Cheats & Guides
Adventure in the Tower of Flight Cheats For PC
Steam Achievements
Achievement Collect 100 gold feathers Birds of Gold (10) (Secret) Can't be stopped (10) Spend 2000 coins at shops Casual Shopper (12) Collect 5,000 gold feathers City of Gold (37) Purchase items from 100 stores (Secret) City Slicker (37) Get the Armor of Much-Protection Dragon Skin (15) Spend 5000 coins at shops Economy Boost (14) Collect 500 gold feathers Flock of Gold (16) Talk to 300 people Gossiper (26) Get the Sword of Much-Strength Great Strength (12) (Secret) Hard as nails (52) Don't buy anything from 30 stores (Secret) Indecisive (26) Collect 25,000 coins Jackpot (37) Get the Bow of Much-Reach Long Shot (13) Purchase items from 30 stores (Secret) Mall Rat (30) (Secret) Master of all (10) Find all 13 health vials Max Health (52) Collect 1,000,000 coins Millionaire (10) Kill 1000 monsters Monster Hunter (16) Kill 10,000 monsters No Fear (52) Get the Shield of Much-Ping Rock Stance (14) Complete the game (Secret) Ruler of the World (16) Talk to 50 people Social Butterfly (14) Get the Boots of Much-Flight Swift Feet (10) Collect 250,000 coins Swimming in Coins (10) Spend 20000 coins at shops Whale (30) Don't buy anything from 10 stores (Secret) Window Shopper (17) Collect 10,000 gold feathers World of Gold (30) Contributed by: Eevee-Trainer
Adventure in the Tower of Flight Cheats For Macintosh
Steam Achievements
Achievement Collect 100 gold feathers Birds of Gold (10) (Secret) Can't be stopped (10) Spend 2000 coins at shops Casual Shopper (12) Collect 5,000 gold feathers City of Gold (37) Purchase items from 100 stores (Secret) City Slicker (37) Get the Armor of Much-Protection Dragon Skin (15) Spend 5000 coins at shops Economy Boost (14) Collect 500 gold feathers Flock of Gold (16) Talk to 300 people Gossiper (26) Get the Sword of Much-Strength Great Strength (12) (Secret) Hard as nails (52) Don't buy anything from 30 stores (Secret) Indecisive (26) Collect 25,000 coins Jackpot (37) Get the Bow of Much-Reach Long Shot (13) Purchase items from 30 stores (Secret) Mall Rat (30) (Secret) Master of all (10) Find all 13 health vials Max Health (52) Collect 1,000,000 coins Millionaire (10) Kill 1000 monsters Monster Hunter (16) Kill 10,000 monsters No Fear (52) Get the Shield of Much-Ping Rock Stance (14) Complete the game (Secret) Ruler of the World (16) Talk to 50 people Social Butterfly (14) Get the Boots of Much-Flight Swift Feet (10) Collect 250,000 coins Swimming in Coins (10) Spend 20000 coins at shops Whale (30) Don't buy anything from 10 stores (Secret) Window Shopper (17) Collect 10,000 gold feathers World of Gold (30) Contributed by: Eevee-Trainer
Adventure in the Tower of Flight Cheats For Linux
Steam Achievements
Achievement Collect 100 gold feathers Birds of Gold (10) (Secret) Can't be stopped (10) Spend 2000 coins at shops Casual Shopper (12) Collect 5,000 gold feathers City of Gold (37) Purchase items from 100 stores (Secret) City Slicker (37) Get the Armor of Much-Protection Dragon Skin (15) Spend 5000 coins at shops Economy Boost (14) Collect 500 gold feathers Flock of Gold (16) Talk to 300 people Gossiper (26) Get the Sword of Much-Strength Great Strength (12) (Secret) Hard as nails (52) Don't buy anything from 30 stores (Secret) Indecisive (26) Collect 25,000 coins Jackpot (37) Get the Bow of Much-Reach Long Shot (13) Purchase items from 30 stores (Secret) Mall Rat (30) (Secret) Master of all (10) Find all 13 health vials Max Health (52) Collect 1,000,000 coins Millionaire (10) Kill 1000 monsters Monster Hunter (16) Kill 10,000 monsters No Fear (52) Get the Shield of Much-Ping Rock Stance (14) Complete the game (Secret) Ruler of the World (16) Talk to 50 people Social Butterfly (14) Get the Boots of Much-Flight Swift Feet (10) Collect 250,000 coins Swimming in Coins (10) Spend 20000 coins at shops Whale (30) Don't buy anything from 10 stores (Secret) Window Shopper (17) Collect 10,000 gold feathers World of Gold (30) Contributed by: Eevee-Trainer
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