Pokemon: 8 Key Moments In Ash's Journey To Become World Champ
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It only took 25 years, but after a lifetime of traveling, battling, and dealing with Team Rocket, Ash Ketchum's determination and perseverance has paid off. Now recognized as the Pokemon World Champion, Ash's journey from Pallet Town to the global stage saw him emerge triumphant in the Masters Eight Tournament of the Pokemon World Coronation Series. But before he could claim the title of best in the world, Ash had to learn the hard way that there's no shortcut to greatness.
Across multiple towns, cities, and region, this was an odyssey that would regularly take the legend-in-training to the various Conferences of each region, culminating in massive battles where Ash would come incredibly close to achieving greatness. Fielding his best and strongest Pokemon in each tournament, Ash's League record is one of crushing defeats, last-minute comebacks, and victories that were nothing short of miracles.
If there's a running thread throughout these main event showdowns, it's that Ash's team always represented the best of the region that he found himself inside of, even if he was on the losing end of a bout against trainers who would eventually go on to achieve Pokemon fame and glory. With his current journey across the globe wrapping up, we're taking a look at the most pivotal tournaments that helped shape Ash into a master trainer (Sorry Orange Islands fans, the filler arc of the Orange League doesn't make the cut) and which episodes you can catch all that pocket monster action in.
1. The Kanto Indigo Plateau Conference (1999)
Episode 74 (All fired up) to Episode 80 (Friends to the end)
Ash pulled off some major victories in his first run at Pokemon League glory (who could forget his Krabby being the MVP of the show?) but he ultimately came up short in the final rounds. In the fifth round of the Indigo Plateau Conference, Ash faced off against his new friend Richie, barely making it to the stadium in time thanks to the usual Team Rocket shenanigans. In a 3v3 battle, Ash hit the field with Squirtle, Charizard, and Pikachu at less than optimal shape, losing to Richie's team of Butterfree, Charmander, and his Pikachu Sparky.
2. The Johto Silver Conference (2002)
Episode 266 (A claim to flame) to Episode 272 (Johto photo finish)
The title of Pokemon champion eluded Ash again as he entered the Silver Conference of the Johto region, but this event saw a marked improvement in his skill as a Pokemon trainer. On the way to his fateful quarterfinal match against Harrison from the Hoenn region, Ash pulled off a major upset win against his longtime rival Gary Oak, showing just how far he'd come since he left Pallet Town.
In the finals, Ash sent in Totodile, Snorlax, Noctowl, Bayleef, and Pikachu to battle Harrison's Kecleon, Sneasel, Hypno, Steelix, and Houndoom, with the final clash being an all-out brawl between two mighty Fire-types. Ash and Charizard might have lost to Harrison and his Blaziken, but he earned a Top 8 finish by the time that the dust had settled.
3. The Ever Grande Conference of Hoenn (2005)
Episode 400 (Saved by the Beldum) to Episode 405 (At the end of the fray)
Onwards and upwards! In a repeat of his Johto tournament experience, Ash made it all the way to the Top 8 in the Ever Grande Conference. Facing off against his friend Tyson, Ash's Glalie and Tyson's Sceptile got the ball rolling with a shocking double elimination. From there, Ash's team of Torkoal, Corphish, Swellow, and Grovyle took Tyson's team of Shiftry, Hariyama, Donphan, and Metagross to the limit, with the final deciding bout coming down to Ash's Pikachu and Tyson's Meowth. In a fierce clash, Pikachu comes incredibly close to defeating Meowth, but an Iron Tail duel knocks the adorable electric rat out for the count.
4. The Sinnoh Lily of the Valley Conference (2010)
Episode 648 (An old family blend) to 655 (The semi-final frontier)
A championship finish still wasn't within reach of Ash by the time that he participated in the Sinnoh League, but after exploring the region and assembling a new team of formidable Pokemon, he'd managed to battle his way into the top of this league. Ash's road to victory in the Lily of the Valley Conference was eventually stopped by his new rival Tobias. In a semi-final match, Tobias makes short work of Ash's Gible, Torkoal, and Heracross with just his sinister Darkrai, but Sceptile manages to score a win. Even though it's a 6v6 Pokemon battle, Tobias only needed his second Pokemon Latios to help him score a win as it trounced Ash's remaining Pokemon Sceptile, Swellow, and Pikachu.
5. The Unova Vertress Conference (2013)
Episode 760 (Curtain up, Unova League) to Episode 765 (A Unova League evolution)
Ash had faced some stiff competition in the Unova League, and with a quarterfinal match against his latest rival Cameron, one of the best trainers that Kanto had to offer would go down swinging. Ash's team of Boldore, Oshawott, Pignite, Pikachu, and Unfezant put up a good fight against Cameron's squad of Hydreigon, Ferrothorn, Samurott, and Swanna, but the match came down to one titanic tussle in the end. Ash swapped between Snivy and Pikachu in this duel, while Cameron's Riolu stayed on the field and even evolved into Lucario during the middle of the match, taking out both of Ash's heavyweight Pokemon to close the book on the Vertress Conference.
6. The Kalos Lumiose Conference (2016)
Episode 924 (A league of his own) to Episode 930 (Down to the fiery finish)
Ash's league losing streak continued in the Kalos region, but this time, he made it all the way to the grand final of the Lumiose Conference. Alain's team of Metagross, Weavile, Tyranitar, Bisharp, and Unfezant were a serious threat to Ash's Hawlucha, Talonflame, Pikachu, Noivern, and Goodra, but the main event was reserved for a furious fight between mega-evolved Pokemon. Ash's Greninja was in peak fighting form thanks to the power of Bond Phenomenon, but Alain's Mega Charizard X eventually emerged mega-triumphant after an epic final attack.
7. The Alola Islands Manalo Conference (2019)
Episode 1068 (Battle Royale 151) to Episode 1078 (Enter the champion)
After decades of traveling the world, gathering Pokemon, and falling into roughly 3,273 holes dug by Team Rocket, Ash finally managed to score a major tournament win. In the Manalo Conference of the Alola Islands, Ash faced off against Gladion, sending in his trusty Pikachu, gigantic Melmetal, and Dusk Form Lycanroc to do battle against his rival's Silvally, Zoroark, and a Midnight Form of Lycanroc. After an intense battle between dueling Lycanrocs, Ash finally emerged triumphant as a Pokemon champion.
8. The Masters Eight Tournament (2022)
Episode 1200 (Curtain up! Fight the fights) to Episode 1217 (The finals IV: partner)
While Ash's win in the Manalo Conference was a groundbreaking moment for the trainer, this year he finally achieved his dream of becoming a world champion. A staggering 25 years after he started his journey, Ash defeated the best in the world to conquer the Masters Eight Tournament. Featuring the top trainers from across the globe, Ash's journey took him all over the world as he battled his way to the very top of the tournament leaderboards.
Opposing Ash and his team (Pikachu, Gengar, Sirfetch'd, Lucario, Dracovish, and Dragonite) was a formidable barrier in the form of the flamboyant Leon. The Galar Champion's team consisted of Cinderace, Inteleon, Mr. Rime, Dragapult, Rillaboom, and Charizard, with the nail-biting conclusion ending in a literal head-to-head collision between Pikachu and Charizard. After a quick check-up at the Pokemon Center, Ash took to the stage to celebrate the greatest accomplishment of his career with his team of superstar Pokemon.