Had potential, but since the combat is so restrictive it ties your hands behind your back. (Sadly disappointing)

User Rating: 6.5 | Game of Thrones PC
Been playing Game of Thrones for less than ten hours, and so far this is my take. Since I am big fan of the show, I guess I was hoping for more of what makes the show so interesting; intrigue, a creative storyline and at times great combat. Game of Thrones the game, pretty much involves your oathful duty at the wall, as a Ranger of the Night's Watch. Personally I think the Ranger's are a tough bunch and are adept fighters, which I thought would bring in some creative sword play. (Wrong) Combat in the game is very similar to Dragon Age, where your character will just swing away until you select different special moves for them to execute. (Boring) I am a big fan of free flowing combat where each move is my choice, (not a repetitive looping swinging scene where your character just chops away), Assassin Creed has some of the best melee combat I have ever experienced, so I guess I hoping for more of this, whether that would be using a two handed weapon or sword or shield. Even though the combat is clunky and cumbersome, the graphics look good, and at 1920x1080 much of the armor and weapons look quite nice, and the graphical detail of the environment wowed me a couple of times. Another plus was that weapon drops, and loot do come fairly frequently so at least you look forward to frequent choices to upgrade or not. But overall, do to the restrictive combat, I'm sadly disappointed, could of been good with better combat control.