Cheats & Guides
Steam Achievements
This title has a total of 37 Steam Achievements. Meet the specified conditions, where applicable, to receive the Achievement.
Achievement Die in the Gateway Abysmal Finish a level with no mana All-out Find Evil Difficulty Amid Difficulty Blow up the earth Armageddon Finish a level on less than 10 health Close Shave Pick up every item in a level Collector Destroy all decorations in a level Destroyer Quit the game DON'T GO! Find all the secrets in a level Explorer Use a cheat code Filthy Cheater Find an obscure reference FNORD Kill all enemies in an episode Genocider Get all awards in a level Hardcore Find the idol of the ancient god He swims, he hungers Axe kill 10 enemies in under 10 seconds Heh, Brutal Get through a level without killing anything Hippie Find the hidden developer room If you can... Kill all enemies in a level Killer Don't pickup anything in a level NO TOUCHY. Get 100 Overkills Overkiller Finish a level with full mana Ready for anything Die each unique way Sadistic Beat the Forges Saviour of the Machine Beat the Arcane Expanse Saviour of the Mages Beat Astral Equinox Saviour of the Moon Beat the Sacred Path Saviour of the Pilgrim Beat Domain of the Sentinels Saviour of the Sentinels Beat Solar Solstice Saviour of the Sun Beat the Abyss Saviour of the Universe Read all inscriptions in a level. Scholar Banish 10 enemies into a black hole Seeya Extend soul mode for 30 seconds Soul Limbo Finish a level with soul mode on Soul Sacrifice Beat a level's par time Speed Runner Destroy 5 enemies with a sun Super Nova Use each soul mode attack once The almighty power Rest easy. The chosen one Contributed by: Eevee-Trainer
Cheat codes
All codes are entered during gameplay.
Effect aevain All Keys aelpha All Powerups/Keys/Weapons/Mana/Health/Full Soul Points aewarlock All Weapons aewizard All Weapons/Mana/Keys aeurp Burp ae1981 CGA Pallete 1 ae1982 CGA Pallete 2 ae1983 CGA Pallete 3 ae1989 EGA Pallete aeheh Finishes Level aero Fly Mode aestop Freeze Enemies ae2000 Full Color Pallete aemage Full Mana aewep7 Gives Aeturnum aewep2 Gives Azure Orb aewep5 Gives Celestial Claw aewep6 Gives Star Of Torment aewep4 Gives Voltride aewep3 Gives Whisper's Edge aeomg God Mode aeomega God Mode/Infinite Mana aehide Hides First Person Weapon aeshot Hides Messages/HUD (Screenshot Mode) aeouch Hurt Player aeyesore Invisibility aextinct Kill All Enemies aesplode Kill Player aeleon Level Select Screen aendrew Music select aether No Clipping aebort Quit Game aenima Soul Mode Engage aextreme Super Fast Weapons aeon Super Slow aelympics Super Speed aeeasy Toggle Soul Mode aesee Torch Mode aetheory Turn All Post Processing Up To Max aesthetic Vaporwave Mode ae1990 VGA Pallete Contributed by: IncredibleMrE
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