Cheats & Guides

Cursery: The Crooked Man and the Crooked Cat Cheats For PC

  1. Achievements

    Solve the first Hidden Object Game without skipping Amateur Sleuth
    Solve the Burning Heart Puzzle without skipping Ashes to Ashes
    Find all the Cursed Objects in the game Champion Collector
    You saved Amely Gallant Hero
    Solve the Bunnies and Wolves Puzzle without skipping Hare Today, Gone Tomorrow
    Solve the Burning Flower Puzzle without skipping Hearts Ablaze
    Solve the Grandfather Clock Puzzle without skipping Hickory Dickory Dock
    Solve the Habitat Puzzle without skipping Home Sweet Home
    The Doll's head falls off Laugh Your Head Off
    Solve the Lamb Puzzle without skipping Mary Had a Little Lamb
    Finish the Main Story without skipping and using hints Master Adventurer
    Solve the Angel Mural Puzzle without skipping On the Side of Angels
    Solve the Coin Puzzle without skipping Penny for Your Thoughts
    Solve the Riddle Puzzle without skipping That was a Crooked Man...
    Solve the Sheep Puzzle without skipping The Great Shepherd
    Solve the Lion and Unicorn Puzzle without skipping The Lion and the Unicorn
    Solve the Magic Circle Puzzle without skipping The Magic Circle
    Solve the Moon Cycle Puzzle without skipping The Man in the Moon
    Finish the Collector's Edition Bonus Game The Ultimate Survivor
    Solve the Three Blind Mice Puzzle without skipping Three Blind Mice
    Solve the Treehouse Puzzle without skipping To the Treehouse We Go
    Solve the Mermaid Puzzle without skipping Under the Sea
    Solve the Zodiac Puzzle without skipping Written in the Stars
    Solve the Duck Puzzle without skipping You Have All Yours Ducks in a Row
    Solve the Image Matching Puzzle without skipping You've Met Your Match

    Contributed by: Hardkoroff