GameSpot Reviews

Player Reviews

Average Player Score
Based on 2 ratings
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Score Breakdown Based on 2 ratings
  1. 10 (0)
  2. 9 (0)
  3. 8 (2)
  4. 7 (0)
  5. 6 (0)
  6. 5 (0)
  7. 4 (0)
  8. 3 (0)
  9. 2 (0)
  10. 1 (0)

What Gamespot Users have to say about Airport Mania: Non-Stop Flights

  • Rating:7.5

    An extremely addictive though limited game.

    Gameplay: You might have played Diner Dash at least once. It's a very popular game, and there are many games that try to copy it, including Airport Mania Non-Stop Flights. The game's basically about planes. You're the ma... Read Full Review

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