Cheats & Guides

2 Games In 1 Double Pack: Finding Nemo / Monsters, Inc. Cheats For Game Boy Advance

  1. Level Passwords

    On the password screen, enter the password for a specific level. These passwords are for people who don't want to complete the whole game.

    Effect Effect
    Filter Block 78Q2
    Minefeild 8061
    Jellyfish Forest 8RL2
    Drop-off HZ51
    Traning Q7P1
    Aquarium QHP1
    Abyss RGP1
    Meeting Dory ZZ51

    Contributed by: Littlelane 

  2. Finding Nemo- Unlock Everything

    At the password screen input the following

    Effect Effect
    M6HM Unlocks All Levels and Galleries

    Contributed by: GameMasterZer0