Cheats & Guides

Cannon Spike Cheats For Arcade Games

  1. Mega Man & Buletta playable, Cammy alternate outfit

    Enter test mode. Enter game test mode. Select Maintenance Code. Enter the code and press player 1 shoot to activate.

    Buletta is chosen on the far right of the screen. Mega Man on the far left. Press up or down to choose Cammy's outfit.

    16817 Buletta and Mega Man/Rockman playable
    51264 Cammy alternate outfit

    Contributed by: Manda442 

Walkthroughs & FAQs

Type Name File Size
General FAQs FAQ/Walkthrough by Kain 46K
General FAQs Mini-FAQ by Billy Lee Black 7K

Cannon Spike Cheats For Dreamcast

  1. Secret Costume for Cammy.

    At the character select screen, highlight Cammy and press up or down to switch her costume.

    Contributed by: Trindol 

  2. Play as Megaman

    At the character select screen, just move the cursor to the left of Charlie. He'll then be selectable.

    Contributed by: IHZer0 

  3. Play as B.B.Hood

    At the character select screen, just move the cursor to the right of Simone. She'll then be selectable.

    Contributed by: IHZer0 

  4. Unlockables

    Unlockable Unlockable
    If you manage to complete all 10 levels on difficulty 4 or above without losing a life, a second wave of levels will open up. These levels are exactly the same as the first ones, but more difficult. New wave of levels
    Beat the game once with any character.
    Unlock Gallery Mode.

    Contributed by: Saturday Saviour, JPeeples 

Walkthroughs & FAQs

Type Name File Size
General FAQs FAQ/Walkthrough by Kain 46K
General FAQs Mini-FAQ by Billy Lee Black 7K