Cheats & Guides

Crashmo Cheats For 3DS

  1. Crashmo Studio

    After completing ten lessons in Crashmo Park, you'll unlock the Crashmo Studio. Doing so allows you to design or import your own puzzles.

    Complete ten lessons in Crashmo Park. Crashmo Studio

    Contributed by: discoinferno84 

  2. Gadgets

    After you clear the first challenge with a gadget, you will unlock that gadget in Crashmo Studio.

    Clear Challenge 4-1. Doors
    Clear Challenge 2-1. Floating Block Gadget
    Clear Challenge 3-1. Manholes
    Clear Challenge 5-1. Move Switches

    Contributed by: Plankton5165 

  3. Finale

    After beating the game, you can re-watch the Finale cutscene and ending credits in the Extras menu.

    Beat the game. Finale

    Contributed by: discoinferno84 

  4. Level B Challenges

    Once you've solved all 100 puzzles in Crashmo Park, you'll unlock the B Challenges, which feature an additional 40 extra difficult puzzles.

    Solve all 100 puzzles in Crashmo Park. Level B Puzzles

    Contributed by: discoinferno84 

  5. Music Player

    Finish the 100th Crashmo, completing the story mode.

    Beat the game Music Player

    Contributed by: hooblashoo 

  6. Prototype Mode

    Beat Challenge 5 - 10 Prototype Challenges

    Contributed by: ChubbyMuffin77 

  7. Prototypes

    You unlock prototypes by clearing 70 levels.

    Clear 70 puzzles. Prototypes

    Contributed by: Plankton5165 

  8. Training Mode

    After you've completed twenty lessons in Crashmo Park, you'll unlock the Training option in Papa Blox's menu. This area contains dozens of extra puzzles that are not available otherwise.

    Complete twenty lessons in Crashmo Park. Training Mode

    Contributed by: discoinferno84