Cheats & Guides

Crazy Duck Hunter Cheats For PC

  1. Console Cheat Codes

    Press TAB while you are in the game to bring up the console. This will pause the game and will display the prompt: Input > At this prompt, type one of the console Commands, then press ENTER. NOTE: USING ANY CHEAT CODE MEANS YOU CANNOT SAVE A HIGH SCORE FOR THAT GAME.

    Effect Effect
    noduckhair (seems to do nothing?)
    iwantallweapons Allow use of all five weapons
    stopfreeze Cancel freeze mode (see above)
    icanflytoo Fly
    freeze Freeze ducks [allows multi-kill of same duck ;)]
    givemehealth Permanent 100% health
    showdebuginfo Show internal game info, used for debugging
    unlimitedammo Unlimited ammo for all available weapons

    Contributed by: cadinfo