Cheats & Guides
Aruru to Asobo!! Cheats For PC
Witsuarunemitea Senki Unlockable Characters (Event Driven)
In the scroller game Witsuarunemitea Senki, there are characters unlockable by completing certain stages using certain characters and by updating using the latest patch on the official site.
Unlockable Clear Zone I Degukaba Clear H-Zone with Urutori Dii Starter which comes with Power UP kit Hauenkea Starter which comes with Power UP kit Hien Defeat Kanhordari (Mid-Boss) in any 3-Zone stage with Dii Kanhordari Clear game once using Degukaba Mitsumi-chan Clear G-Zone with Kamyu Mutsumi Clear F-Zone with Hakuoro Niwe Clear B-Zone with Eruru Nuwangi Defeat Origagan (Mid-Boss) in any 2-Zone stage with Touka Origagan Clear C-Zone with Nuwangi Sasante Clear D-Zone with Karura Suonkas Clear Zone-J Yuzuha Contributed by: HaroFreak
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