Cheats & Guides

American Truck Simulator Cheats For PC

  1. Free Fuel

    If you played the Euro Truck Simulator, you will know how to do this: When you finish refuelling your truck at a service station; instead of driving away, save your game, reload your save and drive away. The game will have forgotten to charge you for the fuel which normally happens when you drive away from the bowser.

    Contributed by: RailgunCruz 

  2. Interest Free Loans

    As long as you need less than 400,000, never use the 400,000 loan. Take out 4 loans of 100,000. Interest is charged just before noon every day. Before you get charged interest, take out a new 100,000 loan, and pay off 1 of the old loans. Repeat 3 times. Once noon rolls around, you're not charged interest. Build up your cash and when you can afford it, pay off one of your 100,000 loans. Keep repeating until you're out of debt without paying interest.

    Contributed by: Fizziii 

  3. DLC - New Mexico

    These Achievements all require the New Mexico map expansion DLC

    Drive by the Billy The Kid Museum 1881
    Discover shortcut through the forest Forest Shortcut
    Deliver Cargo to An-124 depot Sky Delivery
    Discover every city in New Mexico The Land of Enchantment
    Visit all large truck stops and rest stops in New Mexico Truck Stop Tour

    Contributed by: Kilonum 

  4. DLC - Heavy Cargo Pack

    These Achievements all require the Heavy Cargo Pack DLC

    Earn $100,000 on 5 consecutive Heavy Cargo Pack deliveries Bigger Cargo, Bigger Profit
    Complete a perfect delivery (no damage, no fine, in-time) of a cargo from the Heavy Cargo Pack which is at least 1,000 miles long Heavy, but Not Bull in a China Shop!
    Use truck scale or weigh station with gross vehicle weight of at least 170,000 lbs How Heavy Am I?!
    Complete a delivery of all heavy cargoes in American Truck Simulator I Thought This Should Be Heavy?!
    Deliver first Heavy Cargo Pack job Time for Big hauling

    Contributed by: Kilonum 

  5. Steam Achievements

    Discover every city in California California dreamin'
    Earn 100K dollars delivering cargos Cha-ching
    Deliver cargo from all 3 Vineyards in California Cheers!
    Perform deliveries for at least 15 different companies Company collector
    Fully upgrade one of your garages Final makeover
    Use a gas station Gas guzzler
    Complete a perfect delivery (no damage, no fines, in-time) for a job that is at least 600 miles High five
    Finish 50 deliveries I think I like it
    Successfully park a trailer at a hard delivery point Like a boss
    Successfully park a trailer at a delivery point Not a problem
    Buy and apply a custom paintjob Pimp my truck
    Buy your own truck Rig master
    Deliver cargo to a port in Oakland and a port in San Francisco Sea dog
    Drive 10 000 miles during deliveries Warming up
    Use a weigh station What's your BMI?

    Contributed by: KeyBlade999 

  6. Steam Achievements - DLC: Title Update (Arizona)

    Discover every city in Arizona Copper state
    Visit Colorado river sights Powell's trail
    Deliver cargo to the Phoenix Airport Sky harbor
    Get on the start of the Truck Racing circuit Start your engine!

    Contributed by: KeyBlade999 

  7. Steam Achievements - DLC: Title Update (Nevada)

    Deliver cargo to both quarries in Nevada Gold fever
    Discover every city in Nevada Silver state

    Contributed by: KeyBlade999 

American Truck Simulator Cheats For Macintosh

  1. Steam Achievements

    Discover every city in California California dreamin'
    Earn 100K dollars delivering cargos Cha-ching
    Deliver cargo from all 3 Vineyards in California Cheers!
    Perform deliveries for at least 15 different companies Company collector
    Fully upgrade one of your garages Final makeover
    Use a gas station Gas guzzler
    Complete a perfect delivery (no damage, no fines, in-time) for a job that is at least 600 miles High five
    Finish 50 deliveries I think I like it
    Successfully park a trailer at a hard delivery point Like a boss
    Successfully park a trailer at a delivery point Not a problem
    Buy and apply a custom paintjob Pimp my truck
    Buy your own truck Rig master
    Deliver cargo to a port in Oakland and a port in San Francisco Sea dog
    Drive 10 000 miles during deliveries Warming up
    Use a weigh station What's your BMI?

    Contributed by: KeyBlade999 

  2. Steam Achievements - DLC: Title Update (Arizona)

    Discover every city in Arizona Copper state
    Visit Colorado river sights Powell's trail
    Deliver cargo to the Phoenix Airport Sky harbor
    Get on the start of the Truck Racing circuit Start your engine!

    Contributed by: KeyBlade999 

  3. Steam Achievements - DLC: Title Update (Nevada)

    Deliver cargo to both quarries in Nevada Gold fever
    Discover every city in Nevada Silver state

    Contributed by: KeyBlade999 

American Truck Simulator Cheats For Linux

  1. Steam Achievements

    Discover every city in California California dreamin'
    Earn 100K dollars delivering cargos Cha-ching
    Deliver cargo from all 3 Vineyards in California Cheers!
    Perform deliveries for at least 15 different companies Company collector
    Fully upgrade one of your garages Final makeover
    Use a gas station Gas guzzler
    Complete a perfect delivery (no damage, no fines, in-time) for a job that is at least 600 miles High five
    Finish 50 deliveries I think I like it
    Successfully park a trailer at a hard delivery point Like a boss
    Successfully park a trailer at a delivery point Not a problem
    Buy and apply a custom paintjob Pimp my truck
    Buy your own truck Rig master
    Deliver cargo to a port in Oakland and a port in San Francisco Sea dog
    Drive 10 000 miles during deliveries Warming up
    Use a weigh station What's your BMI?

    Contributed by: KeyBlade999 

  2. Steam Achievements - DLC: Title Update (Arizona)

    Discover every city in Arizona Copper state
    Visit Colorado river sights Powell's trail
    Deliver cargo to the Phoenix Airport Sky harbor
    Get on the start of the Truck Racing circuit Start your engine!

    Contributed by: KeyBlade999 

  3. Steam Achievements - DLC: Title Update (Nevada)

    Deliver cargo to both quarries in Nevada Gold fever
    Discover every city in Nevada Silver state

    Contributed by: KeyBlade999