Cheats & Guides

Ai Cho Aniki Cheats For Turbo CD

  1. Infinite Revival

    While playing, let the hourglasses run out until there are 2 left. When the sand in the second hourglass drops down and it starts to blink (a signal that the Samson icon is going to replace it with another hourglass), lose all your energy. If done right, when you revive again, you'll have one hourglass and the Samson icon will not be there. If you lose all your energy again, you'll have all your hourglasses back, instead of getting a game over. You can repeat this as many times as you want.

    Contributed by: ReyVGM 

  2. Unlock The Endings

    Depending on your score, you'll get a different percentage and ending rank that changes the ending text.

    Unlockable Unlockable
    Get above 655,000 points. 100%. Ending Rank A
    Get between 613,000 and 654,000 points. Between 93% and 99%. Ending Rank B
    Get between 540,000 and 612,000 points. Between 83% and 92%. Ending Rank C
    Get Less than 539,000 points. Below 82%. Ending Rank D

    Contributed by: ReyVGM