Game of Sequel Bait: A Tell Tale Broken Mess
I had a strong feeling that they were going to leave the story open ended for a future instalment, but I never believed that they would leave us with such a disappointing, unsatisfactory, non-conclusion as the one we got with the much delayed Episode Six.
There was not one satisfying element in the game's "Finale," Episode, and that's just really pathetic as far as I'm concerned. It should have left us all wanting more and hoping that they would confirm a second season, not just a poorly thought out prologue to season two.
The story began strongly in episode one but as each new instalment came along, for me, it just got progressively worse, to the point where I knew how everything was going to play out within the dialogue "Choices," One of the reasons being, as almost every character not already established from the TV show is aggressively obtuse, and calling them characters is being way too generous as HODOR has more depth to him than those lot.
Then there were the constant bugs, as the game mechanics were just a flat out MESS! Well it was for me. I played it on the Playstation 3, where I have played Tell Tale game's before but NEVER have I played one of their games as broken as this one was. (I've read barely anything regarding this point.)
My main gripe with the bugs was with the cut scene dialogue, it was so often way ahead of the action that was currently on screen but the subtitles won that round as they were even further ahead of both. I'm so glad I am not deaf but I feel sorry for those whom are.
As each new episode came out, the game;s buggy issues seemed to grow along with them. This was an issue I noticed in another of Tell Tale's titles with the fantastically entertaining The Wolf Among Us, as I got nearer that story's finale the exact same errors began creeping in. Which coincidently also had long gaps between final instalments.
So now all episodes are done and dusted, a Season Two has already been confirmed. News that I'm sure played a large part in Tell Tale's decision to leave us with such a criminally lacklustre ending that serves only as set up for season two. Sadly I'm not looking forward to it, despite my love of George R. R. Martin's Westeros Lore, because after this bare bones effort, I can already predict that they will end up doing the same thing (or at least very similar) with season two, in sending forth more sequel bait for a possible season three.
Ooooh Those Cheeky B'stards! >_<
Thanks for your time.