Everything In Fortnite's Season 9 Battle Pass: New Skins, Emotes, Bling, Wraps, And Other Rewards
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All Fortnite Season 9's Battle Pass Rewards
With the start of Fortnite's Season 9 Epic Games has added a ton of new content for you to unlock. There's some quality-of-life changes listed in Season 9's patch notes as well. Fortnite's latest season injects the battle royale's island with a futuristic flaire, as Tilted Towers and Retail Row have been reinvented into Neo Tilted and Mega Mall.
But this new futuristic theme doesn't just give players new places to check out, it also means there's some really cool outfits and styles to unlock. Season 9's has a whole load of new skins that turn characters into awesome androids and Gundam-like mechs, but there's more to the Battle Pass than just skins.
In fact, there's new contrails, back bling, pet options, music, loading screens, and much, much more. As always, these are all tied to the 100 tiers of the Battle Pass, and you'll need to earn Battle Stars to level your pass up and get the unlocks. You can take a look at our Battle Pass explainer to learn more about it and what's it includes.
With over 100 rewards to get, you'll need to sink a lot of time into play Fortnite to get it all. If previous seasons are any indication, expect to somewhere between 70 and 150 hours playing. But before you get cracking on that, take a look at all the items included in the Fortnite Season 9 Battle Pass to see if it's worth your time and pick out anything you really want to focus on getting.