Cheats & Guides
After Burner Cheats For Commodore 64
Cheat mode
Load or reset the game, then execute the following BASIC commands before running or restarting the program.
Effect Effect POKE 4969,173 POKE 6754,173 Cheat mode unlocked Contributed by: DonkeyKong
Walkthroughs & FAQs
Type | Name | File Size |
General FAQs | FAQ by IceQueenZer0 | 6K |
After Burner Cheats For PC
Activate Cheats
While playing the Game, type TOGETHER IN ELECTRIC DREAMS then press the following key to activate the cheat:
Effect Effect Extra Rockets Activated by pressing G Gain extra lives Activated by pressing N Lose Rockets Activated by pressing T Left Arrow Move down one level Right Arrow Move up one level Contributed by: DarkKnight114
After Burner Cheats For Arcade Games
Stage codes
On the following stages, input these codes for the following effects.
Effect Effect Stage 3: press Start and speed fast get 100 missiles Stage 9: press Vulcan Cannon + Missile and stick Right get 100 missiles Stage 21: press Start + Vulcan Cannon + Missile + Foto sensor and stick Up get 250,000,000 pts Stage 11: press Vulcan Cannon + Missile and stick Left get 50,000,000 pts During Demo: press Start + Vulcan Cannon + Missile + Foto sensor and stick Right get a DUKE message Stage 13: press Start + Vulcan Cannon + Missile and stick Left get a message Stage 1: press Start + Vulcan Cannon + Missile get a message Stage 5: press Start + Vulcan Cannon + Missile get a message Stage 16: press Start and stick down get a message Stage 19: press Start get a message Stage 23: press Start + Vulcan Cannon + Missile + Foto sensor get a message Contributed by: Saikyo Mog
Walkthroughs & FAQs
Type | Name | File Size |
General FAQs | FAQ by IceQueenZer0 | 6K |
After Burner Cheats For Sega 32X
Dev Team Note
If you dig in the ROM's code, you'll find a dev note at 0x3BBC0. It contains credits for programmers Yu Suzuki and S. Mifune as well as a message saying, "I love Momoko Agesby." This seems to be left over from the Arcade version of the game.
Contributed by: discoinferno84
Arcade Mode
At the Sega logo press A + C + Start on controller 2. If done right, you'll hear "Get Ready!".
Now you'll be able to play the Arcade version. After entering that code, you can press A + B + C + Start on controller 1 at the title screen to enter the Arcade's diagnostic mode, but this being a console game, there's nothing you can do in there other than use the sound test.Effect Effect When you see the Sega logo press: A + C + Start on 2P Arcade Mode At the Sega screen, take controller 2 and press: A + C + Start. At the title screen, with controller 1, press: A + B + C + Start Debug Menu When you see Start and Options hold: A+B+C and press: left or right. Level Select Contributed by: expensivegift
Walkthroughs & FAQs
Type | Name | File Size |
General FAQs | FAQ by IceQueenZer0 | 6K |
After Burner Cheats For NES
Background Test (US Version)
Hold Left + B on Controller 1 and A on Controller 2 at the same time before the title screen appears (at the console power up/reset sequence or after the game over screen). Press Left or Right on Controller 1 to change the menu options. Press Up or Down to select the menu option. Press and hold Select to hide the menu.
Contributed by: KeyBlade999
Sound Test (US Version)
Before the title screen appears, hold B and you'll enter a sound test.
Contributed by: !.ACA.!
Reversed Mode
Before starting your game, plug in a controller to slot 2. Hold A and B on that controller, and then tap START on the controller in slot 1.
Contributed by: !.ACA.!
Infinite Continues
When your game is over and you're at the blue After Burner screen, press Left, Left, Left, B, B, B, A, A, A, Start. You will continue on the level you just got a game over on.
Contributed by: Retro
Sound Test (Japanese version)
At the title screen press and hold the A button then press Start.
Contributed by: ReyVGM
Continue (Japanese Version)
When you get a game over and you're at the blue Afterburner screen, press A, A, A, A, B, Up, Up, Down, Down, Down, Down, Down and Down. If done right, you'll continue where you left off.
Contributed by: ReyVGM
Reversed Mode (Japan-only)
To activate reversed mode on the Japan release, hold A and B on Player 2's controller and start the game.
Contributed by: KeyBlade999
Hard Mode (Code-Based Activation)
At the title screen, hold Right + A + B + Select on Controller 1 and Left + A on Controller 2 at the same time, then press Start on Controller 1.
Contributed by: KeyBlade999
Extra Missiles (US Version)
At the beginning of the stage 5, while refueling/reloading weapons on the ground, press Up + Right on Controller 2 and A + Start on Controller 1 at the same time and hold it during the take off. You'll get an extra 40 missiles.
Contributed by: KeyBlade999
Stage Select (US Version)
During gameplay, press Select to pause it, then press Down + Left + A on Controller 2 and Down + Left on Controller 1 at the same time. Press Up or Down to select a stage, and press Select to play. This cheat can be done in all levels except 8 and 17.
Contributed by: KeyBlade999
Music Test
Before you turn on the game, press and hold down the b button, then turn on the game. You'll be able to listen to 5 songs.
Contributed by: Brian T
View Credits (Japan-only)
Power the console on, wait for the 6 demo sequences to be played, then press A, A, A, A, B, Up, Up, Down, Down, Down, Down, Down, Down, Start.
Contributed by: KeyBlade999
Harder mode.
Once you've beat the game, press any button to continue to the Main Menu again. Now, when you start playing again, you'll be in a harder mode. The game won't tell you this, but you can see by harder enemies in the first stages who you'd normally come across only in later stages.
Unlockable Unlockable Beat the game once. Harder mode Contributed by: Kaas
Extra Missiles (Japan Version)
At the beginning of the stages 3, 5, 11, 16 and 21, while refueling/reloading weapons on the ground, press and hold the corresponding button code from the table below, and hold it during take off.
Effect Effect Right on Controller 2 Stage 11 - +30 missiles Right + B on Controller 2 Stage 16 - +50 missiles Down on Controller 2 Stage 21 - +30 missiles Left on Controller 2 Stage 3 - +30 missiles Left + B on Controller 2 Stage 5 - +50 missiles Contributed by: KeyBlade999
Walkthroughs & FAQs
Type | Name | File Size |
General FAQs | FAQ/Walkthrough by Kaas | 23K |
General FAQs | FAQ/Walkthrough by Matt Ludwig | 11K |
After Burner Cheats For Sega Master System
When you lose all your lives, and the Game Over screen appears, press Button 1 and 2 at the same time, to continue where you left off. This works only twice, and up to the 8th level.
Contributed by: stonedwal
Blind Spots
In some levels of After Burner you can hold the upper-left portion of the control pad/joystick and enemy fighters will miss you even when they get the radar lock. This is very useful for avoidingbig dog fights.
*NOTE* This trick does not help on enemy fortresses.Contributed by: GVirusNemesis
Unlimited continues for the first 18 stages
Effect Effect At the title screen press pause 100 times, then at the game over screen hold Up + button 1 and 2 to continue. Unlmited continues for the first 18 stages. Contributed by: steamliner88
Walkthroughs & FAQs
Type | Name | File Size |
General FAQs | FAQ by IceQueenZer0 | 6K |
Walkthroughs & FAQs
Type | Name | File Size |
General FAQs | FAQ by IceQueenZer0 | 6K |
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