Cheats & Guides
Walkthroughs & FAQs
Type | Name | File Size |
General FAQs | FAQ by BSulpher | 12K |
Crackout Cheats For NES
Password for Final Computer
At the end of this Arkanoid/Breakout-type game you must enter a code into the computer to deactivate the self-destruct mechanism and finish the game. During the course of the game you will uncover letters in the various levels. You must then unscramble these letters, which ends up being the code. To save you a lot of trouble, here is the code:
Now sit back and watch as each character from the game tells you what a great player you are.Contributed by: AdamL
Passwords for all levels
Effect Effect N08G5W7N9.0J3 1-02 N08G5W7M1T.J3 1-03 N08G5S7LQ0B04 1-04 N08G5T7K2PZ03 1-05 N08G5N7JG71J3 1-06 N08G5Q7H96K03 1-07 N08G5Q7GR48J4 1-08 N08G5Q7FCGT03 1-09 N08G5P7DDZXJ3 1-10 N08G5K7CXXN04 1-11 N0BNTSH.27T02 2-01 N0BFPJHNG2TJ3 2-02 N0BX3FHMLZVJ3 2-03 N0BNTWHLYW703 2-04 N0BNTTHKZM5J3 2-05 N0BNTSHJN1T03 2-06 N0BNTPHH4.Q02 2-07 N0BNTQHGRG1J3 2-08 N0BNTJHF6HK0L 2-09 N0BNTMHDHJW03 2-10 N0BNTLHCH8RJ3 2-11 N0BNTGR.33902 3-01 N0BNTJRN233J2 3-02 N0BNTKRMVQ7J3 3-03 N0BNTJRL232J2 3-04 N0BNTKRK2W702 3-05 N0BNTJRJ4CBJ2 3-06 N0BNTGRHTFUJ3 3-07 N0BNTDRG67902 3-08 N0BNT8RF6H1J2 3-09 N0BNT6RDPDT03 3-10 N0BNSYRC4V402 3-11 N0BNSN..4FW02 4-01 N0BNSN.NQHYJ2 4-02 N0BNSP.MGW0J2 4-03 N0BNSL.LT0303 4-04 N0BNSK.KNMGJ2 4-05 N0BNSL.J59M02 4-06 N0BNSJ.H08VJ2 4-07 N0BNS8.GV3K02 4-08 N0BNSC.F9TPJ2 4-09 N0BNS2.DPBK02 4-10 N0BNS0.CG1HJ2 4-11 Contributed by: Last Cetra
Area Codes
Enter these in the password section to go to the following levels
Effect Effect N08G5Y7M8.003 1-03 N0865.7LTY7J4 1-04 N08G5Y7FJ.Y03 1-09 N09T1.H.FUQJ3 2-01 NOBCZ2.CW5103 4-10 NOBCZ3.DWK503 4-11 Contributed by: wellington
Walkthroughs & FAQs
Type | Name | File Size |
General FAQs | FAQ by BSulpher | 12K |
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