Cheats & Guides

Caribbean! Cheats For PC

  1. Extra Damage to random enemies

    While in land or boarding battle hit CNTRL F4 to do extra damage to a random enemy.

    CNTRL F4 Extra damage to random enemy

    Contributed by: ShadowWeazle 

  2. Level up

    in your statistics screen, hold CNTRL and tap L to give you an instant level up.

    CNTRL L Instant Level

    Contributed by: ShadowWeazle 

  3. Money

    Make sure that you enable Cheats on the start up menu from configuration. Then start the game and open your inventory menu and hit control X until you receive the desired amount.

    Cntrl X More money

    Contributed by: ShadowWeazle 

  4. Teleport on map

    To teleport to an area on the map simply hit CNTRL and Left Click on the mouse button.

    CNTRL Left Click Teleport

    Contributed by: ShadowWeazle