Armored Core 4 Review
It looks nicer, it plays faster, and with its lower barrier to entry, Armored Core 4 should appeal to more than just the series' faithful gearheads.
It looks nicer, it plays faster, and with its lower barrier to entry, Armored Core 4 should appeal to more than just the series' faithful gearheads.
It looks nicer, it plays faster, and with its lower barrier to entry, Armored Core 4 should appeal to more than just the series' faithful gearheads.
I'm going to keep this short and sweet, since I'd like to get back to playing. Given this series' notorious legacy of being unfriendly to newcomers, its understandable to see all of these poor reviews for this newest ent... Read Full Review
15 of 16 users found the following review helpfulGraphics - 8/10: The mechs and everything about them look pretty, and that's about it. The environments are made to prevent non-expert pilots from becoming extremely aggravated. Environments are thus dumbed down, bland, ... Read Full Review
0 of 0 users found the following review helpfulTL;DR at bottom I am, and always will be, an enormous fan of the original Armored Core. AC 3 was a disappointment for me in that it was so difficult to play that I, turning to casual gaming rather than hardcore (life ... Read Full Review
0 of 0 users found the following review helpfulArmored Core 4 is an addictive, explosive, hardcore battle through a gritty story which the player will find him/herself caring less and less about as the bodycount and scrap metal piles up. At the start of the game - a... Read Full Review
0 of 0 users found the following review helpfulThis armored core game puts you on to a planet in a state of war. You are a mercenary hired by a company called Anatolia. At the start of the game you choose what kind of AC you want to start out with. There were great c... Read Full Review
0 of 0 users found the following review helpfulhi my name is Radman2117 and this is my review of Armored Core 4. Armored Core 4 is the 4th installment in the Armored core series it is all about doing missions for a group of people called Anatolia and allows you to re... Read Full Review
0 of 0 users found the following review helpfulTo start, let me by saying I'm not a big Armored Core Fan. I played the demo for the first 2, and 4. I got AC3 in the bargain bin, wasn't too impressed. Basically, I'm a very casual fan of the series. However, I re... Read Full Review
0 of 0 users found the following review helpfulI am by no means an Armored Core fanboy, this is the first and only game I own in the series. Just to let you know. First off, I'd like to talk about the single player. I have not yet completed the entire campaig... Read Full Review
0 of 0 users found the following review helpfulI prefer to play this game because it has numerous customizable ACs that you can make. For instance you could make a lightweight AC for maximum speed or you could make a Heavyweight AC for maximum durability . Medium wei... Read Full Review
0 of 0 users found the following review helpfulWhen i picked this game up, itt looked as if it would be alright so i thought i would give it a go. As soon as i entered the game, I was amazed by the spectacular cutscene at the begining. As soon as i started playing i ... Read Full Review
2 of 17 users found the following review helpfulIt is my opinion that any mech fan will really love Armored Core 4. The missions rarely go longer than 3 minutes, which means they are short and intense. In order to beat the game (without beating all the side mission... Read Full Review
2 of 4 users found the following review helpful
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