Death Stranding Walkthrough Guide: Episode 2 - Amelie
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Death Stranding Walkthrough: Episode 2 - Amelie
Like any good story, the fun *really* begins in Episode 2. If you think you've conquered everything Death Stranding: Director's Cut has to offer by following our Prologue walkthrough and Episode 1 walkthrough perfectly, oh boy are you in for a huge surprise! "Amelie" is where you'll start to really get a sense of Death Stranding's gameplay loop.
Once again, this story walkthrough came from our time with the original PS4 version of the game, but the plot and narrative remain unchanged here.
There'll be lots of distractions and side content in the tail end of the chapter, but for the purposes of this walkthrough we'll just be covering the critical-path missions so we can focus on getting to Episode 3 more quickly--and believe me, we would definitely advise you to take a raincheck (or is that a timefall check?) on most of the side stuff in Episode 2 for now as well, for good reason. As discussed elsewhere, reaching Episode 3 as soon as possible is recommended because of how much the game opens up and the tools that will become available to you. If you take a more methodical approach, it's easy to linger for many hours in Episode 2, but there's no harm in getting to Episode 3 quickly. (Death Stranding can be a pretty long game--check out our best estimates for how long Death Stranding is, if you're curious.)
Death Stranding Guides
- How To Get Death Stranding's Half-Life Crossover Items
- Death Stranding PC Hands-On: The Once PS4 Exclusive Runs Like A Dream
- Death Stranding Walkthrough, Guides, And Tips
- + Show More Death Stranding Guides Links (2)
- How Long Is Death Stranding?
- Can Your PC Run Death Stranding? Minimum And Recommended Specs
Afraid of spoilers? Don't worry! We'll make sure these walkthroughs are as spoiler-free as possible when it comes to the main story beats. However, at certain points much later in the guide, revealing a few broad snippets of information will likely be necessary.
Again, the thing to keep in mind is that a big part of Death Stranding is the flexibility of the environment and the creativity of how you want to forge a path forward. There are a whole heap of different ways to tackle each mission, and on top of that, the map you encounter might also be different to the one you see in this guide--that's thanks to the multiplayer aspect of the game, where members of the community will clear different paths and place helpful structures in different ways depending on your personal game.
That said, this walkthrough will give you a good idea about what you need to do. It can offer one viable path to success if you're at a bit of a loss, or if you just want some inspiration to get you started.
Before you start, definitely check out the broader tips in our Death Stranding guide hub to get your head around some must-have tips to always keep in mind, as well as get your head around what you can expect a little later down the line. Things will definitely get a little less tough over time with the right preparation!
Episode 2 - Gear Up!
Alright reader; alright Sam, it's time to build the Internet in this bonkers post-apocalyptic America! Hit up that terminal and grab the mission called "Smart Drug Delivery".
PRO TIP: Critical path missions will typically be found under the "Orders For Sam" category, and will have a gold line (nay, a gold *strand*) through them.
You'll also get assigned some gear for this mission (for free, no less!), which include a ladder and a climbing anchor.
You'll also be introduced to the delivery preparation screen, where you will get the chance to arrange your cargo on Sam's person--this means both the cargo you have to deliver *and* the gear you just got. Some more tips:
You can attach Small boxes (marked with an "S") on your suit. There's one spot on each limb, and I would typically recommend filling up these slots first (with your gear, perhaps) because that's four boxes that Sam doesn't have to worry about piling on his back. One on each side will also help balance your weight a little more.
You can attach one piece of gear to your "Tool" slot. However, this means that the piece of gear will be out of its container, and be more susceptible to degradation from Timefall (rain) exposure--more on that later.
There's a boot clip for carrying spare boots. That's all it can carry.
Later on, you'll have a Utility Pack for carrying Blood packs, which will refill your blood for health, as well as be used for… combat purposes.
You can hit Triangle to auto-arrange the cargo on your back. This is a great feature most of the time--though later you'll have certain pieces of cargo that need to be carried a certain way, and in those instances, it's better to manually place them.
Hold X to move onto the next screen from anywhere in the menu
Okay! Get your gear and GO!
Episode 2 - Smash That Like Button
Your orders are to deliver drugs to the Waystation that's located West of your current location, Capital Knot City. Head back out the way you went for the previous mission (where the watchtower is), and you'll be introduced to some of Death Stranding's social multiplayer features. Make use of this system! It is very important!
Episode 2 - Head West!
The location we're trying to get to is located much further north than the one from the previous mission. If you take a look at the in-game map, you'll also notice that there is a *huge* mountain situated right between you and your destination.
Now, with all these ladders we just got we could probably be tough and punch through right over the mountain, but since this is our first real journey I'm going to do the smart thing for all involved and plot a route that veers north slightly to *avoid* the mountain. Take a look at the map above.
Episode 2 - Should Have Brought An Umbrella
Run across the field--this should all be very familiar to you. Pretty standard ground with some rocks and shallow rivers, nothing to worry about.
It'll start to rain once you get closer to the mountain, and you'll get a codec call about Timefall, explaining how it will degrade the cargo that's on your back.
Each piece of cargo has two meters relating to durability which you can see in the cargo menu: One refers to the damage dealt to the actual piece of cargo inside the box, and one refers to the damage dealt to the box containing it.
Damaged containers mean that the stuff inside is more susceptible to damage when Norman goes fallin', so it's important to be super aware of your footing in the rain. People also appreciate pristine containers when they get delivered, so it's also important to make sure to try and repair containers before you hand them over (more on that later)
Episode 2 - You Know What Rain Means…
You're in BT territory, baby! (You too, Sam!)
Your odradek will eventually pop up to let you know that it's time to crouch run and be super careful. If you missed our tips for handling BTs in the previous walkthrough, go back and check them out.
Luckily, if you're taking my advice and walking right around the mountain, the terrain will be pretty forgiving here so it should be pretty easy to veer around any BTs if you need to.
And I don't want to brag or nothing, but I didn't really come close to danger or needing to hold my breath during this BT segment, so either this is a very easy early segment, or maybe this walkthrough is actually really good?
Episode 2 - Another River Crossing
Once you wrap around to the other side of the mountain, you should be completely out of the BT area, meaning that your destination will be on the right.
There's a river to cross before you can reach it, but it should be relatively unproblematic--there's a slight drop to get to the river if you didn't already decide to cross earlier while it was easy (like I have in this image), but that's nothing a ladder or two (or just some extra caution) won't be able to handle.
Episode 2 - Try Not To Give In To Temptation
I also say "should" be relatively unproblematic, because you will have likely noticed a bunch of lost cargo on the way that was just beckoning you to pick up and carry.
If you have a lot of extra stuff on you, traversing a little obstacle like this will be much more difficult now, because the additional weight is much more likely to throw you off balance.
But you know what? That's what you get for being greedy. This will all be so much easier for you later on so just focus on your main mission for now, dummy!
PRO TIP: You will soon get a *lot* more gear and tools to help you move a hell of a lot more stuff, so try and hold off for now! Otherwise, you'll get caught in a vicious cycle of sunk cost and just be super frustrated that you can't lug 150kg of crap up a mountain, which will make you want to throw this game out a window (don't do that).
Episode 2 - Turn It In
Okay fine, carry the huge cargo, literally marked "Extra Large" with your hands. See if I care. Once you get to the building at the top, use the terminal to turn in the cargo required to complete the mission (they're "special" drugs).
Also take this chance to offload any non-critical lost cargo you picked up along the way. Please. It'll make this go by so much faster.
Episode 2 - Hook Up That Chiral Network
After you turn the cargo in, you'll also connect this waystation to the Chrial network, Death Stranding's version of the Internet, basically.
What does this mean for you, gameplay-wise? Well, you'll now be able to see any player-made structures (like ladders, climbing anchors, watchtowers, and more) on your map marked in green. You'll also be able to fabricate gear to help you conquer the environment, and just feel good about yourself, maybe?
Episode 2 - New Mission! Deliver Those Rare Metals!
Time to pick up the next critical mission! This one has you delivering some rare metals to the Distribution Centre a little west of where you are.
You'll also notice that there's an optional side mission that will teach you how to use the PCC to build a postbox. This is a valuable learning experience for sure, and it's on the way to the next objective, so take that order as well and you can complete it along the way.
We won't be covering the steps to take on this side mission (it's pretty straightforward), but you won't have any trouble with it, I promise. I'm just here to make sure you know how to get to the next chapter, because who knows what can happen there?
Episode 2 - Load 'Em Up
Hey--remember when I said you should offload any lost cargo you picked up? Seriously, do it. The last delivery was pretty light, but LOOK AT ALL THESE BOXES OF RARE METALS YOU HAVE TO CARRY.
Get yourself together, distribute your cargo evenly, replace any gear you used during the trip over here if you didn't follow my amazing instructions, and let's get outta here!
Episode 2 - Head West! Again!
Pull out your map, plot a route to the Distribution centre, and head west out of the waystation.
Episode 2 - Use the Watchtower!
You'll stumble across an NPC-made watchtower pretty quickly, so use that to scan ahead and spot any player-made structures ahead, and hey… what do those orange words mean? Hmmm, surely nothing that would stop you from doing your job?
Oh well, keep heading west.
Episode 2 - WHOA
You just done got pinged by some MULES. What's a MULE, you ask? Well.. their backstory is better left discovered for yourself, but the long and short of it is that they *really* want your cargo.
The orange ping is basically their version of an odradek scan, and now they're going to come after you with their electric spears to try and steal your stuff. You need that stuff! So you'd better *run*
Now, it's very easy to outrun this first lot of Mules. And if you decide to just stand still for some reason, know that they won't kill you, just try to knock you out because you should know by now that dying in the world of Death Stranding is very bad.
BUT, if you want to get in a fight with the mules (which I quite enjoy, by the way) here are some essential tips.
Hit Square to do a 3-hit combo. If the camera zooms in while you're doing this, it means you'll knock them out after the third blow.
Hold L2 + R2 and then hit Square to do a shoulder check--this will stun an enemy if they're blocking your punches.
You can counter by using your Strand (the rope Sam carries, which is made out of his blood or something, I don't know). Equip it with right on the d-pad, hold L2 to ready it, and then hit R2 when they start an attack to counter.
Once you've countered them, you can use the Strand to tie them up and take them out of the fight with R2. You need to do this from behind, and it's a technique that will come in handy when you need to sneak into Mule territory later on in this chapter.
Remember that you can pick up the cargo they drop with your hands (L2 or R2) and then attack them (Square) for a one-hit knockout. You can also grab a MULE's cargo in mid-air once you've punched them out, during the slow-motion sequence.
You can also throw cargo to knock them out--just hit Square to begin a punch, but *let go* of the shoulder button which is carrying the cargo to let it fly. This is very satisfying.
MULES won't deal health damage to you, but will rather try to knock you out. This is represented as a yellow meter on top of your blood. If that yellow meter runs out, you'll fall unconscious and they'll steal all your stuff.
Episode 2 - Bye Bye Mule Mule
What's this? Oh man! It's starting to rain, and the MULEs are running away! They're just scared of a little rain? What a bunch of sissys!
Oh wait, that means the BTs are coming, doesn't it? Well, they aren't here just yet, so keep running west.
Episode 2 - Crest The Hill
If you're trying your best for a straight shot, you'll likely have to crest a hill into another section of land that has a few more rocks than usual. Nothing major to worry about, just remember to keep drinking water to replenish your stamina, and focus on keeping your balance (not pictured here).
And how about BTs? Well, they're waiting for you at the bottom of the hill.
Episode 2 - BT Time
Again, pretty straightforward BT section that shouldn't give you too much grief. Be sure to stop moving and scan with your odradek if you need to see the BTs and get some additional guidance on mapping your path forward.
You'll notice that there are a lot of pieces of lost cargo through this section--that's the game tempting you to risk a terrible BT encounter for a stupid box of old books! DON'T DO IT! Or do, I dunno. It's your life. Don't say I didn't warn you.
Episode 2 - Careful!
Remember that if a BT spots you, you'll get a burst of adrenaline which increases your stamina meter to full temporarily, and let you hold your breath and get the hell out of there… at a crouch walk pace.
Episode 2 - Distribution Centers In The Mist
Once you've made your way out of the BT area, something will go wrong with one of your pieces of, uh, equipment. Luckily, your destination is just on the horizon through the fog, and the path there is simple. There's a wide river, but nothing that some diligent scanning, some careful balancing, and maybe a ladder won't fix. You can do it! I won't be here to hold your hand forever!
Episode 2 - Whose Bike Is That?
Hey, what's this? There's a motorbike in front of this distribution centre! Unfotuantely, you can't use it because it has no power.
Oh well, there's probably no way to come back to it later after you've regained the ability to recharge things with a structure built from your PCC. Or is there?
No more questions. Go turn in your cargo at the terminal located in this building, connect it to the chiral network, all of that good stuff.
Once you do that, you'll be forced to go into your private room for a cutscene. So do that, do what you need to do, chug some Monster Energy (it can increase your maximum stamina by 25%) and I'll see you when you're done.
Episode 2 - Thank You, Next!
Okay, by the time you're back up you should have gotten a bit of a spiel about how to placate your BB. And now, you're about to learn a lot more.
Your next mission is to go into MULE territory (remember them?) and retrieve a component to bring back to where you currently are, as well as collect some chiral crystals while you're out there. Thankfully, you'll be given the schematics to build a watchtower with your PPC, so you can throw this down on the edge of the search area (indicated by the circle) and see where you might need to go.
A watchtower will also spot chiral crystal clusters throughout the environment, and these little shiny minerals will be pretty important for the rest of the game, so get used to this!
Pack light, listen to the briefings, and let's go!
Episode 2 - Climb That Mountain
Now, to reach the MULE territory you'll need to head southwest of the distribution centre you were just at, meaning you'll have to cross a river (hopefully a friendly community member has already left you a ladder to cross it) and you'll have to climb the mountain range you see in this screenshot.
I mean, you could go *all* the way around but I think it's about time we take this up a notch. CLIMB THE MOUNTAIN.
Oh! And don't forget to keep scanning for chiral crystals while you do this. You'll need to collect some for your secondary mission!
Episode 2 - Mountain Climbing And You
Here are some tips for climbing a mountain.
Always scan ahead. Remember that Blue is OK terrain, Yellow Triangles are a little slippery, and Red Crosses are bad news.
Use a ladder if it looks particularly treacherous! Don't be afraid to use your gear--you can always take it back if you make a mistake, you can always make new ones if you leave them behind, and who knows? Maybe this ladder will help someone in the future
Always grip for balance (L2 + R2)
Try zig-zagging up the mountain if it gets a bit too vertical for regular footwork, that is, walk sideways across the mountain rather than directly into a steep cliff face.
Episode 2 - Sneaking In
Once you reach the top of the mountain, you'll be on the edge of MULE territory. How do I know this? Well, the perimeter of MULE territory is always marked by these orange poles (the orange square above), which will alert them of your presence as soon as you cross them, though you should be okay until the MULE teams arrive and actually confirm eye contact with you.
Someone on your codec will recommend that you set up a watchtower so you can scout ahead. That's not a bad idea! Maybe you should do it and see where the enemies are? Or maybe you can do it later!
You should also know that like a lot of recent third-person action games, you can hide in tall grass (see the green arrow) if you need to hide. However, this won't work if you're carrying a really tall load of cargo, because that sticks out.
Now, the place we're going to go to reach the MULE camp is through a little cave up the hill (marked in red). Head through there and I'll let you know what's next.
Episode 2 - Cross The River!
Whoops! I forgot that there was a chasm you had to cross. You still have some ladders, right?
Episode 2 - Climb Into The Light
Now, as I say at the top of all these walkthroughs, there are a bunch of ways to approach situations like this. There's an opening at the top of the cave that you can climb to get a height advantage, for example.
But I'm just going to turn right as soon as I get there because there'll be another, slightly more hidden exit that will lead you straight to the MULE postbox you're supposed to get to.
Episode 2 - Whoop, There It Is
Told you so! Now this MULE camp is going to be pretty lightly occupied, so this is a good chance to practice your sneak or fighting with them. Remember our tips from earlier! What? What do you mean you don't remember them? Okay, here they are again:
Hit Square to do a 3-hit combo. If the camera zooms in while you're doing this, it means you'll knock them out after the third blow.
Hold L2 + R2 and then hit Square to do a shoulder check--this will stun an enemy if they're blocking your punches.
You can counter by using your Strand (the rope Sam carries, which is made out of his blood or something, I don't know). Equip it with right on the d-pad, hold L2 to ready it, and then hit R2 when they start an attack to counter.
Once you've countered them, you can use the Strand to tie them up and take them out of the fight with R2. You need to do this from behind, and it's a technique that will come in handy when you need to sneak into Mule territory.
Remember that you can pick up the cargo they drop with your hands (L2 or R2) and then attack them (Square) for a one-hit knockout. You can also grab a MULE's cargo in mid-air once you've punched them out, during the slow-motion sequence.
You can also throw cargo to knock them out--just hit Square to begin a punch, but *let go* of the shoulder button which is carrying the cargo to let it fly. This is very satisfying.
MULES won't deal health damage to you, but will rather try to knock you out. This is represented as a yellow meter on top of your blood. If that yellow meter runs out, you'll fall unconscious and they'll steal all your stuff.
Episode 2 - *Hacker Voice* I'm In
Here's me opening the MULE postbox to retrieve the target cargo item right underneath the nose of a MULE (left). What an idiot.
Now, you probably notice that there is a *bunch* more stuff in the MULE postbox but again--know your limits. Don't get greedy! You might need to sprint outta here at a moment's notice and you don't need a million boxes of lost cargo throwing you all over the place! However, this is a good place to grab some extra climbing gear if you've used some of it trying to get here.
Once you've successfully grabbed this thing by whatever means you find necessary, you can just head on back the way you came (through the cave and back across the ladders) like nothing ever happened.
Also, just be aware that you do get into a fight with a MULE, if they hit you, a piece of cargo will fall off your back. If a mission-critical piece of cargo gets knocked off, make sure to pick it up again!
These retrieval missions will get more complicated later on, so feel good about yourself now.
Episode 2 - More Stuff!
Once you get back to the distribution centre and hand in the cargo and the chiral crystals, you'll be given a few new things.
First up: Container Repair Spray. Always try to carry one of these if you can! You'll be able to repair any containers that have degraded due to falling or Timefall (though you can't repair the cargo inside the containers if they've suffered damage.
PRO TIP: You'll be able to point the can backwards with Square once you equip it, and spray it to repair everything you're carrying on your back in one go--don't think you have to drop everything before you can spray it.
You'll also get the ability to build big bridges with your PCC. These will stretch quite a bit further than ladders, and are a lot wider allowing you to move… other things across them. However, they take a bit more effort to build, requiring you to deposit raw materials into the structure after you've built it. Hey, speaking of bridges…
Episode 2 - Wind Farm
Your next critical destination is the wind farm, but there's also an optional side mission on the way which asks you to build a bridge! You should probably do that!
Pick up both missions, grab any extra gear you think you'll need, load up your cargo, and let's get going. Be aware that the bridge-building mission will require you to lug around a *ton* of raw materials, but thankfully you won't need to go very far.
Episode 2 - Get To The Bridge Foundation!
See? Told you. Head over there, it's easy. Just focus on balancing the truckload of metals on your back and don't step on any banana peels.
Episode 2 - Now Build It!
We're here! Now use the terminal on top of the bridge foundation in order to deposit your materials and complete the bridge. Once you're done, head up the mountain towards the wind farm.
Episode 2 - Wow, Bridge
So luxurious!
Episode 2 - The Path To The Wind Farm
Now, the distance to the Wind Fram isn't too long. But as you can see from the map, you'll have to climb a hill and cut through a small forest. Will it be a spooky forest? Who can say? Certainly not me, who has already played through this section!
Episode 2 - Climbing The Mountain
There's a pretty clear path through here, and the mountain will absolutely have a bunch of lost cargo to tempt you with. If you're lucky, a generous online citizen might have created a portable postbox halfway up what will let you offload that lost cargo and still get some kudos for it. If not, build one yourself with PCC!
But oh no! It's starting to rain! That can't be good, can it?
Episode 2 - The Forest Is Here!
The path down a mountain is always more treacherous than going up it because it's hard to see what's past a bunch of rocks. Is it more ground? Is it a bottomless pit? It's a mystery!
So make sure to take it slow and stick to the safe ground (remember to scan!), or if you're a bit anxious, you can stick a climbing anchor which will help you rappel safely down some of the dicier portions.
Episode 2 - Use A Climbing Anchor If You Need To
Look, even I am not above using a climbing anchor sometimes. Remember--this might come in handy for someone who makes their way through here later! You're doing everyone a service!
Episode 2 - The Forest Is Full Of BTs!
Get down to the bottom of the mountain and what's that? Oh no! There are BTs everywhere! No-one could have ever possibly predicted this!
Even the forest is still a little lumpy in places, there's still a comfortable amount of room to wiggle, meaning you likely won't have to veer from your path too much in order to avoid the BTs if you're careful.
Remember, stand still, scan the area, take it slow, and hold your breath if you get too close!
PRO TIP: Hit R3 (push in on the right analog stick) to shift the camera perspective to Sam's other shoulder. This is handy if you're carrying a ton of cargo which is blocking your view of where the odradrek is pointing
Episode 2 - We're Here!
You made it! And you didn't even need any help from me at all.
Head inside the building, remember to use your container repair spray if you have it, (remember, hit Square to spray it on your back!) and hand in your cargo.
Episode 2 - Talking 'Bout My Generator
Oh look! One of the rewards for hooking the wind farm up to the chiral network is being able to build a power generator with your PCCs.
I wonder where I can find something to charge? Didn't I see some kind of motorbike earlier in this chapter? Maybe that's something you can investigate in your own time?
Episode 2 - Back We Go…
So the next critical mission has you going back to the Distribution Centre you came from. That means going back through the forest, but don't worry! The rain has dried up, meaning no BTs, and now that you connected this region to the chiral network you can see all the fun stuff other players have thrown into the environment.
Punch through that forest and leave a few likes!
Episode 2 - Back Up The Mountain
Wow! Look at all these convenient ladders that someone left behind for me to climb! I hope that you have the same luck as me, otherwise, maybe you should consider building some ladders for others?
Episode 2 - Back Down The Mountain
Time for a klutzy sprint down the mountain while a sombre tune by Low Roar plays.
Episode 2 - I'm Almost Home!
Aren't you glad you took the time to build that bridge before? What a great idea that was!
Head into the distribution centre and hand in your cargo.
Episode 2 - You Do It Next Time!
I mean, you're welcome.
Episode 2 - Free Time!
Now, at this point you'll have access to a few more optional side missions, which will give you a few more opportunities to make deliveries to a few new places, and meet a few familiar faces.
Whether you want to spend some time messing around doing that now is up to you of course, but we would definitely recommend just blitzing it to Chapter 3 first and coming back later. Why's that? Well, you'll be able to return to this area at any time, even if you do move ahead with the story, and when you do that you'll have the benefit of a *bunch* of new tools and gear that will make all these jobs so much easier.
So, what's the next critical mission? You have to transport a case of cryptobiotes! With this piece of cargo, you are absolutely *not* allowed to submerge it in water. This means that you need to pack it on the top of your backpack when you're arranging your gear, on the off-chance that you need to wade through a river.
Or, just auto-arrange that crap and make a mental note to pack some extra ladders so you don't need to touch water.
Episode 2 - Back To Capital Knot City!
You gotta get these little blood grubs back to where you started at the beginning of this chapter, stat! You'll be moving through very familiar territory the whole time (including the MULE territory), but now that you know what you expect from this region it should be a piece of cake for you, the quick learner!
Maybe you want to explore and experiment a bit more, maybe you want to do a few side quests before doing this critical one.
Me? Well, I went and grabbed that bike that was sitting outside the distribution centre earlier so I'm just gonna drive along the river until I get back to Capital Knot City. Bye!
Episode 2 - Hi Again!
I just wanted to use this slide to point out that the Low Roar song that plays when you get close to Central Knot has the lyrics "that's the easy way out", which made me feel a little guilty.
But not really. I worked hard to get this bike! This was not easy!
Episode 2 - You Did It!
That was very relaxing. Maybe you were a better person than me and hiked all that distance on foot--if so, my hat goes off to you.
Hand those cryptobites in, have a rest in your private room, and get ready for the next run.
Episode 2 - This One's A Long One
Did you think that run from the distribution centre back to Capital Knot City was long? Well guess what, you're about to do an even longer one! You gotta trek all the way back past the distribution centre to a place called Port Knot City.
It's gonna be a tough journey! But don't worry, you got this. You know this region like the back of your hand, probably.
Before you set out, you'll be equipped with Hematic Grenades, which will blow BTs into oblivion, and blood packs, which can be used to both replenish your health as well as fuel your hematic grenades. Make sure to carry at least 4 blood packs, and keep them in your utility pouch instead of on your back!
Grab the cargo, juice up your bike (if you have it), plot a rough route on your map and let's go!
Episode 2 - VROOM!
Don't listen to the man on the codec, you can always come back in Episode 3 and finish any pending deliveries! Focus on getting to Port Knot City! PEDAL TO THE METAL!
Episode 2 - Okay Get Off The Bike Now
Look--you're bound to hit more BT areas on the way to Port Knot City, and it is a *very* bad idea to drive your bike through them. It's basically asking for death.
So, if you're driving through rain, be aware that you're going to have to ditch your bike in order to sneak through. Don't worry--you'll be able to make MORE bikes later.
Don't forget your fundamentals! Remember to keep scanning your environment, watching your balance, not taking on more than you can handle, and making sure you drink lots of water--sorry, Monster Energy--to keep your stamina up.
Episode 2 - Take A Break!
Hey you know what? You should remember to take breaks every now and then. Not just from the game in real life, but make sure Norman Reedus takes a break if you happen upon a distribution centre along the way. Take him back to that private room, let him get rid of some body waste, feed him some energy drink, and then get back out there.
That might seem like a joke, but this is a really good chance to bring your overall stamina back to maximum and grab some more gear to continue the journey--PCCs, ladders, container repair sprays, all that good stuff. Oh, drop off that lost cargo too. Seriously, stop picking up so much lost cargo, it's a lot of trouble at this early stage of the game! You'll be able to pick up SO MUCH later with WAY LESS effort!
Episode 2 - Give People Likes
The destination you have to reach eventually is south-west of the Distribution Centre you know and love. Hopefully, you'll find plenty of structures other players have left behind which will help make this journey way easier. If so, stop to give them some likes! It'll help both you and them out in the long run (one of your experience meters is increased by interactions like these), so make those connections to people, man.
Episode 2 - Oh, Remember To Use Those Hematic Grenades!
Past the Distribution Centre, the one big obstacle that you'll need to overcome is an incredibly rocky mountain area that is filled with BTs.
This is a big test! And it can be a stressful time. Because of the rocky terrain, you won't always find it easy to move around easily and avoid a BT.
Thankfully, hematic grenades will completely wipe out a BT in your path, should you need to do so. Just sit still, scan the environment, ready the grenade and throw it (note: Holding the R2 button will increase the throw distance before you let it go, so you might need to re-adjust your aim).
Episode 2 - Rocks, Rocks, And More Rocks
Don't let your guard down! This is a long BT area. Remember everything I taught you! Everything we've been through together!
At the top of the incline pictured, there will be a natural rock formation that will shelter you from the rain. Once you get there, take the chance to use a container repair spray to bring all your cargo back in shape (you did remember to bring one, right?)
Once you're past that, the rain will cease.
Episode 2 - You're Almost There!
Yes! Freedom! Let's sprint down this mountain! Very carefully!
Episode 2 - You're Doing It!
The end is almost near!
Episode 2 - Time To Turn In!
You know the drill. Go down and hit that terminal. Give them the things. I forget what they are. It's been a long journey. Rest up. You'll need your energy soon.
Once you're done bathing Norman Reedus, simply return to the surface and you'll be met with a cutscene.
Episode 2 - Uhhhhh…
Oh no! This is like some kind of horrible nightmare! A giant thing of some kind! You'll probably have to take it out to continue!
Thankfully, there are plenty of blood bags and hematic grenades lying around the area if you neglected to bring any with you.
Episode 2 - Grenade out!
This fight looks pretty intense, but it's pretty easy to conquer--my recommendations are to stay out of the black tar, naturally. Clamber up the buildings and stick to the high ground--this will let you run and avoid the enemy's attacks more easily. If you do fall, there are concrete slabs floating around that will help you maintain footing.
From there, it's just a matter of aiming and throwing grenades at the thing until it goes down. I can't help you any further. You just need to believe in yourself.
Episode 2 - You Did It!
Wow, look at you! Well done. Pick up all those chiral crystals that just dropped, head back to the distribution centre, get yourself cleaned up, and head back out to finish the chapter.
You're doing an amazing job! Have you been enjoying this journey? I hope so, because we have about a dozen chapters left to get through! What's more, the next chapter is probably the biggest one!
Would you like to keep coming on this journey with us? Well, follow me to the Episode 3 walkthrough!