Cheats & Guides

Batman: The Video Game Cheats For Game Boy

  1. Stage Select

    After beating the game once, press Start at the title screen, then immediately hold Select before the title screen disappears.

    Contributed by: Anonymous 

  2. Dev Team Notes

    If you go digging in the game's code, you'll find a few dev notes written in Shift-JIS and ASCII. They're at 0x001260, 0x001487, 0x00160E, and 0x002987. They ask the player to keep supporting Sunsoft and to not look at the program. Also, the programmer apparently liked Tetris so much that they played it all night.

    Contributed by: discoinferno84 

  3. Sound Test

    Press Up/Right and press Start at the title screen.

    Contributed by: NeuroticDogg 

  4. Weapon Select

    After beating the game, at the "THE END" screen of the credits, hold Select and wait for the title screen. This will enable the Weapon Select mode: you can press Select during gameplay to change your weapon.

    Contributed by: Anonymous 

  5. Select Batwing Firing Rate

    During Stages 3-1/3-2, pause, then press B, Up, Select, A, then a four button combination below. Then unpause the game. This will affect the Batwing's firing rate, which is stored internally as a number: 10 is the default, and the lower the number the faster.

    B, B, B, B Firing Rate = 00 (invalid, sets it to 15)
    B, B, B, A Firing Rate = 01 (invalid, sets it to 10)
    B, B, A, B Firing Rate = 02 (invalid, sets it to 10)
    B, B, A, A Firing Rate = 03
    B, A, B, B Firing Rate = 04
    B, A, B, A Firing Rate = 05
    B, A, A, B Firing Rate = 06
    B, A, A, A Firing Rate = 07
    A, B, B, B Firing Rate = 08
    A, B, B, A Firing Rate = 09
    A, B, A, B Firing Rate = 10
    A, B, A, A Firing Rate = 11
    A, A, B, B Firing Rate = 12
    A, A, B, A Firing Rate = 13
    A, A, A, B Firing Rate = 14
    A, A, A, A Firing Rate = 15

    Contributed by: Anonymous 

Walkthroughs & FAQs

Type Name File Size
Full Game Guides Guide and Walkthrough by littleswede 15K

Batman: The Video Game Cheats For Genesis

  1. Defensive position when being shot

    When Batman is being shot, press Start to pause the game. And then hold the B button and press Start to resume the game. Batman will then be in his defensive position.

    Contributed by: TownRanger 

  2. Unlimited Men

    In level 3, at the far-right end of the museum's first level is a 1-Up; go and grab it and then jump onto the rising platforms. When you reach the third platform, or until the screen starts to roll up, jump back down and the 1-Up should be there again.

    Contributed by: Dogg 

Walkthroughs & FAQs

Type Name File Size
General FAQs FAQ/Walkthrough by Seraph 0 46K
General FAQs FAQ/Walkthrough by Ryan Harrison 57K

Walkthroughs & FAQs

Type Name File Size
General FAQs FAQ/Walkthrough by GOgbu 29K
General FAQs FAQ/Walkthrough by Syizm 39K
General FAQs FAQ/Walkthrough by BuddyBlakester 36K