Overwatch 2 Tank Tier List - All 12 Tanks Ranked
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A year into Overwatch 2, tanks have continuously shifted in the meta. As the roster continues to evolve to adapt to the 5v5 and single tank gameplay, many of the tanks have been severely impacted by changes. Since there is only one tank on each team, any nerfs and buffs to tanks have had a big impact on the meta, with Blizzard constantly trying to keep things even. Thanks to these changes, along with a few reworks and overhauls, the tank tier list has shifted drastically.
For more, don't miss our DPS tier list and support tier list.
While playing tank has become a cycle of counter-picking, there are a few tanks that seem to perform better against most other matchups. While both your team's comp and that of your opponents can impact how useful many of the tanks are, some tanks are too easily defeated by certain abilities in the game to really be great picks. As with many hero-based shooters, some counters and metas can be overcome by skill with a specific tank, although that has gotten much harder in Overwatch 2.
At the moment, the meta rewards the bigger tanks that can not only defend their teammates, but can withstand more damage. While the offense-forward tanks can still be used, it's going to be more of an uphill battle. Here's how Overwatch 2's tank roster stacks up today.
12. Doomfist
Doomfist continues to take the bottom spot on the tank tier list, for two main reasons. First, he is incredibly difficult to play well. Second, he is easily shut down by a ton of abilities in the game. Doomfist must be used as a dive tank, leaving your team defenseless while you attack. You need to punch enemies and pick them off, otherwise you won't be successful. His abilities need to be used in specific order and losing even one ability usually results in death. His biggest issue is that any kind of crowd control can cancel one of his abilities, breaking the combo and getting Doomfist killed. Combine a difficult ability kit to master with a tank that doesn't actually do much tanking for his team, Doomfist is a bad pick in most scenarios.
11. Wrecking Ball
Wrecking Ball is similar to Doomfist in many ways, but his larger health pool and less complicated abilities make him a bit easier to use. With the single-tank, 5v5 set-up, dive tanks have become difficult to use and Blizzard has not found a way to remedy this. Wrecking Ball needs to dive the enemy team and get in their backline, which leaves their team defenseless. You need to be getting constant picks to justify playing Wrecking Ball, and even then you probably still won't win.
Wrecking Ball uses his grappling hook to fly himself into the air, so he can smash down and deal damage. He has some shields and a decent amount of health, but if he sits still too long he can be taken down easily. He can also easily be shut down by crowd control abilities, making him very difficult to succeed with.
10. Winston
Winston suffers from a lack of tactical usability. He needs to jump into and out of combat constantly to stay alive and his main defensive tactic is a large shield. He continues to be an excellent pick to deal with snipers since he can jump to them, but up against any high damage heroes in close range he gets melted quickly. He doesn't deal a ton of damage, so if a Reaper shows up, he will lose every time without help. In a meta that prioritizes big tanks that can absorb a ton of damage and deal a ton, Winston suffers from a low damage output. He has his uses in certain situations, but he can also be quickly dealt with by damaged heroes and can't fight back well.
9. Mauga
Mauga can deal a ton of damage, but he is far too easy to kill to take a higher spot on the list. Mauga is equipped with dual machine guns, one that lights enemies on fire and one that deals critical damage to enemies that are on fire. He has a charge that ends with a stomp, which can knock enemies down at the end of it. He can also steal after using another ability. Lastly, his ultimate, Cage Fight, lets you trap enemies in a circular shield, allowing your team to deal extra damage to.
Mauga's big issue is that he is a big target and doesn't have any real way to mitigate damage. He does have a life-steal ability but that requires you to deal damage to heal and it doesn't heal as much as something like Roadhog's take a breather. If you want to really succeed as Mauga, you will need to have a healer pocketing you consistently, otherwise you will get melted.
8. D.VA
D.Va is in a better place than when Overwatch 2 initially launched, but she still has too many hard-counters to take a top spot on the list. Her mobility is great, her defense matrix has a short cooldown so you almost always have it available and the D.Va bomb is still a great ultimate if placed correctly. Her biggest flaw is that she can't defend against beam weapons, so a Symmetra, Mei, or Zarya can melt her fairly easily. While other tanks like Orisa are weak to beam weapons due to them not counting as projectiles, D.Va only has one defense move, the Defense Matrix. Since that doesn't absorb beams, she cannot do anything against beams besides run away.
She is also a little easier to take down than some other tanks, but that is mostly made up for by the amount of damage she can put out. She is also great for dealing with Pharah and Echo by flying up and attacking them. D.Va is a solid pick, but you might get hard countered into swapping.
7. Roadhog
With his rework, Roadhog is in a good place, but he does require a bit more finesse to play well. Roadhog is a high-damage tank who plays at close range, but he doesn't need to fully dive the enemy team like Doomfist. His hook allows him to bring enemies close to him and his reworked heal gives him much more sustain. The "one-shot" hook combo has returned, so long as you drop his trap Pig Pen before pulling an enemy into it.
Where Roadhog struggles is against high damage heroes, like Junkrat and Bastion. He has a large health pool of 700 and his heal gives him damage reduction while using it, but he only has regular health. Other tanks have shields--which automatically recharge--or armor--which has built in damage reduction--making them harder to kill. Roadhog can be overwhelmed with damage, making it so you need to be smarter about cover and when you push.
6. Junker Queen
Junker Queen is the best brawler tank at the moment, having a strong mix of defensive abilities while still doing a high amount of damage. Having two normal abilities with life-steal and an ultimate with it makes her sustain very good, and none of those abilities are difficult to use. Her shotgun is great and her battle cry giving extra shields is also a plus. Her two downsides is that she has a smaller frame than most tanks, making it harder to block for her teammates, and her limited health pool of 450.
Those two downsides make it hard for her to protect her teammates from high damage heroes and she can get shredded herself quite easily. That said, most heroes will have a hard time rushing her since she can do so much damage, so her presence forces the other team to play more defensively.
5. Sigma
Sigma can be a bit situational, but he is a great tank, especially on defense. Having both a shield and a projectile absorbing ability means he can mitigate a ton of damage for his team. He also has his giant rock ability, which can cancel pretty much any enemy ability in the game. Having a way to stop an enemy ultimate with a normal ability is a massive boon. The large area covered by his ultimate also makes it easy to win a team fight or clear an objective.
Sigma's Achilles Heel is that he is slow. He has a low movement speed and no abilities that let him move faster. This makes it difficult for him to deal with an aggressive team rushing him, or to do a hard push on offense. He can also struggle a bit at close range, since his primary attack has to go a certain distance before bursting and dealing damage.
4. Reinhardt
Reinhardt is a great defensive pick and a fan-favorite for all of the "head-empty" tank players out there. His shield can block tons of damage in addition to negating lots of high damage ultimate abilities. His Firestrike provides an easy way to deal damage at distance and lets him build ultimate charge consistently. The Charge attack can one-shot most non-tank heroes and let him move quickly too. Lastly, his ultimate ability can stunned the entire enemy team at once, making it an excellent ability in a big team fight.
Where Reinhardt has a few downsides is that he does most of his damage point-blank, so if he can get zoned away from the enemy, he can't do much. He also is a big target, so when the shield breaks he gets focused.
3. Ramattra
Ramattra is not the powerhouse he was when he was first introduced, but he still has a strong kit. His main ability of being able to punch through shields while in Nemesis form lets him move through Sigma and Reinhardt with ease, negating one of their main defensive options. He also gets a block in that form that drastically reduces his damage taken. Having a temporary shield he can place gives him a more flexible, if temporary, defense option. His ultimate ability is still one of the strongest in the game and can easily lead to a team kill when used properly.
A small issue with Ramattra is that his normal form functions at a medium range and his Nemesis form is better close up. That means you need to balance your positioning well and need to make sure you pay attention to your cooldowns even more than usual. It's a small hiccup, but something players don't always take into consideration, leading to Ramattra being out of position frequently.
2. Zarya
Zarya continues to be an absolute powerhouse in Overwatch 2, getting a perfect blend of damage and defense. Her shield bubbles can take a bunch of damage, which empowers her weapon to do extra damage. Since she can still attack with a bubble active, it forces the other team to choose between giving her a damage boost, or letting her attack uninterrupted while the bubble is active. The bubbles can be used to defend her teammates as well. At a high power percentage, Zarya can melt most enemies and since her main weapon is a beam, she can power through projectile absorbing abilities, like the ones D.Va and Sigma use.
Zarya isn't as effective against shields, since the beam doesn't do enough damage to easily power through a shield and she doesn't have an easy way to get around them without putting herself in too much danger. It's not a hard counter, but it does require a more strategic plan of attack.
1. Orisa
Orisa keeps her top spot a year into Overwatch 2, with her only becoming even more prominent as of late. She simply has too many tools at her disposal that makes her the best tank in the game. Her javelin toss can stun enemies, canceling what abilities they were using. Her javelin spin absorbs projectiles, giving her another way to block attacks and ultimate abilities. Her gun does solid damage and her ultimate ability does damage in a big area of effect, making it easy to clear contested objectives.
The main reason she takes this spot is her harden ability. This gives her extra armor, but more importantly, makes her immune to crowd control temporarily. Crowd control abilities are the main method of dealing with great tank players, so Orisa being able to negate those makes her tough to deal with. She is weak against beam weapons, but its not a hard enough counter to force you to swap every time.