Party Off

User Rating: 5.5 | Game Party WII
The wave of Wii shovelware has officially begun, and we don't see it letting up any time soon. On the plus side, companies like Midway seem to have no misconceptions that titles like these are actually gunning for review scores over Wii Play, Wii Sports, and the like. Game Party sits right along with the dozens upon dozens of titles out there that aim directly for ignorant shoppers; it's box art bait, plain and simple. Do the games work? Despite some odd control issues and annoying bugs, yes, they technically work. Are they fun? Not really, and the lack of polish can be infuriating. There's no Mii integration, no real reason to replay the games , and we know , and no single person on the planet - friend or enemy - that we'd recommend this one for. If you're looking for a somewhat worthy design akin to Game Party, pick up Carnival Games, or go with something like Wii Play. The former has a ton of customization and a decent style, while the latter includes a free controller along with your kick in the crotch.

Presentaion: Generic and Mii-like, but with no Mii integration 5.5/10

Graphics: Extremely simplistic. 480p and 16:9 supported though, which proves just how much of a no-brainer it is to support Wii's better display options 6.5/10

Sound: Generic background music and sound effects. Nothing overly impressive here.6/10

Gameplay: Seven games total, each of which work, but are very simple and often a bit wonky 6/10

Lasting Appeal: An hour's worth of content, tops 3.5/10

Overall: 5.5/10

my Verdict: f@$k It :)