Cheats & Guides

Amped: Freestyle Snowboarding Cheats For Xbox

  1. View Programmer replays

    Enter the "Replay Theater" and highlight "Hard Disk." Press Right until "Game Disk" appears to find replays generated by the programmers. To play one of those levels, select a replay, then highlight "Watch Replay." Press Right until you see "Challenge," then select it.

    Contributed by: surferdude509 

  2. Cheat Menu Passwords

    Select ''Options'' at the main menu, then ''Cheats''. Enter these codes as case-sensitive codes. A sound will confirm correct code entry. Press B to exit out of the cheat menu.

    Effect Effect
    GimmeGimme All Levels
    BigLeg Big Jumps
    MegabOUnce Bouncy Terrain
    buzzsaW Disable Tree Collisions
    MegaLeg Even Bigger Jumps
    ZiPster Go Faster (Even Uphill)
    StickiT Land All Jumps Perfectly
    WhirlyGig Major Spins
    RidinwRaven Play as Raven
    ChillinwSteezy Play as Steezy
    KeepnReal Realistic Mode
    BigsteeZ Super Snowboarder

    Contributed by: loneskater16, bigfatcat, Ben Zetlitz, Supaflie362, EConforti, JWBOSFAN, dinkerboy13 

  3. Unlock Hidden Movie

    Become World Rank #1. (Beat all the Pro Challenges, beat all the high scores, beat all the media challenges, and find all 8 snowmen on each level.) Movie featuring real snowboarders pulling off amazing tricks, as well as a behind the scenes featurete, and credits.

    Unlockable Unlockable
    Beat all the Pro Challenges, beat all the high scores, beat all the media challenges, and find all 8 snowmen on each level. (World Rank 1) End game cinematic featuring a very impressive video showcasing immense freestyle tricks, from professional snowboarders.

    Contributed by: Bass_sax_man 

Walkthroughs & FAQs

Type Name File Size
General FAQs FAQ/Walkthrough by JPhill 120K
In-Depth FAQs Snowman Location FAQ by LanMan_themovie 28K