Resident Evil: Welcome To Raccoon City - Every Easter Egg From The Games
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Resident Evil: Welcome To Raccoon City reboots the long-running action film series, bringing the movies back to their roots: the video game source material. Welcome to Raccoon City goes much harder than the previous films in staying true to the games. It's clear the filmmakers behind the movie have a deep respect for the games, and as a result, Resident Evil: Welcome To Raccoon City is brimming with references, callbacks, and Easter eggs.
Note: This post contains spoilers for Resident Evil: Welcome To Raccoon City and the Resident Evil games. See the movie and then come back!
In fact, there are so many Easter eggs in Welcome To Raccoon City that even eagle-eyed fans might have missed some--they're everywhere. Luckily, we've logged everything we could that references the games. Check out the list below, and if you spotted anything we missed, feel free to leave it in the comments.
Say Hi To Lisa Trevor
Lisa Trevor is a character from the original Resident Evil who hasn't appeared in the films before. She's not only a big part of Welcome to Raccoon City, her character design matches what you'll see of her in the remake of the first Resident Evil game.
First Aid Spray Poster
One of the first things we see in the Raccoon City Orphanage is a poster for a Resident Evil medical miracle: First Aid Spray. An incredible invention, merely blasting this aerosol goo on a wound is enough to heal it. Makes sense that the poster for such a marvel would be present in an Umbrella facility's nurse station.
Spencer Mansion Mural
There's no shortage of Umbrella propaganda scattered around the orphanage, and in the room where a young Claire is led while everyone else is asleep, you can see a big mural on the wall depicting the iconic Spencer Mansion. It's interesting that such an iconic (and horrific) location from the games serves as a visual representation for the Umbrella Corp. in Raccoon City in the film.
The Trucker And His Burger
Anyone who's played Resident Evil 2's excellent remake will instantly recognize the trucker taking Claire into Raccoon City, and more importantly, the burger he mashes into his face. This is a shot lifted directly from the game (and it's just as gross).
Is That Dog Named Cerberus?
Scary zombie Dobermanns are a mainstay of Resident Evil, so as soon as that very nice boy makes his appearance in the back of the truck, you know something's up. No word on whether his name is Cerberus but, you know, probably.
The Resident Evil Title Treatment
Homage is all over the place in Resident Evil: Welcome To Raccoon City, and that goes for the font used on the title.
Raccoon City Sign
That's also the same Raccoon City sign you'll see during game cutscenes in Resident Evil 2.
Jill The Hamburglar
The movie's conception of Jill is a little harder-edge than in the games--she's a sharpshooter, for one, and cracks jokes like "I might just shoot the rookie because it'd be funny." The games' conception of Jill is that of a reformed cat burglar, and while she doesn't seem to have that backstory in the movie, there might be a bit of a callback in the diner scene as she appropriates Wesker's meal.
Chris's Tall Oaks T-Shirt
When we first meet Chris as an adult, he's wearing a shirt from a city called Tall Oaks. Fans will remember the small city and Ivy University, its local college, as the site of a zombie outbreak in Resident Evil 6. We find Leon Kennedy there in that game, guarding the president in his post-Raccoon City job as a secret service agent.
Ben Burtolucci With The Scoop
Claire tries to convince Chris that Umbrella is up to no good with a video from her internet pal, Ben. That's Ben Bertolucci, a journalist featured in Resident Evil 2. He's one of the few people to crack the case on Umbrella, and the movie deepens his involvement to make his disappearance the reason for Claire's arrival in Raccoon City.
Eaten By A Shark, Or Eaten By A Snake?
As the STARS are hanging out in the briefing room at the Raccoon City police station, Jill asks her pals which they think would be worse: Getting eaten by a giant snake, or a giant shark? In the original Resident Evil, the STARS members would face both giant creatures inside the Spencer Mansion, and this is a particularly runny moment because Jill is directing the question to Richard--the guy who got eaten by Yawn, the giant snake, in the game.
Oswell Spencer And The Umbrella Backstory
There's not too much general backstory about Umbrella in Welcome To Raccoon City, but Chief Irons' quick info dump about the Spencer Mansion includes some details about one of the company's founders in the game universe, Oswell E. Spencer.
Both Itchy And Tasty
Before Claire leaves Chris's house, she meets the neighbors, as we see a window with the iconic message "Itchy, tasty" written on it. That's one of the more iconic Resident Evil tidbits out there--in the original game, "Itchy, tasty" was the final entry in the journal of a man working at the Spencer Mansion as he succumbed to the T-Virus and turned into a zombie. The virus made him itchy, and when he scratched, chunks of flesh fell off, and he ate those chunks, and they were tasty. You're welcome.
Claire's Motorcycle
Claire doesn't make her entrance in Resident Evil 2 by hitchhiking her way into Raccoon City. Instead, she rides a motorcycle into town. In Welcome To Raccoon City, she acquires the bike by, uh, borrowing it from her brother.
Welcome Leon!
The Raccoon City police department includes a few familiar sights, including the "Welcome Leon" banner stretched over a doorway. It also adorns the police station in Resident Evil 2, suggesting the super-fun pizza party Leon would have enjoyed if not for the zombie outbreak messing up his arrival on the force.
The RCPD Front Desk
On his first night shift, Leon is stationed at the RCPD's front desk. The set is exactly the same as in Resident Evil 2, with arcing ramps on the left and right side of the big desk. You might remember running the hell away from Mr. X in this room quite a bit.
Claire's Sick Jacket
Like most of the characters in Welcome To Raccoon City, Claire sports a costume very similar to what she wears in the games. Specifically, she's got that cool red jacket that her character sports in the remake of Resident Evil 2--an update on her clothes from the original release.
Bravo Team's Jeep
When the STARS Alpha team arrives outside the Spencer mansion, they find the crashed jeep that the rest of their unit, Bravo team, used to get up to the mansion to investigate it. In the video game, Bravo team took a helicopter up into the Arklay Mountains--and it crashed. You do see a crashed jeep in the area, however, in Resident Evil 0, but that one is a military police vehicle carrying Billy Coen, one of that game's protagonists. Curiously, the other well-known member of STARS Bravo team, Rebecca Chambers, isn't in Welcome To Raccoon City at all.
The Truck Crash
That trucker from the beginning of the movie has an important role to play in Welcome to Raccoon City. Like in Resident Evil 2, he eventually flips his truck, setting off a big fire. In the games, that crash is what separates Leon and Claire and forces them to each find their own way to the Raccoon City police station. In Welcome to Raccoon City, the crash blocks off the entrance to the police station, forcing survivors inside.
Chief Brian Irons
Like Lisa Trevor, Chief Brian Irons is a video game character from Resident Evil 2 who hasn't appeared in any of the films before. He gets quite a bit of the spotlight in Welcome to Raccoon City, although the game version comes off as quite a bit more sinister, and never mentions a love for Journey.
The Spencer Mansion Foyer
And when the STARS finally make it to the Spencer Mansion, they enter through the front door to find exactly a lovingly recreated live-action version of the same space from Resident Evil. Wesker even suggests everyone split up. Also worth noting here that, like Rebecca, one member of the team in the games is missing: Barry Burton.
Umbrella Troops On Site
Resident Evil 2 sees soldiers from the Umbrella Security Service showing up in the city, and in the movie, we see these black-clad troopers, with their signature gas masks, enforcing a quarantine that prevents anyone from leaving the city. They're not especially good shots, though, since Chief Irons manages to make his escape while blaring Journey.
Cerberus In Full Effect
If getting shot at wasn't enough, Irons then has to deal with the Resident Evil mainstay of the zombie dog. Sure, it's a monster now, but it's tough not to feel bad for that pup from earlier in the movie. All he wanted to do was eat some gross stuff off the road. He didn't ask for this.
Leon's Body Armor
Unlike the other cops in Resident Evil 2, Leon Kennedy's iconic look includes an RPD bullet-proof vest. It takes him a bit to get properly outfitted in the movie, but eventually, Claire helps him don the complete ensemble.
Wesker Checks The Map
The aged personal digital assistant--PDA for the kids--that Wesker carries around in the Spencer Mansion gives him a look at the layout. If you get a look at what's on the screen, you'll see that it's essentially the same boxy map players used to find their way through the mansion in the game.
The Stuffed Deer Room
Several of the rooms within the Spencer Mansion are similar or the same as ones seen in the game, including the one Chris explores with a trophy deer head hanging on the wall.
The First Zombie
If there's one thing even casual Resident Evil fans know, it's that cinematic moment in the game when the characters encounter their first zombie. The movie recreates the scene in exacting detail, in which we find a ghoul snacking on a victim before looking back at more fresh meat over its shoulder.
The Piano Code
Wesker and Jill's investigation takes them into a room that houses a piano, where Wesker plays a few specific notes to reveal a secret passage. That's pretty much exactly what happens in the game, and the room looks a lot like the same location in the remake version of Resident Evil, although the movie room is a bit more "tasteful library" than the piano bar of the game.
Bertolucci In the Tank
Back in the police station, Leon eventually discovers journalist Ben Bertolucci locked in a cell, a scene very reminiscent of the character's introduction in Resident Evil 2. If you're familiar with the game, then you probably have some idea where this scene is headed.
Enter: The Licker
One of the most frightening moments of Resident Evil 2 is the appearance of the licker, a skinless creature with huge teeth and a ludicrous tongue. At least from a visual perspective, the monster's arrival in Welcome to Raccoon City is almost exactly the same as in the game, and it's just as freaky.
Playing Card Keys
Resident Evil games are known for taking place in convoluted locations full of weird keys to open various locked doors. The movie gives a nod to that heritage when Claire gets a ring of keys that each sport an icon from the four suits of a deck of cards. In fact, the Heart, Spade, Diamond, and Club keys show up in Resident Evil 2.
Chris Equips The Knife And Lighter
Searching through the darkened halls of the Spencer Mansion is like 80% of the experience of the original Resident Evil, and we get to see Chris pretty much exactly as he appears in the game. He's sporting his STARS uniform from the game and wielding a knife--the weapon he starts with in the game, thanks to losing his gun in the opening moments. The game's use of the lighter isn't quite as harrowing the way it's deployed in the movie, but it's also a big part of the experience for players.
Spencer's Dining Room
As with the other rooms of the Spencer Mansion we've mentioned, the dining room is almost an exact recreation of what appears in the game.
Ashford Twins Torture Bugs
That creepy video featuring the blonde Ashford twins is recreated almost exactly from a cutscene in Resident Evil: Code Veronica that introduces the two characters. The in-game cutscene features both the dragonfly and the part where the twins feed the defenseless creature to a bunch of ants.
Wesker And Birkin
The relationship between Wesker and Birkin is very different in the games than the movie. In Welcome to Raccoon City, the two have never met before Wesker shows up in Birkin's lab, but in the games, they're both Umbrella employees and longtime rivals. The scene in the movie is similar to one in Resident Evil 2, however. In the game, Umbrella operatives show up after discovering some treachery on Birkin's part and shoot him; dying, he injects himself with the G-Virus. That's pretty much exactly what happens in the movie, except instead of some faceless Umbrella soldiers, it's Wesker pulling the trigger.
Surely every Resident Evil 2 fan knew that the inclusion of William Birkin as a character would lead to this, since a monsterfied Birkin is the primary antagonist in the game. The movie lovingly recreates two of Birkin's mutations, including the big gross eye arm and the one where Birkin's human form is subsumed by his G-virus mutation.
Crazy Train
In Resident Evil 2, the surviving characters escape the destruction of Raccoon City on an Umbrella train--much like the train seen in the film. The interior is just like the space you see in the game as you make your escape aboard it, and the AL 5000 designation on the front references the designation on the train from the original Resident Evil movie, which was Alexie 5000. (In the original game, the train was dubbed the Galaxie 5000.)
Good Ol' Rocket Launcher
It's unclear where Leon got it from, but Resident Evil stories generally end with someone producing a rocket launcher to use on an otherwise-unkillable creature, so this is a fitting moment.
It only comes up for a moment in the on-screen text toward the end of the movie, but the movie does acknowledge that the underground lab was called NEST, just like in the games.
The Origin Of Wesker's Sunglasses
Yup, Resident Evil: Welcome to Raccoon City has a post-credits scene. While Wesker's backstory is different in the movie than in the games, he ends up in much the same place. Thanks to viral weirdness, he's back from the dead, probably has superpowers, and has a canonical reason for wearing sunglasses all the time. We haven't seen the last of Wesker.
Don't Forget Ada
Ada Wong is a major part of Leon's story in Resident Evil 2, and she just manages to sneak into Welcome to Raccoon City in the final moments. We also see the beginnings of her relationship with Wesker, something that persists through the stories of several Resident Evil games.