.
We're testing more Apex Legends questions all the time and we'll continually update this list as we discover more intricate details of the game. Meantime, if there's anything you want to know about Apex Legends, let us know in the comments and we'll do our best to send our squad out to find answers.
Do Legends Have Different Hit Boxes?
An ongoing discussion (and for some, controversy) surrounding the different characters in Apex Legends is how big or small they are, and therefore, how easy they are to shoot. A "hit box" refers to the part of a character where, if a shot lands, it counts, and players have determined that hit boxes are bigger on some characters than on others. Right now, the smallest one seems to be on Wraith, specifically when she runs. Caustic and Gibraltar have larger hit boxes, and Pathfinder has a bigger one than other thinner characters.
Where Can You Find The Kraber And Mastiff?
The two most powerful guns in Apex Legends right now are the Mastiff shotgun and the Kraber .50-caliber sniper rifle. Both guns do a ton of damage, but you'll never find them at random in the world. The Kraber and Mastiff only show up in supply drops that come from orbit. Incoming supply drops get called out by the in-game announcer, and you can check their landing locations on the map--they're indicted by blue circles. They're worth finding, but to claim them, you'll often have to fight other players who have the same idea.
You can find out more about the things the game doesn't tell you in the video above. But what did you think about our myth-busting observations and analysis? Was there anything you didn't see here? Let us know in the comments below.