Cheats & Guides

Creatures 3 Cheats For PC

  1. CAOS Command Cheats

    To enable the CAOS Command Line, press Ctrl+Shift+C. Some of these Cheats will work on Creatures: Docking Station.

    Effect Effect
    Scrp 2 24 4 1 mesg wrt+ ownr 12345 50 5 0 endm Allow Pickup activation by click
    setv game "c3_max_creatures" X rgam Change number of Creatures (Don't use with Docking Station!!!)
    setv game "c3_max_norns" X rgam Change number of Norns (Don't use with Docking Station!!!)
    Enable Debug Keys
    targ norn chem 125 1 Extends Lifespan (Doesn't reverse aging)
    Enum X X X kill targ next Kill all of a particular agent
    setv game "Bioenergy" 1000 Max out Bioenergy
    enum 2 24 4 mvto 760 770 next Move all the pick-ups to the Norn Terrarium
    Targ Norn Ages 1 Norn ages by 1
    Enum 4 0 0 vocb next Teach all Creatures all Language

    Contributed by: Amarth 

  2. Cheat Keys

    Press any of these keys to enable the cheat or option. Enabling Cheat Keys may be necessary in the CAOS Command.

    Effect Effect
    Shift + Home debug shortcut:Cycle through display resolutions
    Shift + Space debug shortcut:Force a tick even when debug paused
    Shift + Page Down debug shortcut:Move to next Metaroom
    Shift + Page Up debug shortcut:Move to previous Metaroom
    Shift + Pause debug shortcut:Perform debug pause. No ticking events sent.
    Shift + Insert debug shortcut:Toggles map line display
    Shift + Delete debug shortcut:Toggles object of attention box
    Shift + End debug shortcut:Toggles skeleton update speed (normal/double)
    Ctrl+Shift+F Disable AutoKill
    Ctrl+Shift+F In Wolfing Run Mode, enable's fast ticks (Time goes faster)
    Alt+Shift+Enter Toggle between windowed and fullscreen
    Ctrl+Shift+W Wolfing Run Mode

    Contributed by: Amarth 

Walkthroughs & FAQs

Type Name File Size
In-Depth FAQs Chemical List by Amarth 20K