Cheats & Guides

Dance Maniax 2nd Mix Cheats For Arcade Games

  1. Marathon Mode

    Insert Credits and Hold "Right Arrow" and press "Start".

    Then, choose whether you want "Single," "Center," or "Double."

    After you do that, it will prompt you to choose "Course," "Music Select," or "Internet Ranking".

    Press "Right Arrow" until it shows "Marathon Mode."

    Marathon Mode is a (seemingly) endless mode. As long as you do good, you can keep playing.

    Contributed by: aguywithabroom 

  2. Edit Gameplay

    Please do the following:

    Effect Effect
    To edit your gameplay, insert your credits and then hold > and press Start. You will now get choose various modes and options such as the ability to play center, hidden, sudden, change speed, play 1st and 2nd Mix songs, etc.

    Contributed by: Shin Star 

Walkthroughs & FAQs

Type Name File Size
General FAQs FAQ by Lord Odin Zed 15K