Cheats & Guides
Crumbled World Cheats For PC
Steam Achievements
Achievement Win with 25 or more none wall towers on one map Army (10) Win on the map beginning on at least hard difficulty Beat Beginning (10) Win on the map Blocked path on at least hard difficulty Beat Blocked path (10) Win on the map Bridges on at least hard difficulty Beat Bridges (10) Win on the map Cabin on at least hard difficulty Beat Cabin (10) Win on the map Co-op CrossFire on at least hard difficulty Beat Co-op CrossFire (10) Win on the map Co-op Hub world on at least hard difficulty Beat Co-op Hub world (10) Win on the map Co-op Outpost on at least hard difficulty Beat Co-op Outpost (10) Win on the map Co-op Survival beginnings on at least hard difficulty Beat Co-op Survival beginnings (10) Win on the map Co-op Survival frontlines on at least hard difficulty Beat Co-op Survival frontlines (10) Win on the map Co-op The road on at least hard difficulty Beat Co-op The road (10) Win on the map Co-op The tiny road on at least hard difficulty Beat Co-op The tiny road (10) Win on the map Co-op Triworld on at least hard difficulty Beat Co-op TriWorld (10) Win on the map Crossroad on at least hard difficulty Beat Crossroad (10) Win on the map Divided on at least hard difficulty Beat Divided (10) Win on the map Dock on at least hard difficulty Beat Dock (10) Win on the map Expansion on at least hard difficulty Beat Expansion (10) Win on the map Intrusion on at least hard difficulty Beat Intrusion (10) Win on the map Long haul on at least hard difficulty Beat Long haul (10) Win on the map Mine on at least hard difficulty Beat Mine (10) Win on the map Nature on at least hard difficulty Beat Nature (10) Win on the map Paths on at least hard difficulty Beat Paths (10) Win on the map Plaza on at least hard difficulty Beat Plaza (10) Win on the map Repair station on at least hard difficulty Beat Repair station (10) Win on the map Rifted on at least hard difficulty Beat Rifted (10) Win on the map Spiral on at least hard difficulty Beat Spiral (10) Win on the map Square on at least hard difficulty Beat Square (10) Win on the map Stockpile on at least hard difficulty Beat Stockpile (10) Win on the map The end on at least hard difficulty Beat The end (10) Win on the map The line on at least hard difficulty Beat The line (10) Win on the map Town on at least hard difficulty Beat Town (10) Win on the map Train station on at least hard difficulty Beat Train station (10) Win any game with only blade and wall towers Blade purity (10) build 100 blade towers Blade tower (10) Kill 25 000 enemies Bloodbath (10) Boost towers 50 times during one game Boost (10) Boost a tower Boost that (10) Press the skip button during training mode Boring (10) With a single blow do more than 100,000 of damage Critical strike (10) Do a critical hit on a burning target Critical Strike (10) Win any game with only crossbow and wall towers Crossbow purity (10) Build 100 crossbow towers Crossbow tower (10) Destroy 100 watermelons Death to watermelons (10) Win with 5000 gold Easy victory (10) Upgrade Electric blade to level 3 Electric blade (10) Win any game with only electric and wall towers Electric purity (10) Upgrade quake towers electric attack to level 3 Electric storm (10) Build 100 electric towers Electric tower (10) Kill 10,000 with electricity Electrocuted (10) Beat wave 50 Endless (10) Upgrade missile fuel to level 3 Fire storm (10) Kill 1 enemy First blood (10) Unlock 1 ability in the shop First unlock (10) Beat any map with a crystal on insane, whitout losing any life Flawless (10) Kill 100 000 enemies Genocide (10) Win with 50,000 gold Glorious victory (10) With a single blow do more than 250,000 of damage Godly strike (10) Earn 5,000 gold from interest in a single game Greate investment (10) Unlock half the shop Half way (10) Have an enemy alive for 3min Hard to kill (10) Cut off one head and, ohh shit Hydra (10) Kill 5 enemies less than 5m from a crystal, in a single game I know what I am doing (10) Set ignore on an enemy and have him reach the crystal Ignore (10) Upgrade fire hitt damage to level 3 for swarm tower Instant burn damage (10) Earn 10,000 gold from interest in a single game Investing for the future (10) Kill a stone spirit Kill the stone (10) upgrade fuel to level 3 Long burn (10) Build 50 wall towers in one game Mad waller (10) Upgrade master blade to level 3 Master blade (10) Beat any map with training mode on insane difficulty Master in training (10) Beat any map with leveler mode on insane difficulty Master of leveling (10) Beat any map with survival mode on insane difficulty Master of survival (10) Beat any map with default mode on insane difficulty Master strategist (10) Buy every upgrade with one tower Max out blade tower (10) Buy every upgrade with one tower Max out crossbow tower (10) Buy every upgrade with one tower Max out electric tower (10) Buy every upgrade with one tower Max out missile tower (10) Buy every upgrade with one tower Max out quake tower (10) Buy every upgrade with one tower Max out swarm tower (10) Buy every upgrade with one tower Maxed out minigun tower (10) Upgrade missile blast to level 3 Maximum blast (10) Upgrade hard arrow to level 3 Maximum damage (10) Upgrade energy to level 3 Maximum energy (10) Upgrade range to level 3 Maximum range (10) Upgrade slow to level 3 for electric tower Maximum slow (10) Upgrade blade speed to level 3 Maximum speed (10) Win any game with only minigun and wall towers Minigun purity (10) Build 100 minigun towers Minigun tower (10) Damage a dino below 5% health, and have him heal back to full health Missed opportunity (10) Win any game with only missile and wall towers Missile purity (10) Play at 3x the speed for 5min continuously Not afraid of speed (10) Win a game and build all tower types One of everything (10) Have an enemy fall over the edge Over the edge (10) Have a blade hitt 30 enemies Perfect blade (10) Hitt atleast 15 with a single boosted boosted arrow Perfect crossbow boost (10) Have a missile hit 25 enemies Perfect Missile (10) Have a quake tower hitt 30 enemies with one slam Perfect Slam (10) Link 2 electric towers with each other Power grid (10) Win without selling a tower Pre planning (10) Win a game with only level 3 towers Prioritized towers (10) Win any game with only quake and wall towers Quake purity (10) Build 100 quake towers Quake tower (10) Lets try again Restart (10) Have atleast 100 000 gold avaiable at end of a map Rich (10) Sell 5 towers in one game Seller (10) Have a electric tower send 10.000 energy to other towers Sharing is caring (10) Remove a shield from the enemy with a blade Shield smasher (10) Buy everything in the shop Shoping done (10) Kill a reaper before it has time to spawn anything Shutdown (10) Win a game with only level 1 towers Simplicity (10) Beate wave 20 with only 5 towers Simplicity (10) Earn 1,000 gold from interest in a single game Small investment (10) Kill an enemy under a forcefield Sneaky (10) Win any game with only swarm and wall towers Swarm purity (10) Build 100 swarm towers Swarm tower (10) Restart 100 times Testing is learing (10) Have 12 swarm balls active for 1 tower The swarm (10) Restart a single map 5 times This time it will work (10) Beat wave 100 Timeless (10) Stop the minecart less than 1m from the edge To close (10) Kill 10,000 with fire Toasty (10) Kill an enemy that is marked,slowed and burning Unity (10) Win a game where the mine cart was not even touched Untouchable (10) Upgrade a tower to level 3 Upgrader (10) Upgrade quake towers fire attack to level 3 Wall of fire (10) Upgrade quake towers fire crit attack to level 3 Wall of fire crit (10) Build 1000 wall towers Wall tower (10) Upgrade mark of death to level 3 Weaken (10) Contributed by: Eevee-Trainer
Crumbled World Cheats For Linux
Steam Achievements
Achievement Win with 25 or more none wall towers on one map Army (10) Win on the map beginning on at least hard difficulty Beat Beginning (10) Win on the map Blocked path on at least hard difficulty Beat Blocked path (10) Win on the map Bridges on at least hard difficulty Beat Bridges (10) Win on the map Cabin on at least hard difficulty Beat Cabin (10) Win on the map Co-op CrossFire on at least hard difficulty Beat Co-op CrossFire (10) Win on the map Co-op Hub world on at least hard difficulty Beat Co-op Hub world (10) Win on the map Co-op Outpost on at least hard difficulty Beat Co-op Outpost (10) Win on the map Co-op Survival beginnings on at least hard difficulty Beat Co-op Survival beginnings (10) Win on the map Co-op Survival frontlines on at least hard difficulty Beat Co-op Survival frontlines (10) Win on the map Co-op The road on at least hard difficulty Beat Co-op The road (10) Win on the map Co-op The tiny road on at least hard difficulty Beat Co-op The tiny road (10) Win on the map Co-op Triworld on at least hard difficulty Beat Co-op TriWorld (10) Win on the map Crossroad on at least hard difficulty Beat Crossroad (10) Win on the map Divided on at least hard difficulty Beat Divided (10) Win on the map Dock on at least hard difficulty Beat Dock (10) Win on the map Expansion on at least hard difficulty Beat Expansion (10) Win on the map Intrusion on at least hard difficulty Beat Intrusion (10) Win on the map Long haul on at least hard difficulty Beat Long haul (10) Win on the map Mine on at least hard difficulty Beat Mine (10) Win on the map Nature on at least hard difficulty Beat Nature (10) Win on the map Paths on at least hard difficulty Beat Paths (10) Win on the map Plaza on at least hard difficulty Beat Plaza (10) Win on the map Repair station on at least hard difficulty Beat Repair station (10) Win on the map Rifted on at least hard difficulty Beat Rifted (10) Win on the map Spiral on at least hard difficulty Beat Spiral (10) Win on the map Square on at least hard difficulty Beat Square (10) Win on the map Stockpile on at least hard difficulty Beat Stockpile (10) Win on the map The end on at least hard difficulty Beat The end (10) Win on the map The line on at least hard difficulty Beat The line (10) Win on the map Town on at least hard difficulty Beat Town (10) Win on the map Train station on at least hard difficulty Beat Train station (10) Win any game with only blade and wall towers Blade purity (10) build 100 blade towers Blade tower (10) Kill 25 000 enemies Bloodbath (10) Boost towers 50 times during one game Boost (10) Boost a tower Boost that (10) Press the skip button during training mode Boring (10) With a single blow do more than 100,000 of damage Critical strike (10) Do a critical hit on a burning target Critical Strike (10) Win any game with only crossbow and wall towers Crossbow purity (10) Build 100 crossbow towers Crossbow tower (10) Destroy 100 watermelons Death to watermelons (10) Win with 5000 gold Easy victory (10) Upgrade Electric blade to level 3 Electric blade (10) Win any game with only electric and wall towers Electric purity (10) Upgrade quake towers electric attack to level 3 Electric storm (10) Build 100 electric towers Electric tower (10) Kill 10,000 with electricity Electrocuted (10) Beat wave 50 Endless (10) Upgrade missile fuel to level 3 Fire storm (10) Kill 1 enemy First blood (10) Unlock 1 ability in the shop First unlock (10) Beat any map with a crystal on insane, whitout losing any life Flawless (10) Kill 100 000 enemies Genocide (10) Win with 50,000 gold Glorious victory (10) With a single blow do more than 250,000 of damage Godly strike (10) Earn 5,000 gold from interest in a single game Greate investment (10) Unlock half the shop Half way (10) Have an enemy alive for 3min Hard to kill (10) Cut off one head and, ohh shit Hydra (10) Kill 5 enemies less than 5m from a crystal, in a single game I know what I am doing (10) Set ignore on an enemy and have him reach the crystal Ignore (10) Upgrade fire hitt damage to level 3 for swarm tower Instant burn damage (10) Earn 10,000 gold from interest in a single game Investing for the future (10) Kill a stone spirit Kill the stone (10) upgrade fuel to level 3 Long burn (10) Build 50 wall towers in one game Mad waller (10) Upgrade master blade to level 3 Master blade (10) Beat any map with training mode on insane difficulty Master in training (10) Beat any map with leveler mode on insane difficulty Master of leveling (10) Beat any map with survival mode on insane difficulty Master of survival (10) Beat any map with default mode on insane difficulty Master strategist (10) Buy every upgrade with one tower Max out blade tower (10) Buy every upgrade with one tower Max out crossbow tower (10) Buy every upgrade with one tower Max out electric tower (10) Buy every upgrade with one tower Max out missile tower (10) Buy every upgrade with one tower Max out quake tower (10) Buy every upgrade with one tower Max out swarm tower (10) Buy every upgrade with one tower Maxed out minigun tower (10) Upgrade missile blast to level 3 Maximum blast (10) Upgrade hard arrow to level 3 Maximum damage (10) Upgrade energy to level 3 Maximum energy (10) Upgrade range to level 3 Maximum range (10) Upgrade slow to level 3 for electric tower Maximum slow (10) Upgrade blade speed to level 3 Maximum speed (10) Win any game with only minigun and wall towers Minigun purity (10) Build 100 minigun towers Minigun tower (10) Damage a dino below 5% health, and have him heal back to full health Missed opportunity (10) Win any game with only missile and wall towers Missile purity (10) Play at 3x the speed for 5min continuously Not afraid of speed (10) Win a game and build all tower types One of everything (10) Have an enemy fall over the edge Over the edge (10) Have a blade hitt 30 enemies Perfect blade (10) Hitt atleast 15 with a single boosted boosted arrow Perfect crossbow boost (10) Have a missile hit 25 enemies Perfect Missile (10) Have a quake tower hitt 30 enemies with one slam Perfect Slam (10) Link 2 electric towers with each other Power grid (10) Win without selling a tower Pre planning (10) Win a game with only level 3 towers Prioritized towers (10) Win any game with only quake and wall towers Quake purity (10) Build 100 quake towers Quake tower (10) Lets try again Restart (10) Have atleast 100 000 gold avaiable at end of a map Rich (10) Sell 5 towers in one game Seller (10) Have a electric tower send 10.000 energy to other towers Sharing is caring (10) Remove a shield from the enemy with a blade Shield smasher (10) Buy everything in the shop Shoping done (10) Kill a reaper before it has time to spawn anything Shutdown (10) Win a game with only level 1 towers Simplicity (10) Beate wave 20 with only 5 towers Simplicity (10) Earn 1,000 gold from interest in a single game Small investment (10) Kill an enemy under a forcefield Sneaky (10) Win any game with only swarm and wall towers Swarm purity (10) Build 100 swarm towers Swarm tower (10) Restart 100 times Testing is learing (10) Have 12 swarm balls active for 1 tower The swarm (10) Restart a single map 5 times This time it will work (10) Beat wave 100 Timeless (10) Stop the minecart less than 1m from the edge To close (10) Kill 10,000 with fire Toasty (10) Kill an enemy that is marked,slowed and burning Unity (10) Win a game where the mine cart was not even touched Untouchable (10) Upgrade a tower to level 3 Upgrader (10) Upgrade quake towers fire attack to level 3 Wall of fire (10) Upgrade quake towers fire crit attack to level 3 Wall of fire crit (10) Build 1000 wall towers Wall tower (10) Upgrade mark of death to level 3 Weaken (10) Contributed by: Eevee-Trainer
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