Cheats & Guides

An Alien with a Magnet Cheats For PC

  1. Steam Achievements

    You need 5000 of these sparkly looking things to get this one Aaaah! My Eyes!
    Drain an energy planet 250 times Bzzzzzzzt!
    Why would you skip the comic? Comic Skipper
    There's more than one way to 'die' Dumb Ways To Die
    Cross the finish line in every level Finished All Levels
    Complete every level with the three orbs collected Galaxy Completed
    You really like sparkles, don't you? I Just Like Sparkly Things
    You just need 100 diamonds for this one I Really Like Sparkly Things
    Fire yourself from a cannon 200 times! Ka-Boom!
    (Secret) Music Is Overrated
    Find all the finish lines to the bonus levels Secrets Everywhere
    Bounce 100 times against a bumper to get shaken Shaken, Not Stirred
    Wow, and a while ago I thought 100 diamonds was a lot! Sparkles All Over The Place
    What's better than a magnet? A bigger magnet! Super Size Me
    Complete 50 puzzle planets to prove your puzzling skills That Puzzles Me
    Collect all the orbs in every level The Collector
    Unlock one of the locks in the level overview The Curious One
    Crash 100 times The Grim Reaper's Friend
    Unlock all the locks in the galaxy overview The Lockpicker
    (Secret) Who Are We?

    Contributed by: KeyBlade999 

An Alien with a Magnet Cheats For Macintosh

  1. Steam Achievements

    You need 5000 of these sparkly looking things to get this one Aaaah! My Eyes!
    Drain an energy planet 250 times Bzzzzzzzt!
    Why would you skip the comic? Comic Skipper
    There's more than one way to 'die' Dumb Ways To Die
    Cross the finish line in every level Finished All Levels
    Complete every level with the three orbs collected Galaxy Completed
    You really like sparkles, don't you? I Just Like Sparkly Things
    You just need 100 diamonds for this one I Really Like Sparkly Things
    Fire yourself from a cannon 200 times! Ka-Boom!
    (Secret) Music Is Overrated
    Find all the finish lines to the bonus levels Secrets Everywhere
    Bounce 100 times against a bumper to get shaken Shaken, Not Stirred
    Wow, and a while ago I thought 100 diamonds was a lot! Sparkles All Over The Place
    What's better than a magnet? A bigger magnet! Super Size Me
    Complete 50 puzzle planets to prove your puzzling skills That Puzzles Me
    Collect all the orbs in every level The Collector
    Unlock one of the locks in the level overview The Curious One
    Crash 100 times The Grim Reaper's Friend
    Unlock all the locks in the galaxy overview The Lockpicker
    (Secret) Who Are We?

    Contributed by: KeyBlade999 

An Alien with a Magnet Cheats For Linux

  1. Steam Achievements

    You need 5000 of these sparkly looking things to get this one Aaaah! My Eyes!
    Drain an energy planet 250 times Bzzzzzzzt!
    Why would you skip the comic? Comic Skipper
    There's more than one way to 'die' Dumb Ways To Die
    Cross the finish line in every level Finished All Levels
    Complete every level with the three orbs collected Galaxy Completed
    You really like sparkles, don't you? I Just Like Sparkly Things
    You just need 100 diamonds for this one I Really Like Sparkly Things
    Fire yourself from a cannon 200 times! Ka-Boom!
    (Secret) Music Is Overrated
    Find all the finish lines to the bonus levels Secrets Everywhere
    Bounce 100 times against a bumper to get shaken Shaken, Not Stirred
    Wow, and a while ago I thought 100 diamonds was a lot! Sparkles All Over The Place
    What's better than a magnet? A bigger magnet! Super Size Me
    Complete 50 puzzle planets to prove your puzzling skills That Puzzles Me
    Collect all the orbs in every level The Collector
    Unlock one of the locks in the level overview The Curious One
    Crash 100 times The Grim Reaper's Friend
    Unlock all the locks in the galaxy overview The Lockpicker
    (Secret) Who Are We?

    Contributed by: KeyBlade999