Cheats & Guides

Clubhouse Games: 51 Worldwide Classics Cheats For Nintendo Switch

  1. Staff Credits

    Play every game at least once to unlock the Staff Credits

    Contributed by: Mingy Jongo 

  2. Unlock Mario Cards

    You can unlock 3 decks of Super Mario themed playing cards

    Play a game of Hanafuda. Once this is complete, the game will notify you that Naomi has a gift for you. Find Naomi on the Guide Globe to unlock. Mario Hanafuda Cards
    Play a game of Matching. Once this is complete, the game will notify you that Rita has a gift for you. Find Naomi on the Guide Globe to unlock. Mario Matching Cards
    Play 3 playing card games and the game will notify you that Ricardo has a gift for you. Find Ricardo on the Guide Globe to unlock. Mario Playing Cards

    Contributed by: TheRushDawg