Cheats & Guides
BoxBoy! + BoxGirl! Cheats For Nintendo Switch
Unlock "A Tall Tale"
Once you complete the "A Tale for One" solo campaign, "A Tall Tale" becomes available in the main menu. This stars Qudy the rectangle and contains his own unique puzzles.
Contributed by: TuxedoAlex
Unlocking Play Stats and Ranks
As you play, you'll be able to unlock ranks and statistics for your performance. Collecting all crowns and reaching all box targets in a single chapter will unlock them in that chapter's menu.
Doing the same for all chapters will unlock overall player stats for the entire campaign. This can be found in the pause menu when selecting a stage.Contributed by: TuxedoAlex
HAL Rooms
There's one secret HAL room in each of the campaigns.
A Tale For One (Level 1-1): to the left of the starting position. The Box+ and Jump+ items are needed to reach it.
A Tale For Two (Level 8-5): in the starting position, place one character on top of the other, then make a vertical box pile with the one in the ground and jump. Eventually, platforms will show up from the top.
A Tall Tale (Level 13-7): there's a ledge to the left of the exit door that you can hook into.Contributed by: Geno64
Special Costumes
There are several costume pieces that cannot be obtained through the Dress-Up Box. How to acquire them is listed below:
Unlockable Collect all crowns and box medals in "A Tall Tale" Box-san: Hakama (Body) Collect all crowns and box medals in "A Tall Tale" Box-san: Top Knot (Head) Collect all crowns and box medals in "A Tale For One" King: Blond Mustache (Mouth) Collect all crowns and box medals in "A Tale For One" King: Crown (Head) Collect all crowns and box medals in "A Tale For One" King: Golden Cloak (Body) Collect all crowns and box medals in "A Tale For Two" Queen: Dress (Body) Collect all crowns and box medals in "A Tale For Two" Queen: Regal Headdress (Head) Contributed by: TuxedoAlex
See The True Ending
The main campaign "A Tale For One" has an alternate ending. To access this, you must obtain the four "fragment" costume pieces by collecting all the crowns and box medals in the game. Once you have done this, return to "A Tale For One" and equip all the fragments. (Your costume will read "Miracle Boy" if done right.) From here, complete Stage 16-8 one more time to see the true ending.
The fragment locations are listed below:Unlockable Collect all crowns and box medals in "A Tale For Two" Fragment of Affection (Mouth) Collect all crowns and box medals in "A Tale For Two" Fragment of Bonds (Eyes) Collect all crowns and box medals in "A Tale For One" Fragment of Courage (Head) Collect all crowns and box medals in "A Tall Tale" Fragment of Wishes (Body) Contributed by: TuxedoAlex
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