Cheats & Guides

Asura Blade: Sword Of Dynasty Cheats For Arcade Games

  1. Play as the bosses

    Play as Curfue:

    After choosing your character, and before the map screen shows up,
    hold Down and Start until the battle begins. You must hold these buttons down, before the map shows up, before every fight to continue playing as him

    Play as S. Geist:

    After choosing your character, and before the map screen shows up,
    hold Up and Start until the battle begins. You must hold these buttons down, before the map shows up, before every fight to continue playing as him

    These won't allow you to play as the bosses in a human vs human match.

    Contributed by: Apollyon 

Walkthroughs & FAQs

Type Name File Size
General FAQs FAQ/Move List by Apollyon and plusminus 92K
General FAQs FAQ/Move List by Goh_Billy 43K