Cheats & Guides
Crisis in the Kremlin Cheats For PC
Achievement Islam is the pillar of society Abu Dhar al-Ghifari Take the first step to communism As Marx Bequeathed Avoid NPP problems Better for Us Solve a "small problem" in the Ukrainian SSR Boom (level 1) Solve an "average problem" in the Ukrainian SSR Boom (level 2) Solve a "large problem" in the Ukrainian SSR Boom (level 3) Displace Gorbachev Checkmate Yeltsin shot, killed Democracy An interesting candidate for the post of President of the RF Democracy Has Worked Against Us Do it the way it should be Democracy Triumphed! Win as Brezhnev with leading conservatives fraction Developed Socialism Defeat NATO Divide by Zero Sell technologies and weapons to China; China is pro-soviet; Get an invasion of the Far East Et Tu, Brute? Playing as Sakharov - build a sharashka consisting of scientists Evil Twin Yakovlev is the second secretary; The liberal faction is in the lead; Western democracy; Market economy; Destroy NATO with this Fight Fire with Fire Make the whole world pro-soviet, and then destroy the USSR Genius He lead the Union of Sovereign States God Save the Tsar! Destroy the USSR in 1991 (Parade of Sovereignty) H for History Do as it should be done Historicism Break the signing of the union agreement History does Not Tolerate the Subjunctive Mood Win with all four activated difficulties Leader Win as reformer Loneliness Twice defeat Yeltsin in the elections as Vorotnikov Moremover Preserve the planned economy and win the presidential elections in the USSR Not a Step Back! Achieve a successful ending "Union of Soviet Sovereign Republics" Perestroika - the Continuation of the October Win in 1996 with a minimum number of republics in the USSR Pyrrhic Victory Join the GKCHP and win Salvation of the Drowning Have maximum amount republics in USSR Sozialistische Weltrepublik The economic growth: 100/100 Strong and United Put Trotsky's ashes into the Mausoleum Sworn Friends Achieve a successful ending "Union of Sovereign States" Take as Much Sovereignty as You Can Swallow Yeltsin supported the GKChP in exchange for a place in the GKChP, in the USSR the planned economy was preserved That's What We Wanted You To Think Supreme Council defeats President The Empire Strikes Back Reform the country in the western type and get NATO invasion (UN Peacekeeping Mission) The Market Decided Get the ending "Perestroika" The Right One Gorby Trump is a President and Mexico is pro-soviet The Wall is Our Goal! Today! Maximum loyalty of right and left wings both Two Chairs Get the nuclear ending We Will Bury You! Playing as GKCHP - return all countries into WPO Welcome... Again Get the final ending Zemshar Contributed by: Hardkoroff
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