Captain Marvel: 16 Things We Learned About From The Blu-ray Release
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Coming to Blu-ray and 4K disc on June 11 is Captain Marvel. Marvel's first film of 2019 was a hit at the box office, grossing $1.2 billion during its run. GameSpot got a hold of the home release of the film, and it is loaded with extras.There are deleted scenes, featurettes, a gag reel, and commentary from directors Anna Boden and Ryan Fleck. Additionally, it comes with a code for a digital copy of the movie as well.
Digging into all the special features of the film, we found 16 new pieces of information about the movie, the making of the film, and other tidbits that we didn't know about the movie prior to this. From what makes Kree technology work to Nick Fury losing his eye, here's what we learned about Captain Marvel.
You can get an alert for Captain Marvel on Blu-ray at Amazon for June 11 or pick up a digital copy on Vudu, which is available today. Both versions of the movie come with special features.
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1.The Key To Nick Fury's Captain Marvel Pager Is Seen Early On
Lots was revealed during the audio commentary for the film, from directors Anna Boden and Ryan Fleck. After Carol breaks into Radio Shack, she puts together a device to call Yon-Rogg. The key piece to the device comes from her suit. Boden mentions that the piece is later incorporated into the page for Nick Fury.
2. Thera-fluid Makes Kree-Tech Work
Mentioned numerous times by Boden, the liquid you can see numerous times in the movie is the glue that holds all the technology together. It powers their equipment and is used to communicate with the Supreme Intelligence.
3. The Head of Marvel Security Played the Security Guard for Blockbuster
The man who played the security guard for the strip mall when Carol comes to Earth was actually Barry Curtis, head of Marvel security. He had been in that role for years, and this was the first time he auditioned for a movie role.
4. Skrulls Are Shooting Stun Guns At Carol
When Carol meets Nick Fury for the first time at the Blockbuster, a Skrull takes a shot at her from a rooftop. Fleck notes it's a stun gun, not a lethal weapon, as the Skrulls don't want her dead.
5. The Skrull Autopsy Scene Was From The Comics
Fleck explains the image of the Skrull on the autopsy table was pulled from the Secret Invasion comic story. There are actually quite a few shots in the movie that were pulled from that specific Marvel event or from the Kelly Sue DeConnick Captain Marvel comic.
6. Nick Fury Checks Out A Skrull's Junk
While Nick Fury is talking to Keller (Talos) about the dead Skrull right in front of them, Fury lifts up the blanket to check out the Skrull's genitals. That was completely improvised by Samuel L. Jackson, according to the directors, and it was kept in the movie.
7. Carol Entering the Bar Was Inspired by another movie
Fleck explains that when Carol enters the bar and looks around, it's a reference to the 1974 Gene Hackman movie, The Conversation. When Hackman's character walks into a hotel room, the camera pans off of him, and when it stops, it's revealed Hackman has moved. Fleck says he's always been obsessed with that shot.
9. Most of the Shots at Pegasus Were Practical Locations
Shot in Shaver Lake, the tunnel leading to the facility had no FX added to it, aside from the title card. The mile-long tunnel actually exists. The Pegasus scene was also shot in the UCLA archives, and all of the lighting in the records room was practical as well.
9. Captain Marvel Easter Egg
When Carol is trying out new colors for her Starforce suit, she ends up in a white and green one, which Fleck states is a nod to the original Captain Marvel from the comics.
10. The Shed Where Yon-Rogg Talks To Carol/Skrull
The shed in this scene was filled with wasps, which had to be dealt with in between takes. Boden recalled that there was also a mother alligator protecting her eggs in the area as well. Fleck briefly mentioned snakes near the shed too.
11. "I'm Just A Girl" Fight Scene Had Different Music
Fleck explains that they had gone through different songs to bring the scene together, including music from the '60s, '70s, and '80s. They eventually landed on the No Doubt song because of the era the film takes place in. "It's so thematically relevant," Fleck explained.
12. Nick Fury's Eye Loss
Boden: "People asked if we knew the Flerken was going to be responsible for Nick Fury losing his eye. And we didn't know it would happen exactly that way, but it seemed pretty clear that when we had a Flerken in this movie, it was going to be responsible for taking Nick Fury's eye out."
13. She's Not Actually Captain Marvel Yet
Boden notes that no one actually says "Captain Marvel" in the movie, but a conversation towards the end hints at Danvers taking on the name Mar-vell, her mentor Lawson's real name, and tweaking it.
14. Yon-Rogg At The Supreme Intelligence
The home release also had some deleted scenes as well. In one of them, Jude Law's character Yon-Rogg heads to the Supreme Intelligence in one deleted scene, in a moment which would have appeared later in the movie as it reveals Yon-Rogg and Supreme Intelligence as the antagonists. The leader of the Kree takes the form of the person you admire and respect the most, and Yon-Rogg sees himself.
15. That's Foreshadowed In Another Deleted Scene
Early on in the movie, a deleted scene sees Yon-Rogg teaching young Kree about the Skrulls. The Supreme Intelligence comes up and Carol makes the joke that Yon-Rogg sees himself. The look on his face gives it away.
16. The Fate Of The Real Keller
The real Director of SHIELD during the '90s, Keller, actually appeared on-screen early on, before Talos took his place. But what happened to the real version of him? In one deleted scene, it's revealed that Talos has him tied up in Keller's office.