Cheats & Guides
Ancient Domains of Mystery Cheats For PC
Locate self when blind.
If you are blind, make sure that you have some sort of missile equipped (if you have no missile weapon, you can just put anything into the missile slot), and press 't'. Your space will be highlighted.
Contributed by: coppro
GOG Achievements
This title has a total of 83 Achievements on GOG. Meet the specified conditions, where applicable, to receive the Achievement.
Achievement Close the Chaos gate. ...And Throw Away The Key Save a puppy from certain doom. A Child's Hero Unlock 40% of all achievements. Achiever Unlock every other achievement. ADOM Grandmaster Tame an animal. Animal Whisperer Kill an enemy with poison. Assassin's Deed Recover from being doomed. Atonement Steal an item worth at least 6,666 gold pieces. Avatar of Thieves Pass through the Small Cave in less than 200 turns. Aware of Danger Kill a monster with an alchemical fireball. Battle Alchemist Win the game with a character obtained by letting fate decide. Beloved by Fate Get the Weird Tome. Bookworm Be crowned as a champion of Balance. Champion of Balance Be crowned as a champion of Chaos. Champion of Chaos Be crowned as a champion of Order. Champion of Order Become the champion of the arena. Champion of the Arena Win without ever changing alignment. Consistent Believer Reach level 50 of the infinite dungeon. Deep Dive Slay a dragon. Easy, right? Dragonslayer Kill the lord of the mummies. Egyptologist Enter the bug-infested temple. Entomologist Level up to level 50 in the Small Cave without visiting any other locations. Eternium Man Usurp the throne of Chaos. Everything For This Moment Kill Filk. Filk Will Never Die! Have Fate smile upon you. Fortune's Favor Complete the cat quest. Friend of the Felines Buy stuff with a total value of 90,169 gold pieces in shops with one character. Give and Take Visit every town in Ancardia. Globetrotter Score 25 million points. High Scorer Achieve the Ordinary Chaos God ending. I'm Bad... But I Feel Good! Retrieve the Chaos Sceptre in the most straightforward way possible, then leave the game. Iron Man Die your first death. It Starts Easy Save Khelavaster. Just in Time Gain level 15 in unarmed fighting. Kung Fu Master Complete the game without visiting any locations except the Caverns of Chaos and the Tower of Eternal Flames. Lithium Man Get a wish from a pool. Lucky Sip Find a way to cure Yrrigs. Mad Carpenter No More Win without casting spells. Magic Hater Gain level 5 in unarmed fighting. Martial Arts Adept Mix a potion of gain attributes. Master Alchemist Obtain the Air Orb. Master of Air Obtain the Earth Orb. Master of Earth Obtain the Fire Orb. Master of Fire Obtain the Mana Orb. Master of Mana Obtain the Water Orb. Master of Water Slay the Chaos God during your crusade for Balance. Neutralizer Successfully rob the Casino shop. Ocean's Eleven Unlock 80% of all achievements. Overachiever Offer peace to a monster. Peaceful Win without using herbs, plants or any related skills. Plant Hater Complete the game after having killed 95% of every type of non-unique monster in the game. Plutonium Man Successfully learn the 'Wish' spell from a tome. Power at my Fingertips Slay the Chaos God during your crusade of Order. Revered Martyr Dealt successfully with the demented ratling. Sacrificial Fodder Pick up the literacy skill during a game. Scholar Score 10 million points. Scorer Score 50 million points. Scoring Monster Successfully rob a shop without resorting to violence. Shoplifter Free Griff's soul. Soul Saver Complete the game within 10000 turns. Speed Demon Complete the game within 40000 turns. Speed Player Complete the game within 20000 turns. Speed Runner Level up to 50 in the wilderness without entering any locations. Steel Man Dual-wield Needle and Sting. Stick them with the pointy end! Become an avatar of Balance. The Grey Hawk Become an avatar of Order. The White Eagle Obtain the Trident of the Red Rooster. There's No Such Thing As Overkill Get the minotaur axe. Theseus Restore a character from permadeath. Things Were Better Back Then Complete the game before rising above experience level 20. Titanium Man Get through the Living Forest without attacking any trees. Treehugger Commit the ultimate sacrifice to stop Chaos. True Ascension Reach level 100 of the infinite dungeon. Very Deep Dive Locate and enter the town of Terinyo. Visited Terinyo Rise to experience level 20. Well-known Champion Rise to experience level 50. Well-known Demi-urge Rise to experience level 30. Well-known Hero Rise to experience level 40. Well-known Legend Rise to experience level 10. Well-known Veteran Rise to experience level 5. Well-known Wanderer Find a strange item. What's this? Finish Riurry's quest. Why did you do that? Leave the Drakalor Chain after having closed the gate. Yep, All Done! Contributed by: Eevee-Trainer
Steam Achievements
Achievement Close the Chaos gate. ...And Throw Away The Key (66) Save a puppy from certain doom. A Child's Hero (23) Unlock 40% of all achievements. Achiever (66) Unlock every other achievement. ADOM Grandmaster (10) Tame an animal. Animal Whisperer (27) Kill an enemy with poison. Assassin's Deed (27) Recover from being doomed. Atonement (66) Steal an item worth at least 6,666 gold pieces. Avatar of Thieves (10) Pass through the Small Cave in less than 200 turns. Aware of Danger (19) Killed monster with alchemical fireball. Battle Alchemist (66) Win the game with a character obtained by letting fate decide. Beloved by Fate (10) Get the Weird Tome. Bookworm (10) Be crowned as a champion of Balance. Champion of Balance (46) Be crowned as a champion of Chaos. Champion of Chaos (66) Be crowned as a champion of Order. Champion of Order (46) Become the champion of the arena. Champion of the Arena (27) Win without ever changing alignment. Consistent Believer (10) Reach level 50 of the infinite dungeon. Deep Dive (10) Slay a dragon. Easy, right? Dragonslayer (21) Kill the lord of the mummies. Egyptologist (38) Enter the bug-infested temple. Entomologist (66) Level up to level 50 in the Small Cave without visiting any other locations. Eternium Man (10) Ursurp the throne of Chaos. Everything For This Moment (10) Kill Filk. Filk Will Never Die! (66) Have Fate smile upon you. Fortune's Favor (25) Complete the cat quest. Friend of the Felines (10) Buy stuff with a total value of 90,169 gold pieces in shops with one character. Give and Take (10) Visit every town in Ancardia. Globetrotter (66) Score 25 million points. High Scorer (10) Achieve the Ordinary Chaos God ending. I'm Bad... But I Feel Good! (10) Retrieve the Chaos Sceptre in the most straightforward way possible, then leave the game. Iron Man (10) Die your first death. It Starts Easy (11) Save Khelavaster. Just in Time (66) Gain level 15 in unarmed fighting. Kung Fu Master (10) Complete the game without visiting any locations except the Caverns of Chaos and the Tower of Eternal Flames. Lithium Man (10) Get a wish from a pool. Lucky sip (66) Find a way to cure Yrrigs. Mad Carpenter No More (17) Win without casting spells. Magic Hater (10) Gain level 5 in unarmed fighting. Martial Arts Adept (23) Mix a potion of gain attributes. Master alchemist (66) Obtain the Air Orb. Master of Air (66) Obtain the Earth Orb. Master of Earth (66) Obtain the Fire Orb. Master of Fire (66) Obtain the Mana Orb. Master of Mana (66) Obtain the Water Orb. Master of Water (38) Slay the Chaos God during your crusade for Balance. Neutralizer (10) Successfully rob the Casino shop. Ocean's Eleven (10) Unlock 80% of all achievements. Overachiever (10) Offer peace to a monster. Peaceful (46) Win without using herbs, plants or any related skills. Plant hater (10) Complete the game after having killed 95% of every type of non-unique monster in the game. Plutonium Man (10) Successfully learn the 'Wish' spell from a tome. Power at my fingertips (10) Slay the Chaos God during your crusade of Order. Revered martyr (10) Dealt successfully with the demented ratling. Sacrifical fodder (66) Pick up the literacy skill during a game. Scholar (38) Score 10 million points. Scorer (10) Score 50 million points. Scoring Monster (10) Successfully rob a shop without resorting to violence. Shoplifter (38) Free Griff's Soul. Soul Saver (38) Complete the game within 10000 turns. Speed Demon (10) Complete the game within 40000 turns. Speed Player (10) Complete the game within 20000 turns. Speed Runner (10) Level up to 50 in the wilderness without entering any locations. Steel Man (10) Dual-wield Needle and Sting. Stick them with the pointy end! (10) Become an avatar of Balance. The Grey Hawk (10) Become an avatar of Order. The White Eagle (10) Obtain the Trident of the Red Rooster. There's No Such Thing As Overkill (66) Get the minotaur axe. Theseus (10) Restore a character from permadeath. Things Were Better Back Then (46) Complete the game before rising above experience level 20. Titanium Man (10) Went through Living Forest not attacking any trees. Treehugger (33) Commit the ultimate sacrifice to stop Chaos. True Ascension (10) Reach level 100 of the infinite dungeon. Very Deep Dive (10) Locate and enter the town of Terinyo. Visited Terinyo (10) Rise to experience level 20. Well-known Champion (38) Rise to experience level 50. Well-known Demi-Urge (66) Rise to experience level 30. Well-known Hero (66) Rise to experience level 40. Well-known Legend (66) Rise to experience level 10. Well-known Veteran (15) Rise to experience level 5. Well-known Wanderer (12) Find a strange item. What's this? (23) Finish Riurry's quest. Why did you do that? (10) Leave the Drakalor Chain after having closed the gate. Yep, All Done! (10) Contributed by: Eevee-Trainer
Ancient Domains of Mystery Cheats For Macintosh
GOG Achievements
This title has a total of 83 Achievements on GOG. Meet the specified conditions, where applicable, to receive the Achievement.
Achievement Close the Chaos gate. ...And Throw Away The Key Save a puppy from certain doom. A Child's Hero Unlock 40% of all achievements. Achiever Unlock every other achievement. ADOM Grandmaster Tame an animal. Animal Whisperer Kill an enemy with poison. Assassin's Deed Recover from being doomed. Atonement Steal an item worth at least 6,666 gold pieces. Avatar of Thieves Pass through the Small Cave in less than 200 turns. Aware of Danger Kill a monster with an alchemical fireball. Battle Alchemist Win the game with a character obtained by letting fate decide. Beloved by Fate Get the Weird Tome. Bookworm Be crowned as a champion of Balance. Champion of Balance Be crowned as a champion of Chaos. Champion of Chaos Be crowned as a champion of Order. Champion of Order Become the champion of the arena. Champion of the Arena Win without ever changing alignment. Consistent Believer Reach level 50 of the infinite dungeon. Deep Dive Slay a dragon. Easy, right? Dragonslayer Kill the lord of the mummies. Egyptologist Enter the bug-infested temple. Entomologist Level up to level 50 in the Small Cave without visiting any other locations. Eternium Man Usurp the throne of Chaos. Everything For This Moment Kill Filk. Filk Will Never Die! Have Fate smile upon you. Fortune's Favor Complete the cat quest. Friend of the Felines Buy stuff with a total value of 90,169 gold pieces in shops with one character. Give and Take Visit every town in Ancardia. Globetrotter Score 25 million points. High Scorer Achieve the Ordinary Chaos God ending. I'm Bad... But I Feel Good! Retrieve the Chaos Sceptre in the most straightforward way possible, then leave the game. Iron Man Die your first death. It Starts Easy Save Khelavaster. Just in Time Gain level 15 in unarmed fighting. Kung Fu Master Complete the game without visiting any locations except the Caverns of Chaos and the Tower of Eternal Flames. Lithium Man Get a wish from a pool. Lucky Sip Find a way to cure Yrrigs. Mad Carpenter No More Win without casting spells. Magic Hater Gain level 5 in unarmed fighting. Martial Arts Adept Mix a potion of gain attributes. Master Alchemist Obtain the Air Orb. Master of Air Obtain the Earth Orb. Master of Earth Obtain the Fire Orb. Master of Fire Obtain the Mana Orb. Master of Mana Obtain the Water Orb. Master of Water Slay the Chaos God during your crusade for Balance. Neutralizer Successfully rob the Casino shop. Ocean's Eleven Unlock 80% of all achievements. Overachiever Offer peace to a monster. Peaceful Win without using herbs, plants or any related skills. Plant Hater Complete the game after having killed 95% of every type of non-unique monster in the game. Plutonium Man Successfully learn the 'Wish' spell from a tome. Power at my Fingertips Slay the Chaos God during your crusade of Order. Revered Martyr Dealt successfully with the demented ratling. Sacrificial Fodder Pick up the literacy skill during a game. Scholar Score 10 million points. Scorer Score 50 million points. Scoring Monster Successfully rob a shop without resorting to violence. Shoplifter Free Griff's soul. Soul Saver Complete the game within 10000 turns. Speed Demon Complete the game within 40000 turns. Speed Player Complete the game within 20000 turns. Speed Runner Level up to 50 in the wilderness without entering any locations. Steel Man Dual-wield Needle and Sting. Stick them with the pointy end! Become an avatar of Balance. The Grey Hawk Become an avatar of Order. The White Eagle Obtain the Trident of the Red Rooster. There's No Such Thing As Overkill Get the minotaur axe. Theseus Restore a character from permadeath. Things Were Better Back Then Complete the game before rising above experience level 20. Titanium Man Get through the Living Forest without attacking any trees. Treehugger Commit the ultimate sacrifice to stop Chaos. True Ascension Reach level 100 of the infinite dungeon. Very Deep Dive Locate and enter the town of Terinyo. Visited Terinyo Rise to experience level 20. Well-known Champion Rise to experience level 50. Well-known Demi-urge Rise to experience level 30. Well-known Hero Rise to experience level 40. Well-known Legend Rise to experience level 10. Well-known Veteran Rise to experience level 5. Well-known Wanderer Find a strange item. What's this? Finish Riurry's quest. Why did you do that? Leave the Drakalor Chain after having closed the gate. Yep, All Done! Contributed by: Eevee-Trainer
Steam Achievements
Achievement Close the Chaos gate. ...And Throw Away The Key (66) Save a puppy from certain doom. A Child's Hero (23) Unlock 40% of all achievements. Achiever (66) Unlock every other achievement. ADOM Grandmaster (10) Tame an animal. Animal Whisperer (27) Kill an enemy with poison. Assassin's Deed (27) Recover from being doomed. Atonement (66) Steal an item worth at least 6,666 gold pieces. Avatar of Thieves (10) Pass through the Small Cave in less than 200 turns. Aware of Danger (19) Killed monster with alchemical fireball. Battle Alchemist (66) Win the game with a character obtained by letting fate decide. Beloved by Fate (10) Get the Weird Tome. Bookworm (10) Be crowned as a champion of Balance. Champion of Balance (46) Be crowned as a champion of Chaos. Champion of Chaos (66) Be crowned as a champion of Order. Champion of Order (46) Become the champion of the arena. Champion of the Arena (27) Win without ever changing alignment. Consistent Believer (10) Reach level 50 of the infinite dungeon. Deep Dive (10) Slay a dragon. Easy, right? Dragonslayer (21) Kill the lord of the mummies. Egyptologist (38) Enter the bug-infested temple. Entomologist (66) Level up to level 50 in the Small Cave without visiting any other locations. Eternium Man (10) Ursurp the throne of Chaos. Everything For This Moment (10) Kill Filk. Filk Will Never Die! (66) Have Fate smile upon you. Fortune's Favor (25) Complete the cat quest. Friend of the Felines (10) Buy stuff with a total value of 90,169 gold pieces in shops with one character. Give and Take (10) Visit every town in Ancardia. Globetrotter (66) Score 25 million points. High Scorer (10) Achieve the Ordinary Chaos God ending. I'm Bad... But I Feel Good! (10) Retrieve the Chaos Sceptre in the most straightforward way possible, then leave the game. Iron Man (10) Die your first death. It Starts Easy (11) Save Khelavaster. Just in Time (66) Gain level 15 in unarmed fighting. Kung Fu Master (10) Complete the game without visiting any locations except the Caverns of Chaos and the Tower of Eternal Flames. Lithium Man (10) Get a wish from a pool. Lucky sip (66) Find a way to cure Yrrigs. Mad Carpenter No More (17) Win without casting spells. Magic Hater (10) Gain level 5 in unarmed fighting. Martial Arts Adept (23) Mix a potion of gain attributes. Master alchemist (66) Obtain the Air Orb. Master of Air (66) Obtain the Earth Orb. Master of Earth (66) Obtain the Fire Orb. Master of Fire (66) Obtain the Mana Orb. Master of Mana (66) Obtain the Water Orb. Master of Water (38) Slay the Chaos God during your crusade for Balance. Neutralizer (10) Successfully rob the Casino shop. Ocean's Eleven (10) Unlock 80% of all achievements. Overachiever (10) Offer peace to a monster. Peaceful (46) Win without using herbs, plants or any related skills. Plant hater (10) Complete the game after having killed 95% of every type of non-unique monster in the game. Plutonium Man (10) Successfully learn the 'Wish' spell from a tome. Power at my fingertips (10) Slay the Chaos God during your crusade of Order. Revered martyr (10) Dealt successfully with the demented ratling. Sacrifical fodder (66) Pick up the literacy skill during a game. Scholar (38) Score 10 million points. Scorer (10) Score 50 million points. Scoring Monster (10) Successfully rob a shop without resorting to violence. Shoplifter (38) Free Griff's Soul. Soul Saver (38) Complete the game within 10000 turns. Speed Demon (10) Complete the game within 40000 turns. Speed Player (10) Complete the game within 20000 turns. Speed Runner (10) Level up to 50 in the wilderness without entering any locations. Steel Man (10) Dual-wield Needle and Sting. Stick them with the pointy end! (10) Become an avatar of Balance. The Grey Hawk (10) Become an avatar of Order. The White Eagle (10) Obtain the Trident of the Red Rooster. There's No Such Thing As Overkill (66) Get the minotaur axe. Theseus (10) Restore a character from permadeath. Things Were Better Back Then (46) Complete the game before rising above experience level 20. Titanium Man (10) Went through Living Forest not attacking any trees. Treehugger (33) Commit the ultimate sacrifice to stop Chaos. True Ascension (10) Reach level 100 of the infinite dungeon. Very Deep Dive (10) Locate and enter the town of Terinyo. Visited Terinyo (10) Rise to experience level 20. Well-known Champion (38) Rise to experience level 50. Well-known Demi-Urge (66) Rise to experience level 30. Well-known Hero (66) Rise to experience level 40. Well-known Legend (66) Rise to experience level 10. Well-known Veteran (15) Rise to experience level 5. Well-known Wanderer (12) Find a strange item. What's this? (23) Finish Riurry's quest. Why did you do that? (10) Leave the Drakalor Chain after having closed the gate. Yep, All Done! (10) Contributed by: Eevee-Trainer
Ancient Domains of Mystery Cheats For Linux
GOG Achievements
This title has a total of 83 Achievements on GOG. Meet the specified conditions, where applicable, to receive the Achievement.
Achievement Close the Chaos gate. ...And Throw Away The Key Save a puppy from certain doom. A Child's Hero Unlock 40% of all achievements. Achiever Unlock every other achievement. ADOM Grandmaster Tame an animal. Animal Whisperer Kill an enemy with poison. Assassin's Deed Recover from being doomed. Atonement Steal an item worth at least 6,666 gold pieces. Avatar of Thieves Pass through the Small Cave in less than 200 turns. Aware of Danger Kill a monster with an alchemical fireball. Battle Alchemist Win the game with a character obtained by letting fate decide. Beloved by Fate Get the Weird Tome. Bookworm Be crowned as a champion of Balance. Champion of Balance Be crowned as a champion of Chaos. Champion of Chaos Be crowned as a champion of Order. Champion of Order Become the champion of the arena. Champion of the Arena Win without ever changing alignment. Consistent Believer Reach level 50 of the infinite dungeon. Deep Dive Slay a dragon. Easy, right? Dragonslayer Kill the lord of the mummies. Egyptologist Enter the bug-infested temple. Entomologist Level up to level 50 in the Small Cave without visiting any other locations. Eternium Man Usurp the throne of Chaos. Everything For This Moment Kill Filk. Filk Will Never Die! Have Fate smile upon you. Fortune's Favor Complete the cat quest. Friend of the Felines Buy stuff with a total value of 90,169 gold pieces in shops with one character. Give and Take Visit every town in Ancardia. Globetrotter Score 25 million points. High Scorer Achieve the Ordinary Chaos God ending. I'm Bad... But I Feel Good! Retrieve the Chaos Sceptre in the most straightforward way possible, then leave the game. Iron Man Die your first death. It Starts Easy Save Khelavaster. Just in Time Gain level 15 in unarmed fighting. Kung Fu Master Complete the game without visiting any locations except the Caverns of Chaos and the Tower of Eternal Flames. Lithium Man Get a wish from a pool. Lucky Sip Find a way to cure Yrrigs. Mad Carpenter No More Win without casting spells. Magic Hater Gain level 5 in unarmed fighting. Martial Arts Adept Mix a potion of gain attributes. Master Alchemist Obtain the Air Orb. Master of Air Obtain the Earth Orb. Master of Earth Obtain the Fire Orb. Master of Fire Obtain the Mana Orb. Master of Mana Obtain the Water Orb. Master of Water Slay the Chaos God during your crusade for Balance. Neutralizer Successfully rob the Casino shop. Ocean's Eleven Unlock 80% of all achievements. Overachiever Offer peace to a monster. Peaceful Win without using herbs, plants or any related skills. Plant Hater Complete the game after having killed 95% of every type of non-unique monster in the game. Plutonium Man Successfully learn the 'Wish' spell from a tome. Power at my Fingertips Slay the Chaos God during your crusade of Order. Revered Martyr Dealt successfully with the demented ratling. Sacrificial Fodder Pick up the literacy skill during a game. Scholar Score 10 million points. Scorer Score 50 million points. Scoring Monster Successfully rob a shop without resorting to violence. Shoplifter Free Griff's soul. Soul Saver Complete the game within 10000 turns. Speed Demon Complete the game within 40000 turns. Speed Player Complete the game within 20000 turns. Speed Runner Level up to 50 in the wilderness without entering any locations. Steel Man Dual-wield Needle and Sting. Stick them with the pointy end! Become an avatar of Balance. The Grey Hawk Become an avatar of Order. The White Eagle Obtain the Trident of the Red Rooster. There's No Such Thing As Overkill Get the minotaur axe. Theseus Restore a character from permadeath. Things Were Better Back Then Complete the game before rising above experience level 20. Titanium Man Get through the Living Forest without attacking any trees. Treehugger Commit the ultimate sacrifice to stop Chaos. True Ascension Reach level 100 of the infinite dungeon. Very Deep Dive Locate and enter the town of Terinyo. Visited Terinyo Rise to experience level 20. Well-known Champion Rise to experience level 50. Well-known Demi-urge Rise to experience level 30. Well-known Hero Rise to experience level 40. Well-known Legend Rise to experience level 10. Well-known Veteran Rise to experience level 5. Well-known Wanderer Find a strange item. What's this? Finish Riurry's quest. Why did you do that? Leave the Drakalor Chain after having closed the gate. Yep, All Done! Contributed by: Eevee-Trainer
Steam Achievements
Achievement Close the Chaos gate. ...And Throw Away The Key (66) Save a puppy from certain doom. A Child's Hero (23) Unlock 40% of all achievements. Achiever (66) Unlock every other achievement. ADOM Grandmaster (10) Tame an animal. Animal Whisperer (27) Kill an enemy with poison. Assassin's Deed (27) Recover from being doomed. Atonement (66) Steal an item worth at least 6,666 gold pieces. Avatar of Thieves (10) Pass through the Small Cave in less than 200 turns. Aware of Danger (19) Killed monster with alchemical fireball. Battle Alchemist (66) Win the game with a character obtained by letting fate decide. Beloved by Fate (10) Get the Weird Tome. Bookworm (10) Be crowned as a champion of Balance. Champion of Balance (46) Be crowned as a champion of Chaos. Champion of Chaos (66) Be crowned as a champion of Order. Champion of Order (46) Become the champion of the arena. Champion of the Arena (27) Win without ever changing alignment. Consistent Believer (10) Reach level 50 of the infinite dungeon. Deep Dive (10) Slay a dragon. Easy, right? Dragonslayer (21) Kill the lord of the mummies. Egyptologist (38) Enter the bug-infested temple. Entomologist (66) Level up to level 50 in the Small Cave without visiting any other locations. Eternium Man (10) Ursurp the throne of Chaos. Everything For This Moment (10) Kill Filk. Filk Will Never Die! (66) Have Fate smile upon you. Fortune's Favor (25) Complete the cat quest. Friend of the Felines (10) Buy stuff with a total value of 90,169 gold pieces in shops with one character. Give and Take (10) Visit every town in Ancardia. Globetrotter (66) Score 25 million points. High Scorer (10) Achieve the Ordinary Chaos God ending. I'm Bad... But I Feel Good! (10) Retrieve the Chaos Sceptre in the most straightforward way possible, then leave the game. Iron Man (10) Die your first death. It Starts Easy (11) Save Khelavaster. Just in Time (66) Gain level 15 in unarmed fighting. Kung Fu Master (10) Complete the game without visiting any locations except the Caverns of Chaos and the Tower of Eternal Flames. Lithium Man (10) Get a wish from a pool. Lucky sip (66) Find a way to cure Yrrigs. Mad Carpenter No More (17) Win without casting spells. Magic Hater (10) Gain level 5 in unarmed fighting. Martial Arts Adept (23) Mix a potion of gain attributes. Master alchemist (66) Obtain the Air Orb. Master of Air (66) Obtain the Earth Orb. Master of Earth (66) Obtain the Fire Orb. Master of Fire (66) Obtain the Mana Orb. Master of Mana (66) Obtain the Water Orb. Master of Water (38) Slay the Chaos God during your crusade for Balance. Neutralizer (10) Successfully rob the Casino shop. Ocean's Eleven (10) Unlock 80% of all achievements. Overachiever (10) Offer peace to a monster. Peaceful (46) Win without using herbs, plants or any related skills. Plant hater (10) Complete the game after having killed 95% of every type of non-unique monster in the game. Plutonium Man (10) Successfully learn the 'Wish' spell from a tome. Power at my fingertips (10) Slay the Chaos God during your crusade of Order. Revered martyr (10) Dealt successfully with the demented ratling. Sacrifical fodder (66) Pick up the literacy skill during a game. Scholar (38) Score 10 million points. Scorer (10) Score 50 million points. Scoring Monster (10) Successfully rob a shop without resorting to violence. Shoplifter (38) Free Griff's Soul. Soul Saver (38) Complete the game within 10000 turns. Speed Demon (10) Complete the game within 40000 turns. Speed Player (10) Complete the game within 20000 turns. Speed Runner (10) Level up to 50 in the wilderness without entering any locations. Steel Man (10) Dual-wield Needle and Sting. Stick them with the pointy end! (10) Become an avatar of Balance. The Grey Hawk (10) Become an avatar of Order. The White Eagle (10) Obtain the Trident of the Red Rooster. There's No Such Thing As Overkill (66) Get the minotaur axe. Theseus (10) Restore a character from permadeath. Things Were Better Back Then (46) Complete the game before rising above experience level 20. Titanium Man (10) Went through Living Forest not attacking any trees. Treehugger (33) Commit the ultimate sacrifice to stop Chaos. True Ascension (10) Reach level 100 of the infinite dungeon. Very Deep Dive (10) Locate and enter the town of Terinyo. Visited Terinyo (10) Rise to experience level 20. Well-known Champion (38) Rise to experience level 50. Well-known Demi-Urge (66) Rise to experience level 30. Well-known Hero (66) Rise to experience level 40. Well-known Legend (66) Rise to experience level 10. Well-known Veteran (15) Rise to experience level 5. Well-known Wanderer (12) Find a strange item. What's this? (23) Finish Riurry's quest. Why did you do that? (10) Leave the Drakalor Chain after having closed the gate. Yep, All Done! (10) Contributed by: Eevee-Trainer
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