Cheats & Guides
Agile Warrior F-111X Cheats For PC
Enable Cheat Mode and Codes
During gameplay press Esc - C, then type in the following code:
Effect Effect 33124 All Missions Beat 14214 Invincibility 17357 Level Select 13593 Max Fuel and Armor 25245 Strongest Weapons Contributed by: Mike Truitt, KasketDarkfyre
Agile Warrior F-111X Cheats For PlayStation
Music Choice
While playing, remove the CD and insert your an audio CD then the game will ask what track you want to hear. When the level finished, you'll be asked to insert the Game Disk to continue.
Contributed by: Undergrads2003
Cheat Codes
To enter any cheat code, simply pause the game and enter in the code.
Effect Effect Left. Square (x4), Up, Triangle, Triangle All Weapons Left, Square (x4), Up, Triangle (x3), Right, Circle, Down, X (x6) B-1 Airstrike Left, Right, Left, Right Force Armor Left, Square (x4), Up, Triangle (x3), Right, Circle, Down, X, Triangle (x3), Square Invincibility Left, Square (x4), Up, Triangle (x3), Right, Circle, Down, X (x4), Circle, X (x3) Long Camera Views Left, Square (x4), Up, Triangle (x3), Right, Circle, Down, X, Triangle (x3) Maximum Fuel & Armor Left, Square (x4), Up, Triangle (x3), Right, Circle, Down, X, R1(x4), L1(x4),R2(x4), L2(x4) Maximum Weapons Left, Square (x4), Up, Triangle (x3), Right, Circle, Down, X, Triangle (x3), Down (x3) Mission Complete Left, Square (x4), Up, Triangle (x3), Right, Circle, Down, X, Select, X (x3), Select, Triangle (x3), Select (x3) Unlock All Missions Contributed by: kidgame2001, Mike Truitt, Super Nova, KasketDarkfyre, ChefGhost, CCajes, Undergrads2003
Bonus Codes
Enter the following codes at the Pause screen.
Effect Effect Left, Square (x4), Up, Triangle (x3), Right, Circle, Down, X, Down, X, Down, X, Down, X, Down, X, Down, X Cherly Marie Video Left, Square (x4), Up, Triangle (x3), Right, Circle, Down, X, L2, R2 Debug Mode Left, Square (x4), Up, Triangle (x3), Right, Circle, Down, X, R1 + L1 Ground Crash left, square(x4), up, triangle(x3), right, circle, down, X, triangle(x3), down(x3) Hidden Camera Angles Left, Square (x4), Up, Triangle (x3), Right, Circle, Down, X, Down, X, Down, X, Down, X, Down, X, Down, X Hidden Footage Left, Square (x4), Up, Triangle (x3), Right, Circle, Down, X, Triangle (x3) Hover Mode Left, Square (x4), Up, Triangle (x3), Right, Circle, Down, X, Down (x3), Triangle (x3) Mesh Fog Editor Left, Square (x4), Up, Triangle (x3), Right, Circle, Down, X, Up, Down, Left, Right Overhead Camera left, square(x4), up, triangle(x3), right, circle, down, X, triangle(x3), up, down, left, right Toggle Minimum Speed Left, Square (x4), Up, Triangle (x3), Right, Circle, Down, X, Circle (x5) Transparent Overhead Map Left, Square (x4), Up, Triangle (x3), Right, Circle, Down, X, R1 + R2 Turn Off HUD Contributed by: Dantesamanoske, Mike Truitt, Ben Zetlitz, gamefan1221, Undergrads2003, ChefGhost
Dancer Video
You need to Complete All 10 Missions in Agile Warrior.
Unlockable Unlockable Complete All 10 Missions on any difficulty Dancer Video Contributed by: GameMasterZer0
Dancer Cheat
Pause the Game and press the following button to activate the special Video. When the Code is entered Correctly abort the mission and the next mission briefing you will see the special footage.
Effect Effect Left, Square, Square, Square, Square, Up, Triangle, Triangle, Triangle, Right, Cirlce, Down, X, Down , X, Down, X, Down , X, Down, X, Down , X Dancer Video Contributed by: GameMasterZer0
Level Passwords
Enter the following codes at the Pause screen, then you should go to your desired level.
Effect Effect 5433 Level 1 0007 Level 2 1213 Level 3 1224 Level 4 7154 Level 5 Contributed by: Mike Truitt
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