PAX East 2019 Cosplay Gallery (Day One): Peach, Green Ranger, Tchanka, And More
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PAX East 2019 is off to a big start, with the official reveal of Borderlands 3, which included a pretty cool trailer for game, and some other big announcements from Gearbox Software. We also got hands on with some lesser known, but equally awesome games like Creature in the Well.
PAX East has always been a convention that attracts talented cosplayers. So far, we've seen characters from Super Mario, The Legend of Zelda, League of Legends, and more. Check out the best cosplay get-ups from day one--then see the best cosplay of day two and day three right here!
[Above: Princess Peach (Super Mario), by Maplesaur Cosplay]
Rosalina (Super Mario Galaxy), by @camcat26
Cape Mario (Super Mario), by @35_geeks
Link and Volvagia (The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time), by Glitch Cos
Skull Kid (The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask)
Zelda (The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild), by @Carley_Winn
Corrin (Fire Emblem Fates) by @epicgarchomp
Handsome Jack (Borderlands 2), by @BigOceanWorks
Krieg (Borderlands 2), by @byates8981
Mad Moxxi (Borderlands), by Affexion
DJ Sona (League of Legends), by @Beauds28
Kha'Zix (League of Legends), by Raging Shadow Cosplay
Kabal (Mortal Kombat), by @cosplay_fool
Cloud Strife (Final Fantasy VII), by @kaelor_
Jacket (Hotline Miami), by @erdemius89
Tchanka (Rainbow Six Siege), by @fenixthegoat
Assault Class (Battlefield V), by @daffy_dank
Man in the Golden Mask (Death Stranding)
Wilson and Willow (Don't Starve), by @squiiddish
Zander (Battlerite), by @Defiant_Drills
Lola Bunny (Space Jam), by Vee Cosplay
Green Ranger (Power Rangers), by @vudoo781
Styy (Custom Character)