Cheats & Guides

Animaniacs Cheats For Super Nintendo

  1. Level Select (Japanese Version only)

    During the opening cutscene, hold Up+Y+Select and press Start.

    Contributed by: LuigiSan 

  2. Stage Select

    Go to the password screen and put in Pinky,Brain Pinky,Brain Pinky,Brain Pinky,Brain Pinky,Brain Pinky,Brain and go inside the house that Pinky and Brain go into you should now be in the level select screen

    Contributed by: Cockboy123 

  3. Passwords

    Effect Effect
    CEO, Yakko, Wakko, Dot, Ralph, Pinky, Brain, Hello Nurse, CEO, Yakko, Yakko, Ralph All 24 Scripts
    Pinky, Dot, Nurse, Pinky, CEO, Wakko, Ralph, Brain, Nurse, Brain, Brain, Yakko All Levels Open
    Ralph, Ralph, Brain, CEO, Wakko, Pinky, Dot, Yakko, Dot, Nurse, Brain, Dot Studio
    Brain, Dot, Brain, Dot, Ralph, Nurse, Wakko, Dot, Yakko, CEO, Pinky, Wakko Studio & Sci-Fi
    Ralph, Wakko, Pinky, Nurse, Yakko, Pinky, Dot, Wakko, Dot, Nurse, Wakko, Dot Studio, Sci-Fi, and Fantasy
    Nurse, Nurse, Brain, Ralph, Dot, Brain, Yakko, Dot, Yakko, CEO, CEO, Wakko Studio, Sci-Fi, Fantasy, and Aquatic

    Contributed by: BongoGoku, KasketDarkfyre, Retro 

  4. Intro skip

    Do this at the title screen.Go down to 'password' to skip the intro stage.

    Ceo,Pinky,Pinky,Dot will automatic complete the intro

    Contributed by: Wakko 

Walkthroughs & FAQs

Type Name File Size
Full Game Guides FAQ by Byost 24K
Full Game Guides Guide and Walkthrough by RandyPandy 36K
In-Depth Guides Game Script by RandyPandy 7K

Animaniacs Cheats For Game Boy

  1. Save your score

    To save your score, lose all your lives and say no to the continue screen. After that, you will be given a password in which you can continue your game with however many stages you cleared and the score you had.

    Contributed by: strawhat 

  2. Box Glitch

    In Level 2, after the stage with the chandeliers, jump over the fire and you will get to a part where there are two stones and two boxes. Smash the stones with Wakko and pull back one box with Yakko. Now, make sure that the second box is where you it was when you smashed it. If you walk all the way to the right and then back, the other box will disappear! It doesn't hurt the gameplay since you can still do whatever the game asks for with one box.

    To get the box back, just walk all the way left and back.

    Contributed by: strawhat 

  3. Graphics Glitch

    In the second stage after the chandeliers, there will be a crate. If you push it all the way to the right, then the graphics will start becoming blurry and you won't be able to progress past the boulder lift. The only way to get rid of it is to lose a life or turn off the game. The only harmful effect is losing a life to get rid of it.

    Contributed by: strawhat 

  4. Level Passwords

    At the password screen, enter a password starting at the top in order from left to right, then continue it down onto the next two lines.

    Effect Effect
    Dot, Yakko, Yakko, Wakko, Dot, Dot, Dot, Yakko, Blank Beat Practice Stage in Easy mode.
    Dot, Dot, Yakko, Wakko, Dot, Yakko, Dot, Yakko, Blank Beat Practice Stage in Hard mode.
    Dot, Blank, Yakko, Wakko, Dot, Wakko, Dot, Yakko, Blank Beat Practice Stage in Normal mode.
    Dot, Yakko, Yakko, Wakko, Yakko, Dot, Dot, Yakko, Wakko Beat Stage 1 in Easy mode.
    Wakko, Dot, Yakko, Wakko, Wakko, Yakko, Dot, Yakko, Wakko Beat Stage 1 in Hard mode.
    Dot, Dot, Yakko, Wakko, Yakko, Yakko, Dot, Yakko, Wakko Beat Stage 1 in Hard mode.
    Dot, Blank, Yakko, Wakko, Yakko, Wakko, Dot, Yakko, Wakko Beat Stage 1 in Normal mode.
    Wakko, Yakko, Yakko, Wakko, Blank, Dot, Dot, Blank, Blank Beat Stage 2 in Easy mode.
    Dot, Dot, Yakko, Yakko, Dot, Yakko, Dot, Blank, Blank Beat Stage 2 in Hard mode.
    Dot, Blank, Yakko, Yakko, Dot, Wakko, Dot, Blank, Blank Beat Stage 2 in Normal mode.
    Dot, Yakko, Yakko, Blank, Dot, Dot, Dot, Dot, Blank Beat Stage 3 in Easy mode.
    Dot, Dot, Yakko, Blank, Dot, Yakko, Dot, Dot, Blank Beat Stage 3 in Hard mode.
    Dot, Blank, Yakko, Blank, Dot, Wakko, Dot, Dot, Blank Beat Stage 3 in Normal mode.
    Wakko, Yakko, Yakko, Yakko, Wakko, Dot, Dot, Blank, Wakko Beat Stages 1 and 2 in Easy mode.
    Dot, Dot, Yakko, Yakko, Yakko, Yakko, Dot, Blank, Wakko Beat Stages 1 and 2 in Hard mode.
    Wakko, Blank, Yakko, Yakko, Wakko, Wakko, Dot, Blank, Wakko Beat Stages 1 and 2 in Normal mode.
    Dot, Yakko, Yakko, Blank, Yakko, Dot, Dot, Dot, Wakko Beat Stages 1 and 3 in Easy mode.
    Dot, Dot, Yakko, Blank, Yakko, Yakko, Dot, Dot, Wakko Beat Stages 1 and 3 in Hard mode.
    Dot, Blank, Yakko, Blank, Yakko, Wakko, Dot, Dot, Wakko Beat Stages 1 and 3 in Normal mode.
    Yakko, Yakko, Blank, Dot, Dot, Dot, Dot, Wakko, Wakko Beat Stages 1, 2 and 3 in Easy mode, unlock Stage 4.
    Dot, Dot, Blank, Dot, Yakko, Yakko, Dot, Wakko, Wakko Beat Stages 1, 2 and 3 in Hard mode, unlock Stage 4.
    Dot, Blank, Blank, Dot, Yakko, Wakko, Dot, Wakko, Wakko Beat Stages 1, 2 and 3 in Normal mode, unlock Stage 4.
    Dot, Yakko, Blank, Dot, Dot, Dot, Dot, Wakko, Blank Beat Stages 2 and 3 in Easy mode.
    Dot, Dot, Blank, Dot, Dot, Yakko, Dot, Wakko, Blank Beat Stages 2 and 3 in Hard mode.
    Dot, Blank, Blank, Dot, Dot, Wakko, Dot, Wakko, Blank Beat Stages 2 and 3 in Normal mode.

    Contributed by: strawhat, ironyisntdead, smallfry645 

  5. Debug Cheats

    Enter these on the password screen for the desired effect. Grid order is from Left-to-Right, top-to-bottom.
    The password grid will turn blank again if they're entered correctly.
    After entering any of these, either choose "BACK" to go back to the title screen and start the game normally, or enter a proper level password.<p />

    Note: The "Limited Invincibility" cheat will make you invincible to most hazards except for spikes, bonfires, Pinky & Brain's "vacuum tuba" device in Stage 3, and "Instant Kill" situations.

    Effect Effect
    Space, Yakko, Wakko, Dot, Dot, Dot, Space, Yakko, Yakko Level Skip (pause the game and press Select)
    Space, Yakko, Dot, Yakko, Dot, Dot, Yakko, Dot, Yakko Limited Invincibility
    Space, Dot, Dot, Dot, Dot, Yakko, Yakko, Yakko, Yakko Makes the midbosses of Stage 2 much more difficult than before
    Space, Space, Dot, Dot, Dot, Wakko, Yakko, Yakko, Yakko Unlimited Lives
    Space, Yakko, Dot, Wakko, Dot, Dot, Yakko, Space, Yakko Unlimited Time

    Contributed by: LuigiSan, H Hog, KeyBlade999 

  6. Unlock Stage 4

    To unlock Stage 4, beat stages 1-3. After the credits, do to the password screen and there will be a password. Press Start to get Stage 4.

    Unlockable Unlockable
    Beat Stages 1-3, enter password given to you Unlock Stage 4

    Contributed by: strawhat 

Walkthroughs & FAQs

Type Name File Size
Full Game Guides Guide and Walkthrough by strawhat 30K
Full Game Guides Guide and Walkthrough by The Lost Gamer 24K

Animaniacs Cheats For Genesis

  1. Level Passwords - Hard Mode

    Effect Effect
    Yakko, Dot, Wakko, Yakko, Blank, Blank, Dot, Yakko, Blank Practice Scene Cleared
    Yakko, Yakko, Dot, Yakko, Blank, Blank, Wakko, Yakko, Blank Scene 1 Cleared
    Yakko, Wakko, Dot, Yakko, Blank, Blank, Dot, Yakko, Blank Scene 2 Cleared
    Dot, Wakko, Dot, Yakko, Blank, Blank, Yakko, Wakko, Blank Scene 3 Cleared
    Blank, Dot, Dot, Yakko, Blank, Blank, Dot, Yakko, Blank Scene 4 Cleared

    Contributed by: Sogetsu 

  2. Level Passwords

    Effect Effect
    Yakko, Blank, Blank, Blank, Blank, Blank, Yakko, Blank, Blank Practice Scene Cleared (Easy)
    Dot, Yakko, Dot, Blank, Blank, Blank, Dot, Yakko, Blank Practice Scene Cleared (Normal)
    Yakko, Wakko, Blank, Blank, Blank, Blank, Dot, Blank, Blank Scene 1 Cleared (Easy)
    Dot, Dot, Dot, Blank, Blank, Blank, Yakko, Wakko, Blank Scene 1 Cleared (Normal)
    Yakko, Dot, Blank, Blank, Blank, Blank, Blank, Yakko, Blank Scene 2 Cleared (Easy)
    Dot, Blank, Blank, Yakko, Blank, Blank, Blank, Yakko, Blank Scene 2 Cleared (Normal)
    Dot, Dot, Blank, Blank, Blank, Blank, Wakko, Yakko, BLank Scene 3 Cleared (Easy)
    Yakko, Yakko, Blank, Yakko, Blank, Blank, Dot, Blank, Blank Scene 3 Cleared (Normal)
    Blank, Blank, Yakko, Blank, Blank, Blank, Yakko, Blank, Blank Scene 4 Cleared (Easy)
    Wakko, Yakko, Blank, Yakko, Blank, Blank, Blank, Yakko, Blank Scene 4 Cleared (Normal)

    Contributed by: End koi, Pyroblaze, LRaoux 

Walkthroughs & FAQs

Type Name File Size
Full Game Guides Guide and Walkthrough by GreatY2E 22K