Cheats & Guides

A Druid's Duel Cheats For PC

  1. Steam Achievements

    Win 3 Online Games. Adept
    Win the Aldenfalle Season Stone. Aldenfalle Acolyte
    Create 3 obstacles in one turn. Arbor Day
    Win the Beltaine Season Stone. Boss of Beltaine
    Build 2 Bridges in one turn. Carpenter
    Win 4 Map Items. Cartographer
    Destroyed 3 obstacles in one turn. Clear-cutter
    Change the same Wind Rider into an Eagle twice in one turn. Cloud Hopping
    Win the Deepwinter Season Stone. Dearest Deepwinter
    Transform a Waywalker into a Turtle. Duck and Cover
    Win 1 Map Item. Explorer
    Generate 120 Mana in one turn. Harness the Power
    Win the Highsommar Season Stone. Hero of Highsommar
    Use 3 Eagles to attack in one turn. It's Raining Men
    Spawn 100 new units. Lemmings!
    Attack 3 times in a row with one Bear. Like a Bear in a China Shop
    Win the Midsommar Season Stone (and the game!) Lord of the Realms
    Generate 20,000 Mana. Mana Master
    Earn 50 Aura in a single Online Game. Mantel of Power
    Rise to Bear Rank in Online play. Mark of the Bear
    Build 4 Bridges in one turn. Master Carpenter
    Win 20 Online Games. Master of the Way
    Start 5 new Online Games. Me First
    Earn 20 Trisks in a single Online Game. Medal of Honor
    Earn 10 Trisks in a single Online Game. Medal Winner
    Take 4th in an Online Game. No Place to Go But Up
    Transform a Wind Rider into an Eagle. Now We're Flying
    Start a new Online Game. On The Path
    Finish an Online Game. One of the Gang
    Spend 0 Mana in a turn you generated 80 or more. Overconfident
    Use 3 wolves in one turn. Pack Animal
    Finish 5 Online Games. Playmaker
    Capture 2 Relics in one turn. Power Hungry
    Capture 4 Relics in one turn. Powermonger
    Destroy a piece of land with an Obstacle on it. Realm Ripper
    Take 2nd in an Online Game. Second Winner
    Kill a Turtle with a Bear. Shell Shocked
    Rise to Eagle Rank in Online play. Soaring Eagle
    Defeat Master Ninonell Talk Is Cheap
    Take 3rd in an Online Game. Third Wheel
    Earn 250 Trisks in Online Play. Trisk Trader
    Rise to Wolf Rank in Online play. Way of the Wolf
    Win 10 Online Games. Waywalker
    Login to Online Play 10 times. Welcome Back
    Transform a Guardian into a Wolf. Who Let The Dogs Out?
    Take 1st place in an Online Game. Winner Takes All
    Win the Wintermourne Season Stone. Wintermourne Warrior
    Rise to Turtle Rank in Online play. Wise Turtle
    Transform a Snarlclaw into a Bear. You Won't Like Me When I'm Angry
    Defeat Master Rickett. You're Not the Boss of Me

    Contributed by: Guard Master 

A Druid's Duel Cheats For Macintosh

  1. Steam Achievements

    Win 3 Online Games. Adept (67)
    Win the Aldenfalle Season Stone. Aldenfalle Acolyte (47)
    Create 3 obstacles in one turn. Arbor Day (34)
    Win the Beltaine Season Stone. Boss of Beltaine (10)
    Build 2 Bridges in one turn. Carpenter (13)
    Win 4 Map Items. Cartographer (10)
    Destroyed 3 obstacles in one turn. Clear-cutter (39)
    Change the same Wind Rider into an Eagle twice in one turn. Cloud Hopping (19)
    Win the Deepwinter Season Stone. Dearest Deepwinter (10)
    Transform a Waywalker into a Turtle. Duck and Cover (14)
    Win 1 Map Item. Explorer (67)
    Generate 120 Mana in one turn. Harness the Power (24)
    Win the Highsommar Season Stone. Hero of Highsommar (25)
    Use 3 Eagles to attack in one turn. It's Raining Men (15)
    Spawn 100 new units. Lemmings! (21)
    Attack 3 times in a row with one Bear. Like a Bear in a China Shop (20)
    Win the Midsommar Season Stone (and the game!) Lord of the Realms (10)
    Generate 20,000 lifetime Mana in Campaign and Online play. Mana Master (67)
    Earn 50 Aura in a single Online Game. Mantel of Power (10)
    Rise to Bear Rank in Online play. Mark of the Bear (10)
    Build 4 Bridges in one turn. Master Carpenter (21)
    Win 20 Online Games. Master of the Way (10)
    Start 5 new Online Games. Me First (67)
    Earn 20 Trisks in a single Online Game. Medal of Honor (47)
    Earn 10 Trisks in a single Online Game. Medal Winner (47)
    (Secret) No Place to Go But Up (10)
    Transform a Wind Rider into an Eagle. Now We're Flying (11)
    Start a new Online Game. On The Path (47)
    Finish an Online Game. One of the Gang (39)
    Use 3 wolves in one turn. Pack Animal (19)
    Finish 5 Online Games. Playmaker (67)
    Capture 2 Relics in one turn. Power Hungry (25)
    Capture 4 Relics in one turn. Powermonger (10)
    Destroy a piece of land with an Obstacle on it. Realm Ripper (34)
    Take 2nd in an Online Game. (Secret) Second Winner (39)
    (Secret) Shell Shocked (47)
    Rise to Eagle Rank in Online play. Soaring Eagle (10)
    Defeat Master Ninonell Talk Is Cheap (47)
    (Secret) Third Wheel (10)
    Earn 250 Trisks in Online Play. Trisk Trader (10)
    Rise to Wolf Rank in Online play. Way of the Wolf (10)
    Win 10 Online Games. Waywalker (10)
    (Secret) Welcome Back (10)
    Transform a Guardian into a Wolf. Who Let The Dogs Out? (10)
    Take 1st place in an Online Game. Winner Takes All (47)
    Win the Wintermourne Season Stone. Wintermourne Warrior (67)
    Rise to Turtle Rank in Online play. Wise Turtle (10)
    Transform a Snarlclaw into a Bear. You Won't Like Me When I'm Angry (14)
    Defeat Master Rickett. You're Not the Boss of Me (24)

    Contributed by: Eevee-Trainer 

A Druid's Duel Cheats For Linux

  1. Steam Achievements

    Win 3 Online Games. Adept (67)
    Win the Aldenfalle Season Stone. Aldenfalle Acolyte (47)
    Create 3 obstacles in one turn. Arbor Day (34)
    Win the Beltaine Season Stone. Boss of Beltaine (10)
    Build 2 Bridges in one turn. Carpenter (13)
    Win 4 Map Items. Cartographer (10)
    Destroyed 3 obstacles in one turn. Clear-cutter (39)
    Change the same Wind Rider into an Eagle twice in one turn. Cloud Hopping (19)
    Win the Deepwinter Season Stone. Dearest Deepwinter (10)
    Transform a Waywalker into a Turtle. Duck and Cover (14)
    Win 1 Map Item. Explorer (67)
    Generate 120 Mana in one turn. Harness the Power (24)
    Win the Highsommar Season Stone. Hero of Highsommar (25)
    Use 3 Eagles to attack in one turn. It's Raining Men (15)
    Spawn 100 new units. Lemmings! (21)
    Attack 3 times in a row with one Bear. Like a Bear in a China Shop (20)
    Win the Midsommar Season Stone (and the game!) Lord of the Realms (10)
    Generate 20,000 lifetime Mana in Campaign and Online play. Mana Master (67)
    Earn 50 Aura in a single Online Game. Mantel of Power (10)
    Rise to Bear Rank in Online play. Mark of the Bear (10)
    Build 4 Bridges in one turn. Master Carpenter (21)
    Win 20 Online Games. Master of the Way (10)
    Start 5 new Online Games. Me First (67)
    Earn 20 Trisks in a single Online Game. Medal of Honor (47)
    Earn 10 Trisks in a single Online Game. Medal Winner (47)
    (Secret) No Place to Go But Up (10)
    Transform a Wind Rider into an Eagle. Now We're Flying (11)
    Start a new Online Game. On The Path (47)
    Finish an Online Game. One of the Gang (39)
    Use 3 wolves in one turn. Pack Animal (19)
    Finish 5 Online Games. Playmaker (67)
    Capture 2 Relics in one turn. Power Hungry (25)
    Capture 4 Relics in one turn. Powermonger (10)
    Destroy a piece of land with an Obstacle on it. Realm Ripper (34)
    Take 2nd in an Online Game. (Secret) Second Winner (39)
    (Secret) Shell Shocked (47)
    Rise to Eagle Rank in Online play. Soaring Eagle (10)
    Defeat Master Ninonell Talk Is Cheap (47)
    (Secret) Third Wheel (10)
    Earn 250 Trisks in Online Play. Trisk Trader (10)
    Rise to Wolf Rank in Online play. Way of the Wolf (10)
    Win 10 Online Games. Waywalker (10)
    (Secret) Welcome Back (10)
    Transform a Guardian into a Wolf. Who Let The Dogs Out? (10)
    Take 1st place in an Online Game. Winner Takes All (47)
    Win the Wintermourne Season Stone. Wintermourne Warrior (67)
    Rise to Turtle Rank in Online play. Wise Turtle (10)
    Transform a Snarlclaw into a Bear. You Won't Like Me When I'm Angry (14)
    Defeat Master Rickett. You're Not the Boss of Me (24)

    Contributed by: Eevee-Trainer