Cheats & Guides

Breath of Fire Cheats For Game Boy Advance

  1. 999,999 Gold

    Start by depositing all your money. Then, make sure someone in your party has an item worth more than the most expensive item at any store. Try to trade said item for a cheaper one, then when asked if the trade is alright, say No. You will then have 999,999 gold.

    Contributed by: DBM11085 

  2. Chun-Li Cameo

    While visiting Bleak, talk to the boy who thinks he is a magician. When he asks you to put coins on the table, and he'll make them disappear, agree to it. When he says ''Look behind you'', say No twice, then Yes once. After that, you should see Chun-Li practicing her Lightning Kick.

    Contributed by: DBM11085 

  3. Avoid Fighting Pog

    When you go to the Dark Dragon's fort in the woods near Tantar/Tuntar, you will talk to a guy that asks you to come with him. Tell him no, and he will ask again. Keep selecting no and Bo will come in and kill him, so you won't have to fight Pog.

    Contributed by: Nabeshin 

  4. Infinite Battle Loop

    To earn a large amount of experience with relative ease, go to Obelisk (the final dungeon of the game. It is floating in the middle of the red lake south of the town, Carmen). When you get up to the boss, Jade, he will ask you if you want to join up with him. Answer "Yes" and you will now be on his "side." DON'T PRESS ANY BUTTON AT THIS POINT!!! After waiting for a while, Jade will tell you that he is bored and that he would like for you and your party to entertain him. Then, you will be forced into battles with easy enemies (one enemy per battle). After a few battles, you will fight a monster called M.Slime. Defeating it will give your party 9999 Experience Points and 9999 Gold. Repeat the process for tons of Experience Points and Gold. To end the "Loop", press any button while waiting and tell him that you "change your mind."

    Contributed by: KDKM0506 

  5. See Ryu from Breath of Fire II!

    Use Agni the best dragon spell against the Last Boss the Goddess. She will become her ultimate form. When you beat her you will get the "GOOD" Ending. At the end of the good ending you will see Nina, and Ryu smiling with a "The End" message, but wait about 15 seconds, and the old Ryu from Breath of Fire II will appear with a "To Be Continued" message. This is an added cookie exclusive to the GBA Breath of Fire, implying to play the GBA Breath of Fire II.

    Contributed by: Chubes12 

Walkthroughs & FAQs

Type Name File Size
Full Game Guides Guide and Walkthrough by Zenalasca 161K
Full Game Guides Walkthrough by Tricky 213K
General FAQs FAQ/Walkthrough by Junior Mintz 98K
General FAQs FAQ/Walkthrough by DBM11085 203K
General FAQs FAQ/Walkthrough by VampireHunterD 69K
General FAQs FAQ/Walkthrough by PeaceNLove 519K
General FAQs FAQ/Walkthrough by Flamefury 348K
General FAQs FAQ/Walkthrough by Shotgunnova 256K
In-Depth FAQs Enemy List by Super Nova 6K
In-Depth FAQs Item List by JM A 21K
In-Depth FAQs Spell List by Dark Angel 16K
In-Depth FAQs Weapon List by Admodieus 10K
In-Depth Guides Equipment FAQ by jjholt 29K
In-Depth Guides Experience Guide by Novalia_Spirit 14K
In-Depth Guides Flea Market FAQ by jjholt 13K
In-Depth Guides Item Guide by Novalia_Spirit 114K
In-Depth Guides Magic Guide by Novalia_Spirit 26K
Maps and Charts Agua Tower Map by StarFighters76 55K
Maps and Charts Aura Cave Map by StarFighters76 36K
Maps and Charts Bleak Cave Map by StarFighters76 28K
Maps and Charts Camlon Castle Map by StarFighters76 28K
Maps and Charts Dig Map by Novalia Spirit 180K
Maps and Charts Ease Cave Map by StarFighters76 35K
Maps and Charts Forest Fortress Map by StarFighters76 31K
Maps and Charts Forest Of Despair Map by StarFighters76 20K
Maps and Charts Gust Fortress Map by StarFighters76 39K
Maps and Charts Karma Castle Map by StarFighters76 58K
Maps and Charts Karma Forest Map by StarFighters76 20K
Maps and Charts Lake Cave Map by StarFighters76 59K
Maps and Charts Light/Dark Keep Map by StarFighters76 33K
Maps and Charts Mote's Dream Map by StarFighters76 50K
Maps and Charts Mote's Spinning Room Maze by a-korn86 50K
Maps and Charts Nabal Castle Map by StarFighters76 21K
Maps and Charts Nanai Castle Map by StarFighters76 42K
Maps and Charts Nanai Dungeon 1F Map by pk116 93K
Maps and Charts Nanai Dungeon B1 Map by pk116 96K
Maps and Charts Nanai Dungeon B2 Map by pk116 91K
Maps and Charts North Tower Map by StarFighters76 38K
Maps and Charts Obelisk Tower Map by StarFighters76 68K
Maps and Charts Pagoda Palace Map by StarFighters76 48K
Maps and Charts Poison Field Map by StarFighters76 30K
Maps and Charts Spyre Tower Map by StarFighters76 43K
Maps and Charts Stone Giant Robot Map by StarFighters76 35K
Maps and Charts Tock Tower Map by StarFighters76 46K
Maps and Charts Underground Krypt Map by StarFighters76 57K
Maps and Charts Undersea Volcano Map by StarFighters76 35K
Maps and Charts West Dragon Fortress Map by StarFighters76 22K
Maps and Charts Wisdon Basement Map by StarFighters76 29K
Maps and Charts World Map by Guard Master 74K
Maps and Charts Zog Palace Map by StarFighters76 44K

Breath of Fire Cheats For Super Nintendo

  1. Chun-Li in Breath of Fire

    To see a cameo of Chun-Li from Street Fighter, go to the town Bleak. Go to the magician kid's house and talk to him. He will say to put 100 GP on the table and he will make them disappear. When he asks you this, say ''yes.'' When he says ''look behind you'' say ''no'' twice then yes. It'll show Chun-Li in a room doing her famous ''Lightning Kick.''

    Contributed by: Moggy 

  2. New Game Cheat

    To do the code, follow these steps carefully. Any mistake means you'll have to retry.

    1.) Go to New Game and select a blank file to get to Ryu's naming screen.
    2.) On controller 2, press and hold A, Y, L and R while you do step 3.
    3.) On controller 1, press the following code carefully: up 4 times, right 2 times, down 8 times, and left 1 time.
    4.) If you did it correctly, the background will turn red. If not, cancel out of New Game and retry.
    5.) Enter the name "DeeJ" (capitalization matters) without hitting backspace. If you mess up, the screen will turn blue and you'll have to try again.
    6.) Confirm your name; the screen will turn the normal blue.
    7.) Set your settings and enter the game.

    You will start outside Scande / ていと as level 29.

    There are 5 useful trigger names from Street Fighter you can use for various parts of the game; a sixth one, Fei, is recognized, but is a glitched file that returns you to the title screen.

    The Japanese version has the same cheat, but with different trigger names; the Japanese names aren't from Street Fighter. It does not have an equivalent to Fei, though. (Its slot for Fei exists but cannot be entered, so is inaccessible.)

    Trigger names (capitalization / kana type matters):
    RYU / きよみ
    CHUN / コジー
    VEGA / なふきん
    KEN / バンブー
    DeeJ / ドン

    Contributed by: Anonymous 

  3. Chun Li in the Ending Scene

    If Ryu has the BrokenSD equipped during the final boss battle with Tyr, Chun Li will appear in Drogen during the ending cutscene.

    Contributed by: Rocketprime 

Walkthroughs & FAQs

Type Name File Size
Full Game Guides Guide and Walkthrough by Gyarad3687 114K
Full Game Guides Guide and Walkthrough by Hellspawn 63K
Full Game Guides Guide and Walkthrough by DCallander 310K
Full Game Guides Guide and Walkthrough by PeaceNLove 520K
Full Game Guides Guide and Walkthrough by Dark Vortex 410K
Full Game Guides Guide and Walkthrough by Zenalasca 161K
Full Game Guides Walkthrough by Tricky 213K
General FAQs FAQ/Walkthrough by Flamefury 348K
General FAQs FAQ/Walkthrough by Shotgunnova 256K
In-Depth Guides Dragon FAQ by Raiu 19K
In-Depth Guides Equipment FAQ by jjholt 29K
In-Depth Guides Experience Guide by Novalia_Spirit 14K
In-Depth Guides Flea Market FAQ by jjholt 13K
In-Depth Guides Item Guide by Novalia_Spirit 114K
In-Depth Guides Magic Guide by Novalia_Spirit 26K
In-Depth Guides Monster Guide by Novalia_Spirit 99K
In-Depth Guides Monster List by FFM 16K
In-Depth Guides Save State Hacking Guide by Beast1029 22K
In-Depth Guides Weapons FAQ by Poopnug148 13K
Maps and Charts Agua Tower Map by StarFighters76 55K
Maps and Charts Aura Cave Map by StarFighters76 36K
Maps and Charts Bleak Cave Map by StarFighters76 28K
Maps and Charts Camlon Castle Map by snesmaster1 64K
Maps and Charts Camlon Castle Map by StarFighters76 28K
Maps and Charts Dig Map by Novalia Spirit 180K
Maps and Charts Ease Cave Map by StarFighters76 35K
Maps and Charts Forest Fortress Map by StarFighters76 31K
Maps and Charts Forest Of Despair Map by StarFighters76 20K
Maps and Charts Gust Fortress Map by StarFighters76 39K
Maps and Charts Karma Castle Map by StarFighters76 58K
Maps and Charts Karma Forest Map by StarFighters76 20K
Maps and Charts Lake Cave Map by StarFighters76 59K
Maps and Charts Light/Dark Keep Map by StarFighters76 33K
Maps and Charts Mote's Dream Map by StarFighters76 50K
Maps and Charts Mote's Spinning Room Maze by a-korn86 50K
Maps and Charts Nabal Castle Map by StarFighters76 21K
Maps and Charts Nanai Castle Map by StarFighters76 42K
Maps and Charts Nanai Dungeon 1F Map by pk116 93K
Maps and Charts Nanai Dungeon B1 Map by pk116 96K
Maps and Charts Nanai Dungeon B2 Map by pk116 91K
Maps and Charts North Tower Map by StarFighters76 38K
Maps and Charts Obelisk Tower Map by StarFighters76 68K
Maps and Charts Pagoda Palace Map by StarFighters76 48K
Maps and Charts Poison Field Map by StarFighters76 30K
Maps and Charts Spyre Tower Map by StarFighters76 43K
Maps and Charts Stone Giant Robot Map by StarFighters76 35K
Maps and Charts Tock Tower Map by StarFighters76 46K
Maps and Charts Underground Krypt Map by StarFighters76 57K
Maps and Charts Undersea Volcano Map by StarFighters76 35K
Maps and Charts West Dragon Fortress Map by StarFighters76 22K
Maps and Charts Wisdon Basement Map by StarFighters76 29K
Maps and Charts World Map by Guard Master 74K
Maps and Charts Zog Palace Map by StarFighters76 44K
Patch Codes Pro Action Replay Codes by IFerrel 25K