Cheats & Guides

Conflict Zone Cheats For Dreamcast

  1. Clean Pause

    Pause the game by pressing START, then press (X) + (Y).

    Contributed by: NTsui 

Conflict Zone Cheats For PC

  1. Cheats

    Press ''C'' during the game to activate the Chat-Window. After that, press ''BACKSPACE'' and type the cheat code in the chat window.

    Effect Effect
    MY TAYLOR IS RICH 20,000 Points and 100% Popularity
    REPLAY ALL MISSIONS Access All Missions
    WIN Win Mission

    Contributed by: Master9000 

Conflict Zone Cheats For PlayStation 2

  1. Cheat Codes

    Pause the game, and enter the following codes

    Effect Effect
    Pause the game with Start, then enter X, Down, Down, Up, Left, Right. Faster Built-up
    X, Left, Right, Up, Left Get $10,000 Instantly
    X, Right, Right, Left, Up Get 100 Population Instantly
    X, Up, Up, Left, Right, Left Get access to all missions in Replay Mode
    X, L, R, R, L or X, L, L, R, L View all units

    Contributed by: Atombender, Kuja The Destructor, AGC 4 Life 

  2. Mission Skip

    Press START during game play, then hold all four shoulder buttons and press X, UP(2), LEFT, RIGHT, LEFT. You might need to repeat this code until the confirmation message appears. After that, quit your game. When you get debriefed, press X to advance to the next mission.

    Effect Effect
    Press START during game play, then hold all four shoulder buttons and press X, UP(2), LEFT, RIGHT, LEFT Mission Skip

    Contributed by: Alanburns