Cheats & Guides
Bushido Blade 2 Cheats For PlayStation
Hundred Slashes Mode
In order to unlock Hundred Slashes Mode, complete the game with the 6 regular characters in the game.
Contributed by: intensive08
Secret Ending for Shainto Clan
Normally, to beat the game as a Shainto fighter, you must kill the Narukagami princess at the end. If you look closely, there is an open door behind you and the princess. Simply walk outside the door and the new ending will play.
Contributed by: kyosuke39
Secret Sword Dance
Beat the game without dying once or using a continue. Your fighter will then perform a "kata" or sword dance at the end.
Contributed by: kyosuke39
Unlock Modes and Characters
Unlockable Unlockable Beat Slash Mode in less than 15 minutes. Katze Beat Story Mode without either of the Sub-characters dying. Play As Sub-Characters Beat Slash Mode with the Narukagami and Shinto without dying. Samurai/Kabuki Warriors Beat Boss Mode without using any continues. Slash Mode Beat Slash Mode in less than 15 minutes with a Narukagami fighter. Tsubame Contributed by: Mike Truitt, Dark swordsman357
Walkthroughs & FAQs
Type | Name | File Size |
Foreign Language FAQs | FAQ/Move List by Anthony | 13K |
General FAQs | FAQ by JCavallaro | 32K |
General FAQs | FAQ by MuGGzy | 8K |
General FAQs | FAQ/Strategy Guide by AKwong | 29K |
General FAQs | Move List by JWinkler | 27K |
In-Depth FAQs | 2P Mode Stage Descriptions by GParkerIV | 9K |
In-Depth FAQs | Script by X-Deth | 3K |
In-Depth FAQs | Translation Guide by AChien | 4K |
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