No Man's Sky Pre-review Diary - Day 3
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Cut to the Chase
After reuniting with Atlas, my next meeting with Nada was short and sweet. Having wandered through a black hole, which led me to confront how hollow the pursuit for material wealth is, I didn't hesitate when Nada offered to guide me toward my next encounter with Atlas. Nada seemed ill at ease with Atlas and the nature of the galaxy, warning me to "beware." Despite that plea, Nada was ready to point me in what I considered to be the right direction. Its warning felt like a projection of fear, and its offer of guidance a greedy means to leverage my pursuit for knowledge that Nada was too scared to seek on its own.
Once Upon a Time
I took some time to travel down to Bedyatsia Aozyabk, to surround myself with life and appreciate its existence, but also to earn some much needed money. I came across some ruins, signs of ancient civilizations. Without a caretaker to maintain the site, nature had begun to reclaim that which was built upon its back. Everything, it seems, goes in cycles.
Days Long Gone
This fallen statue is evidence of the Gek, a species I'd encountered in several locations, near and far. The fallen structure would only have been constructed by a settled community that would stick around to appreciate it, but with the Gek capable of travelling among the stars, it was clear to me that they wanted something more. A sedentary life sounds pale compared to a grand adventure into the unknown, but if that was their motivation to leave, it begs the question: do Gek today feel nostalgic about the simpler times? Are they fulfilled, spread throughout the galaxy, leading solitary lives? Being so far removed from their humble beginnings, I doubt they even know at this stage.
Laughter is the Best Medicine
Further into my trip on Bedyatsia Aozyabk, I find...this. If there's some mastermind behind the creation of the universe, this must be its idea of a joke. I'll admit, I chuckled when I saw this mix of fruit and flower bouncing across my path. Something tells me Nada would share in my amusement.
What do we Have Here?
I tiptoed into an underground cavern and what did I find? A stash of vortex cubes--highly valued items. The wealth that lay before me would allow me to afford a better ship without mining resources ad nauseum. I cleared my backpack to make room for my newfound treasure.
I filled my backpack and prepared to turn around. Then I remembered: I can remotely transfer these cubes to my ship and continue to gather more. Lost in a desolate cave, these cubes didn't seem to belong to anyone. If I left them here, who would appreciate them? I emptied my bag and continued onward, deeper into the cave.
I Was Lost
Having maxed out my inventory with vortex cubes, it was time to call it a day. One problem: I had ventured so deep into the cave that I became lost. I spent an hour trying to find the exit. I only had myself to blame. Here I was, yet again, chasing wealth and paying the price for it. Lost in self-loathing, I wandered in vain until I remembered that I could blast my way out. I tunneled through the ceiling until the light of day peaked through. Emerging, I gave a sigh of relief, and swore I'd never make the same mistake again.
A New Pair of Wings
I returned to the nearest space station, vortex cubes in tow, and traded them in for a new ship. Wary to get too caught up in how it looked, I kept my eye out for an affordable ship with more storage. Luckily for me, I found one that also suited my superficial tastes. What good is money if you can't have fun with it once in awhile?
A Golden Idol
My next stop was Faulowna Meifan, and there I found a massive chunk of gold. In a way, it was the embodiment of material desires; a golden idol. After my stint in the cave, I looked to the outcrop with contempt. Like Nada, I was probably projecting my own issues.
To Catch a Thief
Within an outpost on a nearby planet, I find a Vy'keen Lieutenant up to no good. He clearly wanted whatever was inside the vault under his foot, but it didn't belong to him. A ranking military official is supposed to uphold civility. His desire trumped that which he swore to embody. Having been in his shoes, I knew there was only one way to help him find the righteous path. I immediately reported him to the Vy'keen authorities.
Down and out. Onward and upward.
Shortly after my encounter with the dishonorably Vy'keen, I came across a wrecked starship, billowing fresh smoke. Was it the result of a battle? Did the pilot venture off to find assistance? I had the chance to repair the ship and take it for myself, but it didn't seem right. It wasn't mine after all, and I'd be a hypocrite to take it immediately after scolding the Lieutenant. Was this a test? Were the vortex cubes a test? It felt like the right time to pay Atlas another visit.
The Clear Path
Basking in Atlas' glow, I felt fortunate to have survived my bout with greed. In the throws of my own concerns, I nearly lost it all. There is only one path ahead of me. I will follow in Atlas' footsteps. I will wander no more.
This is my final entry. The details of my adventure, though evidence of my journey, are tethers to the past; to the old me. There is no more "me." There is only Atlas.